Athena needs nerf

I’m not saying it’s a favorable match up, lol.

I guess I’m crazy enough to enjoy cyclones better over all.
Plus I’m pretty aggressive, I’m not having a fair battle with an Athena.

The truth is, it depends on the map. On Desert Valley, Ships Graveyard and Bridge, I smack the crud out of Athenas. I play Harpy GE Omni, and I don’t sit around waiting for the Athenas to duck their way close to me to have a comfortable matchup but am constantly shifting away from them when I run into them.

Also, everyone else is on Cyclones, and I generally tag and motion for teammates to focus down the Athena first.


Depends on more than just the map, such as just being at and staying at the right angle can deny them from firing both weapons at the same time. Similarly for short and medium range combatants, how much is your closing distance and are they within optimal range… Many of the times I’ve lost is because I’m outside this range trying to chase them. Many of times that I’ve won have been with the first condition active.

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Me too. Cyclones are really fun for skirmishing and harassing. I drive around and see if I can get some shots on enemies. I can also concentrate fire on a single enemy if I sense that there are no immediate threats nearby.


Exactly, people act like all battles are 1vs1.

When I get serious and play to win, I’m trying to take advantage of people being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I love putting 2k+ damage into someone side or back while they are engaging someone else, then by the time they notice they are being attack by two people (because the have tunnel vision forward) they are pretty much dead, if not already toast depending on PS of cars.

I’m not trying to have fair duals with people in PvP :slight_smile:


There’s no such thing as a fair fight. I do my best to try to stack the odds in my favor.


I guess people haven’t noticed the red damage directional indicator that appears when getting shot at lol.

I refuse to believe I’m old now, so everything will be relative to the year 2000 for the rest of my life. Therefor Golden Eye is only 3 years old. It’s not that old.


Lol yeah man, it goes by in a flash.

Yeah I can. The game deciding fight is a 1v1 between the two most dangerous players. It may be a 1v1 where one strikes with surprise for a cheap shot, but both enemies are well aware that there is a mutual hunt and they know their enemy. Cheapshotting some player oblivious to your name doesn’t suggest that their Athenas aren’t absurdly overpowered.

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Yeah, I’ll stop reading here.

This is a team based game and play styles make all the difference.

Its a team based game but there is always going to be a critical 1v1 fight that decides the game where both players know who their enemy is. Whoever wins that fight wins the game for their team as their team no longer has to deal with a monster build that can win 1v1s. Athenas are the absolute best builds in this regards. They got the range to deal with long range builds in most of the map area on every map. They have the burst damage to strip weapons in one click, they have the DPS to overwhelm shotgun builds and dogs. They heat targets to buff all incoming fire on an enemy. They are hitscan so everybody can do extremely well with them. They have a huge amount of HP for being as small and narrow as they are frontally; they are the size of spectres.

Keep cupping your hands on your ears with your elbows over your eyes though.

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An Athena built not dealt with easily has enough going for it to outmatch your entire team in nearly every niche with less skill requirement.

This tends to be random though outside of CW or lW(what ever they are calling it)… You’re normally dealing with eye visualization of a few seconds on the incoming threat.

My point is that there are ‘boss’ builds in this game that will have the capability to wipe the floor with every player on the enemy team. The “team” support player with whatever generic weapon is never going to fight a boss player on their own, they will lose, every time. Athenas are completely overpowered when played by ‘boss’ players. You cannot reliably deal with them over many games with anything that is not an Athena if they are a skilled player that anticipates your name on the load screen. Kill some power player/whale several games in a row, mop their team, and watch them change their entire strategy or even build just to deal with you specifically. If this player uses Athenas its GGs for you, log off lmao because you’d be lucky to beat them once in 10 games. They won’t let you snipe or dog them after they are privy to you.

Claysdad seems to think that these astraeus and dog players are numerous or potent enough to deal with the plague of Athenas in Confrontation, and that they are bots that can just be reliably cheesed like some dumb AI with a cheeky snipe or lance/fire attack when they are anything but, which is why I listed no backstab kills on oblivious targets when requesting a clip. That is akin to cheesing a poorly coded AI boss when this is a competitive pvp game.

Athenas are such a plague on the game, the game literally revolves around them since they dominate Confrontation and you have to play that mode for badges now. Its such insufferable P2W I uninstalled and shelled out 60 bucks for Armored Core 6. I got tired of having to play twice as good at them to deal with them every single game in missions and confrontation


This game is designed to effectively squeeze players’ wallets. Until you have Athena you will suffer. And when Athena is worn out, an update will come with a new p2w weapon more powerful than Athena and it will be new.

Therefore, I recommend avoiding such games where you can buy weapons for real money.

A person who has a family with children will probably not put thousands into the game. And nidky will not enjoy such a game. :vulcan_salute:

I bought mine for (irrc) 4.5k each during the BP while the market was flooded and people thought they sucked. I haven’t really played them much. Maybe I should sell them.

Yeah got mine for about 6k each, literally 3-4 of us got them in our friend group and we couldn’t believe how nobody was sucking up these seemingly OP weapons… A hitscan, energy, heating, explosive weapon with medium range but learning to slow down to use it accurately was way too hard for our inbred community.

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