Anyone here actually enjoying the game?

I enjoy it less and less as time goes on. At first when I started to really get into this game I’d rate it an 8/10. Then supercharged happened and it’s now a 7/10. Then the armor changes, 6/10. Now with this confrontation update it feels like a 5/10 game so I am looking forward to the next few changes because honestly once it gets to 4/10 or 3/10 I can stop playing the game, I already feel like wanting to quit playing the game every othr day, which sucks because I am finally starting to have a nice enough inventory, that took years to acquire, yet they keep making the game worse to the point that no matter how many toys I have I can’t justify playing this pile of crap

I’ve already amassed 8000 coins out of not feeling like trying out new weapons and combinations and new builds, they suck and I don’t like the meta weapons that are way more effective than anything else. Tomorrow I’ll be able to get a mandrake fused out of lighters so I can play drake/heather gameplay as a change of pace but I already know it too will suck and not be able to compete with the machinegunminigunautocannon meta.

I like single shot type weapons but can’t afford the only one that seems to work, scorpion. I hate machineguns and miniguns and really don’t want to play hold the mouse on the enemy and have a seizure on the keyboard so your guns aren’t being shot off, while your opponent does the exact same thing. Feels like these days I only have two options, play the builds I want to play and do so poorly with them that I do not have fun, or play the overly effective builds, and not have fun because I don’t like the kind of gameplay they offer. Either way I am not having fun while the game screams at me to pump money into it at every point and turn like some kind of a greedy mongoloid coin goblin.

It just keeps getting worse and there will be a point when it’ll be too much to take

Dude you made this about you long before we ever had our first conversation, and as far as clan goes you played in a clan you’ve earned uranium, and built relics, you still carry a clan tag your clan.
But I agree back on topic seems a common theme in this thread that people are weaning themselves off of this game because the fun is dying.
A big reason is the small player base, so people get play with the same people as over and over again.
Now monkey you have your relics.
Let me show you what have after 7 years of playing

Most of it is junk I don’t use, but I can’t sell it’s all fused, because people like you whine that a person shouldn’t be able to compete unless everything is fused.
Before, I could build, sell, buy, my way to a relic.
Now the price of relics have quadrupled, and fused equipment is 0 accumulated wealth
This is what drives solo and casual players from the game.

Your example of human ignorance is spot on.

If people fuse all their low end gear before they get a high-end build complete then that is their mistake.

The fastest way I have seen anyone in this game get gear is to focus on one competitive build from the start, then use that build to earn the next build and so on. Lucky thing for everyone is that the first competitive build you need to focus on is only 9k. This was not the case for years. Then you can move on the a CW Build (your first one will do just fine with Yellow gear - news flash: you doing need full relic teams to win in CWs - most these lower clans don’t know how to play CWs)

Focusing on one build at start was been a common suggestion in this game from the start. It’s not my fault most people can’t set realistic goals and think for themselves.

I have been tossing around the idea of buying a PS5 and playing in Pooney Clans to show how someone that only plays an hour or two a day and with minimal cash (maybe like $20-$50) can have huge success in this game in a very short time.

I’m not sure I really have time for something like that. But it would be a fun thing to show people.

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Yup, no luck there, the kind of dual mandrake gameplay I had fun with back in the better crossout is not achievable in the current state of the game, and I don’t want to play the small tiny hugging the map build that runs around trying to get lucky shots, rather than being a big hulking piece of artillery that moves slow but delivers tons of damage. And we all know how well slow builds with non-dps weaponry do in this game no matter what ps

Oh well, at least I have a mandrake to pair up with something rather than just a heather now, if I want to attempt to have any fun with some whacky support weapon combination build and not have any fun in the end

Heavy slow versions of the Mandrake builds were never good.

Unless we are talking about the giant 12-16 hover mega mandrake floating fortresses that we had before the original years and years ago hover nerf.

The only other time I remember Mandrakes being really good when they were slow was frontal firing slant builds. Which was also nerfed.

Besides that small fast mandrakes have always been best. Their literally is no advantage to having a heavy slow Mandrake build and there never was.

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back in the 8 energy days with Omnibox being the only reload boosting cab, hot red still offering reload boost, bigfoots at the front smaller wheels at the back so the front is raised, very founders looking builds in general

They were pretty nice, in general the game was more stationary making support artillery be possible, these days it’s just rushing blindly left and right, and the only mandrake hindering map was the Sector EX

These days even at 7 energy they don’t feel like they’re just as good and that’s some skill on the developers.

Oh yeah I forgot all about front facing mandrakes, those things were brutal and were nerfed as fast as possible because “It made the part perform way better than it should” while sideways hovers were a thing and used acelerate/reverse to zigzag in place much faster than side to side strafing, performing at strafing much better than the hovers were intended to strafe, which the developers were ok with for years

This quote is the key.

So ask yourself this. Was the Mandrake build good because it was heavy and slow? Or the fact that the Meta was slower and people stayed in one place longer?

Heavy and slow mandrake was never good even at this point in time. I do remember the time your talking about. Was it better? Sure, no one was moving. The fact is the fast version was even better then becuase you could ran around and take up new positions and kill people easier.


See once again it’s about what you do and not about what the majority of gamers do.
And what I’m not supposed to be competitive till I can afford fused weapons? And then what happens when they decide that weapon is overpowered and they nerf it into uselessness.
Now if you want get a ps5 and pretend to be a solo player fine. Here’s the rules.
You only get to play with poony 10% of the matches, and that’s generous because I see poony maybe 3 times a month.
You don’t get to communicate with nobody because you’re a solo player, and matches aren’t micked.
And then you need to tell everyone what you ps5 name is so everyone knows that you’re an ace player so clans will know to focus on you, because it’s small gaming community and everyone knows who you are.
And you will still have the advantage of watching all those YouTube videos, but it would be close enough.
So you think you up to that challenge.
I’m from a state in the USA called Missouri, our moto is show me, so show me.

I never play with a mic, and none of the people in my clan are social, so if Monkey makes a PlayStation account it will be easy to make him stick to your rules.

But I also predict he won’t even be tempted to cheat. It just wouldn’t make any real difference in how fast he could grind, so why bother?

I hope he does make a PlayStation account, as I am actually very curious how quickly a competitive-minded player could progress. I suspect it will be very quickly in the current state of the game, with his knowledge about what mistakes to not repeat.

Edit: I also hope he does because I know he’ll actually play confrontation mode enough to help the clan unlock more challenges. So far most of the people I’ve recruited haven’t been playing much of that mode.

No, mostly regular 8v8 matches. Only Clan Wars I do is Confrontation, and there are currently only 2 people in my clan, so we never advance far. So while I might do better than average solo-queuing my non-meta builds with randos on both teams, I get completely stomped when the game decides to match me against a 4-player meta team with mics.

I am bottom of the barrel for Clan Wars on PC. I’m too casual of a player to worry about Clan Wars. Maybe some day I’ll give it a whirl, but I prefer playing my own builds rather than meta builds, and that is the biggest barrier for me when it comes to Clan Wars.

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He is explaining the exact way that I play on Xbox Already, except he assumed that I would even play 10% of the time with clan mates.

Peoples obsession with coming to the forum to talk about me is flattering, so if they want some more info about my current game play:

  1. I never play in groups
  2. I only play PvP missions and Confrontation solo
  3. I do not play PvE
  4. I don’t get on the mic (I talked to DarthStall here on the forum one time in the last year and that’s it)

I know you understand Pooney, but it amazes me how many dudes don’t understand how someone can have tags and play solo. I personally find it an easy concept to understand.

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When you “play” against hovers and Kapkans, no.

In those scenarios, if you can’t move you are not “playing” but you are someone else’s plaything.

And when hovers can dance around you and move in crazy directions to avoid your 1 shot per 10 seconds, again you are not “playing” you are someone else’s plaything.

No I’m not. I did it the hard way from the start of the game man. I wish I would have focused from the start, it might have saved me a year of my life.

I talking about how someone “should” do it if their goal is a lot of gear fast.

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You sound like xo is your life… bruh…


Not really, but if you would like to continue the topic about me then I would suggest you start another thread.

We already had at least one, recently :smile: :smile: :smile: you didn’t dare to show up there.
Just pointing out this obsession… It’s like most time people talk xo you don’t talk game but how you like your position in it.


No one can talk about anything but their own position in the game.

I approach it very differently from Monkey, so many of the things he cares about mean nothing to me. And the things you care about also mean nothing to me.

All we have is our experiences, and we all have very different collections of experiences that form the way we see everything that happens to us.

If kapkans are giving you a hard time, get an Argus or an interceptor, or play some meatgrinder builds. You don’t have to be a victim to them if you plan ahead.
Similarly, if hovers are too fast and giving you a hard time, try playing some fast wheeled close range builds and go hover hunting. Melee/flamethrowers/shotguns can all make quick work of those nimble hovers, assuming you can sneak up on them.

If all else fails, try playing the types of builds that kill you, and you will quickly discover their weaknesses.

If not for guys like that we could have all agreed on fact that game is crap and focus on technicalities. Rather each time we have someone rushing in on each problem talking “look it’s all good, I got everything grinded and having good time picking on some seals in CW on different platform, you all should be cool, do what I did, or something… whatever”


I am confident that we would still disagree on that whether Monkey was here or not.
I mean, I don’t approach the game anything like he does, but I do agree with him that the game is what you make it. Do the things you like, ignore the things you don’t like. If you’re not having fun, do something else.
If someone is having a meltdown on the forum about something I have some experience with, I’m going to try to help them. But usually people here don’t actually want help, they just want to vent.