Ban people with friends from my multiplayer game please, they are cheating

I have lackluster social skills and keep getting rolled over by premade groups, it’s literally cheating. Fix this Targem!


but really here’s a couple topics on this already…

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My social skills prevent me from interacting with others in their threads :pensive: :point_right: :point_left:

disclaimer: I am poking fun at people with social anxiety because I like poking fun at myself, so don’t cancel me please (^%.


If you don’t like playing against squads, I recommend plastic raids. The payout is far higher than PVP and the win rate is 100 percent.


You do realize this is a joke thread right?


people that have “friends” are just gang overlords using Crossout to make themselves feel better. BAN THEM! No gangs should be allowed in crossout! Did you know that “Clan” is just another word for gang?? yeah! look it up!! This needs to be stopped! Targem! DO. YOUR. JOB.

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Your continuing the joke right?

I can’t tell anymore… I’m not sure people get it.




:joy: What have I done?

Thx @DarthStall for offering a solution (somewhat… if my problem was the grind)

So, to clarify, I enjoy multiplayer team games, always played them solo. The recent influx of “remove groups from PvP/X event/yada yada” makes me wonder… Why play a team game if you’re bothered by… people playing in team?
You all have a minimap, a chat, a horn and pings available, but 99% I’m the only one pinging crap in my team. I don’t get it (^%


ban everyone


I literally laughed out loud.
Glad no one was here to hear me do it.
They’re already asking questions.

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what a dumb post if you ask me, ban people with social skills?, and people who have friends?
so only robots, autist, and psychopaths are left?
only very drunk people or not sane people would post stuff like this.

its satire

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This is why I block people. I’ve actually blocked every forum user we have. I can’t even read this thread since I’ve blocked everyone in solidarity with people without friends.


So I had all night long to think about it, and I think we should remove the chat and pings from the game, because you can somewhat play as a team using those instead of rushing clockwise on every map. I’m pretty sure it is literally built-in aimbot and wallhack all in one.

Checkmate, cheaters!

I really hate how it makes it so you can see through building.

Because it’s part of the game I’m going to call it a “Feature” until it is removed BUT if this was a 3rd party software it would definitely be called a “Hack”

I thought we had a thread on this before. We really Need to start a new one or bump that one.

Nah it’s funny when the Tin Hadron Scorp King hover doesn’t understand why he gets blasted for 1k Kaiju damage the moment he peeks out of cover :triumph:

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Its multiplayer game, friends are needed, dont ban them, noooooo…

stop cry babe :slight_smile: and stop troll babe.

You that Tin hover? :> Ask scorps who know how to play against kaiju, not yourself.
Daywalker for example know, he will explain you, since you need learn how to play againt it.

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This is by far the funniest thread I’ve r ever read.

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