Bots seem better than 80% of the playerbase and it's kinda pathetic

I feel like I lose more games and die more times to bots than I do actual players in this game. The average Crossout player has very little cognitive ability it seems.

I see bots carry players so often, sometimes in high scores but also in ways they probably don’t even realise. Today I had 3 matches where bots took out key movement or equipment from across the map or as I pass a corner while cloaked up. Shots that no human could every make and honestly it just annoys me.

Aimbots as part of a pvp game should never be a thing.


You are of course correct. The team that helps their bots and kills the enemy bots first will win, but almost nobody does. What they will do is refuse to attack bots and waste precious time finding a human. They will not regroup to defend the base or capture the base. They will run face first into a 1v3 instead of joining you to take or defend a base. they will refuse to kill the disarmed enemy that is on fire to go die to a full health enemy.

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Bots are way OP in PVE.
To tell you the truth i find PVP way easier than certain games in PVE.
Not only they are way better armed than the average human player, but they also have precise aiming ( laser bots) and they are bots, so they don’t fail, don’t get tired.
and we get smaller rewards for that.
But in PVP they are very very dumb.
I don’t know about you.
But i have 97% WR in co-op ( raids in here) in another game, smaller rewards, is this a big deal? no, everyone has about the same percentage as me or higher, and that’s the point.
In Crossout, you can net more rewards and have an easier time in PVP.
It makes no sense.
But if devs don’t even fix one of the tips shown in the load screen when we go to battle ( the world control has a typo, it shows contol), i don’t have many hopes to other things that are requested by the player base.

Slow cannon bots literally carry matches because they don’t leave spawn and have perfect aimbot. The new-ish RNG of random bots per team instead of mirror matching them is pure cancer. RNG like that only fuels to lower the skill gap between good and bad players, I find that kind of game design to be pathetic.


Well said!

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I’m talking about pvp, I’m tired of driving around dodging and weaving… baiting players and playing them hard just to be hit by a bot from the other side of the map and lose a module/wheel etc.

If a player was to make such a shot it would be skillful, but players never do. Just to find out “oh it’s an aimbot” is discouraging and honestly annoying af. You learn from your defeats but knowing you died to an aimbot means you learned nothing.


Desert valley?

In general i find bots in PVP much more dumbed down than the ones in PVE.
But in either mode and in certain maps it’s better to be careful.
In Desert Valley at the beginning of a battle, if you lodge yourself near the spawn in position to overview a good portion of the valley i’s almost certain that will be incoming shells from the opposite side of the valley, for humans can be a shot in a life time kind of thing but for bots it’s like every other day.

That shot is actually easy to do with Fortunes which have been my main weapons recently

its cuz the (SPECIALS) using aim assist and camera traction so (SPECIALS) dont use their brains cuz I dont have a problem destroying bots

That’s not how you use brackets. Many people “don’t have a problem with bots” because they play like cowards who just hide behind everyone all the time in the hopes of cleaning up the effort of others.

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do i look like i went to school let alone joined the C.A.F to be a journalist, no i didnt, so i dont care what shit is used for nd im also not a girly man

Unless you’re a Transformer then I don’t know what you look like as your picture is a car.

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The pvp would be much better with no bots, even if we had to wait twice as long for a match.

Just make them a bit more useless… some of the hover mgs or shotgun bots would do. Use them to fill lobbies sure but the influence they have right now is beyond their job of begin “filler”.


I wanted devs to implement basic psychomotor tests to be able to log in the game , would mean a drop of 90 % of playerbase .
from another aspect you can directly corrolate diminished cognitive functions with the urge to swipe credit card as often as possible to pretend mitigating self mediocrity.
Situation is unlikely to improve.
Conclusion : devs want a playerbase as retarded as possible , because it s easier to milk.


In high power score, when the game wants to punish you or equalize ELO against you, it spawns Mastodon bots and Helicon bots on the other team. Either one is an absolute menace that often clutches the day on its own with long crippling shots out of nowhere.

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bot is always been annoying and lame the way they operate. They operate on visual queue’s ya hide ya loose there interest if there is some other target they can see.

But yes there aim is lame. You can fly all kinds of crazy and get hit by cannon bots so easy even then.

They just need to do full cross-play with PC and get it over with and
Get rid of bots.

Bot should only get activated into a match if player base is low then a set number in a certain match type. Because night time USA on xbox anyhow player base drops big time.

Also in patrols too. That should be only reason we see bots.


Yeah at 9k the worst bots are Thyrus, dual Mammoth, Dual Tsunami and maybe Athena bots… Tired of bots carrying players so hard.

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heres more info on bots,it’s an old thread.
pretty much on when it started.

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please do this DEVS.
same bots on both teams,fair enough! …

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