Anyone here actually enjoying the game?

I’ll tell you what I’m sick of; getting the same gddmn maps over and over. I know they’ve got more than three of them, and I am 100% sick of Marble Quarry and Volcano over and over. I swear to God, EVERY time I log on, the first map is always Marble Quarry.

Is that just a PVP thing? I don’t recall having this issue when I do Patrols, but any time I log onto PV it’s gddmn Marble Quarry. It’s my new Sector Ex. I used to get that one over and over, now it’s Marble Quarry.

I’m simply not going to play that map ever again. I will bail on the schit from now on. Totally done with it. FU, Marble Quarry…end rant.

Ok monkey, your the expert. What’s your definition of skills, and how they apply to the game?

I think he’s saying that the goal of the game is to have fun, so it doesn’t really matter how you define “skill”.
I think I’m “skilled” at making cars that look cool to me and are fun to drive. That gives me pleasure in the game. Monkey thinks he is skilled at designing meta builds and playing competitively, and that’s what gives him pleasure. Lexi thinks they are skilled at making functional art builds and playing against meta builds. Some people think they are great at landing long distance cannon shots, while others take pride in hunting snipers with sneaky dog builds.

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For so long we were forced to play CW on that Quarry map, Imagine playing Levis on that thing, what a clown show. Maybe they’ll remove it from missions too if we’re lucky.

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100% this. Crossout has so many things to do that you can’t define success/skill with one mode or metric.

K/D for example is only one version of success/skill in this game. Many people that play don’t even consider this stat as a real judge of anything because it counts assists and PvE modes like patrol. BUT with that being said we have some guys that hyper focus on this stat and if that is their version of success/skill then Awesome man! More power to you. Do whatever makes you keep clicking that play button.

Another person might consider success/skill being competitive modes like Confrontation/CW games. (For example I scored 3013pt solo the other day in Confrontation 4vs4 and was pretty excited about that, but some people hate the mode and don’t care about that stat) Getting Relics and playing META is some peoples goal in this game and even to get a relic build is a huge accomplishment for some people. They don’t have to be in Diamond or first place to “play with their toys” and have fun.

Then you might have someone that is into raids. They are going to have different goals to be skilled/successful - I personally don’t play raids (unless I’m forced to by the game) so I’m not sure what kind of goals a raid player has. But just like the above examples this player is “playing with their toys” in a different way, but that does not make them wrong or any less successful/skilled. It’s just not a skill set I’m personally interested in.

Their are many examples - like someone might be trying to be high on the “Best of all time builders list” (I’m currently 8th on Xbox). Some people don’t even build or care about this stat. I personally do care about this rating so I use my “skills” to play with my toys in a different way. That don’t make me any better then someone that copies and pasted a build and plays that - they play with their toys the way they want to.

Everyone has a different version of what entertainment is. But you have many people that will try and make people feel bad or feel like they are not playing the game the right way just because they don’t play the game the way they do. I can be the better man and admit I still struggle with this from time to time.

If you finish first place in CW then awesome! GG!
Just don’t be a jerk and act like everyone else is trash.

If you have a super high KD - then congrats! GG.
But… same as above.

If you finish high ranked in an event.
If you just hang out in bedlam.
If you are an art car builder.
If you made 500k on the market.
If you finally got all the rare items in the game.

In many games “skill” is only based on killing, but that is the only things those games have. Killing people is only part of XO and I think many people transfer that from other games to XO.

Also many other games are about level progression to get whatever level is max to be successful/skilled - XO can be played at any PS and is not one of these types of games. Many people (including myself) bring this baggage with them from other games and try to dump it on this community. Being top PS might be someone’s version of success and that is awesome, but everyone else is playing with their toys just fine if they don’t play high PS.

These concepts I have struggled with over the years of playing XO - I have been one of those jerks and I’m sure I still am from time to time, BUT I do “try” my best to keep all of this in mind and support everyone. Sometimes I need a nudge in the right direction.


This is me, Racecar art builds, about the only thing I’m good at.


I used to look down on people who downloaded meta builds, and even a bit on people that only play CW. I try not to do that anymore, because one of the best parts of this game is that everyone can play it their own way.
Also, human diversity is good!


Awesome man. I think a lot of guys here like building more then anything.

I don’t consider myself an art builder even though I do try and make my builds look good. I normally focus on META (confrontation/CW/LW) builds. I like to have builds that everyone else is copy and pasting into game. I love to go into a match and look at the cars on the battlefield and be like “I built his car, that guy has a modified version of one of my old builds, that’s my car too…”.

Im the builder everyone loves and hates at the same time. I get a lot of messages - some are like “thanks for uploading that build monkey!” And other messages are like “why do you post those builds for everyone to download, you should keep them to yourself” and my personal favorite is “F@&$ing META trash builder with everyone coping and pasting your builds. Get good noob!”

One good thing about being an “art” builder is I think they have better chances of getting votes. Out of the top ten on Xbox I would say that 7 of them are art builders.

This was something I used to struggle with as well when I played top 10 for 3 years. I was only producing ultra high PS CW builds and dismissed all the art builders as trash builders. But that was only an issue with me. It was one of those times where I too thought “if you don’t play with your toys the same way I do, then you suck.” I was wrong, those art builders are also highly skilled. It’s just a different skill.


Played PVP for a couple hours last night and only got “Marble Quarry” once, and didn’t get “Volcano” at all…I’m all better now.

IDK what was up with the game earlier that afternoon, but I certainly am able to enjoy the game more when I get a variety of maps for PVP.

Still, I’d like more maps, please. The Crossout universe seems awfully small.

For me it doing well, with my hot rods.
Most people would be toast in my rides.

What’s not fun is this.

To have a win lose record like this.

While trying to compete the daily cannon challenges.
The bots won the match for the clan. Now how can I not feel cheated, so the clan can get their resources.
I have been playing for 7 years now. I used to make videos of the cool stuff that happened in the game, but about two years ago, stupid stuff like this started to happen a lot.
Now I got hours of video like this.
Now the reason I single monkey out, is his attitude is a solo player shouldn’t be in PvP he should only play the PvE, and his meta should beat me no matter if my skills are superior to his. And I believe the focus on the clans is reason the game doesn’t have more players.
You got to get your tattoo if you want uranium, so you can build relics.

Then you don’t know me very well.
I have played solo for the last 1 1/2 years or so.

And I only play builds I make.

I play it daily, Sometimes a take a break if i feel the season isnt the best. I always come back to crossout.

  • Like I like the Clan Confrontation,
  • I feel now the Engineer badges are at a good place now getting them in both Clan Confrontation & Solo.
  • They have season passes come out one right after another,
  • They improved the Badge Exchange Crates that needed to be done for ever.
  • We have a vey nice amount of building parts in the game.
  • A good amount of weapons / hardware / movement parts in the game now.


  1. CROSSPLAY needed to happen like when Crossout Supercharged 2.0 update came out. It been needed for consoles a long time.
  2. Awakening (Adventure mode) need a heart and soul in the game. Feels very pointless after you unlocked the weapons. Maybe blue cosmetic crate for world event wins or 75 fuel or 80 Engraved Casings
  3. Invasion need to give better resources every hour change to the following, (Wires, Batteries, Plastic, Electronics,) with a plus 15% or 20% more resources then other battles.

invasion should be wires or higher…

I agree awakening needs to be expanded even if the script is lacking.

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Before the last update I played every day and weekend, I completed the daily challenges, the weekly ones, the raids, and awakening now I continue to play less than a couple of hours a day completing only the daily patrol challenges and consuming petrol in raids.
I no longer follow the rewards as they are unfair.
Sometimes I try pvp but when I see that MM sucks I close XO and go elsewhere.

Yes, but it’s just because they are piss off of game, that don’t like to say they hate the game or forum, they are just deluse of it. (i am too)

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toxic! consoles have many players and everything is fine! i have like 1s avg queue time.

He is a live member - but everything is fine on Xbox.

I don’t know you at all, all I know you by, is your posts. Like the fact that, you’re not a solo player, you’re in a clan. I know this because of the conversations we’ve had, and this is how your able to build your relics.
I know you believe that solo players shouldn’t have access to uranium, because it would ruin your end game, your words to me, when we were discussing giving uranium to solo players having to face off against clans.
Now I think you misunderstood me when I said PvE or something might called it wrong, but I ment was player versus environment, so I was talking about raids.
I only play what build as well, I don’t play modes were you play against everyone in something the game picks for you.
If you want advocate for the clans that’s fine, but my argument remains the same.
By focusing all on the clans and shunning the solo player is what keeps this game from having 80000 players to 8000 a day.
Which would really make the game awesome, because you would have plenty of clans to play with and I would have plenty of solo players to play with.

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I have not spoken to or played with a single clan member in over a year.

I’m a solo player my friend, and I no longer play clan wars. I only solo que UltraHigh PS PvP missions and Confrontation. That’s it.

Playing solo with tags should be a pretty simple concept to understand.

But, can you get back on topic? I don’t think this topic is about me? Is it?

I would enjoy this game more if it didn’t lag like it’s drunk of cheap rusky vodka, darn the game laggy as all hell today and unplayable, unlike even yesterday when it was semi-laggy and before that for a while with no lag. I think the devs are doing a new secret circle jerk… I mean update and too incompetent to do so without lagging there game!