Being forced to the Slaughter

Sadly, I am having to leave this game mode because of others leaving. While I do not find the mode particularly compelling, I do like variety. 4 games = 4 team members leaving me and a Emily (dif bot each time) 2v6. I am not going to stay and get focus fired for the whole match. Good luck to Emily.

The problem is, this is a mode that should have specific builds made for it but it is thrown into rotation with modes that do not need specific build types.

The problem with the mode is the quitters. I get my Resource Reward, I get my Experience points, it ends in 3 minutes tops. Do not quit! It is only 3 minutes!
Almost always one teammate has a Detector. I always do. Then you race to the nearest ally and try to race together to the next. See what they are rocking and work together.
One dude was a Spider with Medians. I gave him a wall of Turrets and we got our points and rewards, although fighting 2v4.

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nope…i quit now upon further research…
‘it doesn’t count as a brawl’

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As a brawl, I would que for it. Randomly, it sucks.


The problem with this mode is that it is in the wrong category. It’s a brawl. It needs to go be a brawl with the other brawls.


Kills and kill assists from Brawls do not count toward your KPB statistic.
I had one slaughter where I got 9 kills or kill assists, a big boost to my KBP.
If it was a Brawl, then it would have no effect.

I’m actually starting to like the mode, but I agree it should be a brawl.
I’m choosing to think of it as a surprise bonus round, rather than a real match.

i honestly think it should be part of a separate gamemode, but maybe with the same reward as standard matches (scrap, wires, etc).

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180 seconds? most battles are over in 30 seconds.
Why play a gamemode where the enemies you kill continually spawn behind you again to shoot you in the buttcheeks?
Sounds like alot of RSI for lower rewards per playtime than you can get from normal games.

Maybe if you raised your PS you wouldn’t have this problem as much.

You can’t force your PS low then also expect longer games.

People play low PS because the game end faster.

How do you see this a problem?, i play at lower PS score because the games are faster, meaning you grind rewards faster.

For me personally - if the matches only last 30 seconds then there is no “Skill” or “Tactics” involved. This is basically charging the enemy and everyone dies in a balled up group.

I understand how fast matches can be highly effective at resource grinding, but to me personally that does not sound fun.

Resources is just one of those things that stacks up from having fun. I focus on having a good time and never go into a PvP thinking “I hope this game ends fast so I can get wires faster” I’m more like “I hope I get to see some good plays and have a good time.”

There is no wrong way to do it. I totally get the “resources grinding thing” - I guess I’m at the point in XO where that don’t mater since I have almost everything in game.

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And how much skill and tactics does this slaughter game mode offer you?

That doesn’t look right. In 30 seconds? What’s this, one side has full Heather premade which pinpoints the enemy movements in one or two barrages?

With most battle being over in 30 seconds i didnt mean the game ends, i could have said it better that most battles are decided in the first 30 seconds.
After that its just the team hunting down the leftovers

A lot really.

Like I said Im not focused on resources when I play a mission, so my focus is on enjoyment.

When I get to a “Slaughter Match” I make it a personal mission to try and live with the same car for the whole match.

This gives you plenty opportunity to practice skill.

Now, I’m not going to live to the end ever time but when I pull it off it puts a smile on my face :slight_smile:

Making personal mission to have fun instead of being frustrated is a good idea. I could just be salty about it, but instead I turn it into a challenge.

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And how does this strategy work when you are an ammo user or lancer?, how are you going to survive 3 minutes of enemy respawns?

Well, I don’t normally play one of those.

But if I did then I would need to change the mission :slight_smile:

Respawning lances sounds fun to me.

I guess I could come up with a million reason to be pissed about things in game. I just choose not to.

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Eh… I dunno. Sometimes the rusher one can pop a few enemies and give you advantage. Sometimes the reds’ builds just better than blues’ builds. I’d say the first 60 seconds is the threshold after which you can clearly tell which team will win.

I stand corrected, in my eagerness i gave a 30 second number , but after counting ingame for 60 seconds i must conclude you are more accurate.