Bots seem better than 80% of the playerbase and it's kinda pathetic

Just make them a bit more useless… some of the hover mgs or shotgun bots would do. Use them to fill lobbies sure but the influence they have right now is beyond their job of begin “filler”.


I wanted devs to implement basic psychomotor tests to be able to log in the game , would mean a drop of 90 % of playerbase .
from another aspect you can directly corrolate diminished cognitive functions with the urge to swipe credit card as often as possible to pretend mitigating self mediocrity.
Situation is unlikely to improve.
Conclusion : devs want a playerbase as retarded as possible , because it s easier to milk.


In high power score, when the game wants to punish you or equalize ELO against you, it spawns Mastodon bots and Helicon bots on the other team. Either one is an absolute menace that often clutches the day on its own with long crippling shots out of nowhere.

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bot is always been annoying and lame the way they operate. They operate on visual queue’s ya hide ya loose there interest if there is some other target they can see.

But yes there aim is lame. You can fly all kinds of crazy and get hit by cannon bots so easy even then.

They just need to do full cross-play with PC and get it over with and
Get rid of bots.

Bot should only get activated into a match if player base is low then a set number in a certain match type. Because night time USA on xbox anyhow player base drops big time.

Also in patrols too. That should be only reason we see bots.


Yeah at 9k the worst bots are Thyrus, dual Mammoth, Dual Tsunami and maybe Athena bots… Tired of bots carrying players so hard.

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heres more info on bots,it’s an old thread.
pretty much on when it started.

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please do this DEVS.
same bots on both teams,fair enough! …

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Yeah i normally deal with the big tanky bots with fafnir’s or the higher end version of the shotgun. It rips off them cannons quick.

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I agree
Let me know something simple dev’s, PVP means “Player versus Player” which means “no bots”, so why do we have to fight against computer whereas the “Player versus Environnement” is available, it’s a non sense?

Most of game i played in helico, i’m aimboted by a creepy bot from the end of the map with one bullet that destroy most of best part of the helico.

When the map start, i shoot a bot with a salve of cricket, i’m pretty sure to have 2 or 3 bots that will take me for target with an incredible aimbot, so what is the fun on this ?

We already have cancer players that camp the end of the map with starfall, hurricane or other cheated weapons hitting their unique button maybe coupled with a gamepad and assist push to the maximum…

It’s maybe time to retail the helico mode and the PVP to give us a real PVP with no bots and vegetables players ?

I don’t consider myself particularly skilled. Probably average at best, although I have been playing long enough to be better than new players.

I don’t really find bots hard to deal with. Yes, the long range bots will target you across the map, and they are good at predicting where you will be if you are driving in a straight line.
But one of the first things I learned when playing Crossout is that if I can see a red dot on the other side of the map, they can also see me. So I try to stick to cover until I’m in position, and try not to drive in a straight line if I’m out in the open.
Occasionally a bot still gets me, but I fear players much more.

I only started playing Patrol this year, and it’s the mode where I get the most MVPs by far. I guess I’m only good against bots? Maybe it’s from growing up playing games before online PVP?

or maybe the patrol demographic is, lets say special. one eyed king among the blind and such and so forth.

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If bots are carrying the other team, doesn’t that mean you lost to their garbage AI? Not sure how to take that admission.

Only bots that are OP are ignored Retcher bots. Just my opinion.

you know, youre not wrong here at all! i too find the boxes argument contradictory.

its all “master league gaming clips” straight to “a bot sniped me on spawn and it makes me sad”.

its “im the king of 9k ps on all the mobile devices” to “i dont do cw, its too try hard for me”.

anyways, i disliked the bots too in crossout because theyre nothing but a lazy chore.

lazy because of the rus level programming of their behaviour and a chore because you have to take them into account and play accordingly. dealing with the bots always felt like nothing but a chore because their behaviour is stupid due to the lazy programming.

patrol demographic must be a big % of people doing challenges

i couldn’t agree with the title of this thread more…
bots are abysmally retarded and if players get constantly rekt by them it only means those players are even more so…
money does NOT equal skill, so instead of bitching … learn to play better…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

…or at least, stop being annoying

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Emoji spam speaks for itself

Years ago in a galaxy far away people were asking for better bots.

Some others, smarter and farsighted, were telling them it was a bad idea and bots should be left dump and ineffective as they mostly were at the time.

They got their better bots, and have probably already stopped the game.

The rest, lived misserably ever after.

The end.


Seems suicidal for business.
They have to release nice things, there are plenty of weapons that just i don’t click

For my personal experience the bot issue is sepparated into 3 factors:
Both of these were almost non-issue before due to how crappy bots were, but no more.

  1. Random aimbot shots.

Before some bots could shoot, some could not, many of them got stuck, in general you could move around and watch mostly for players with human reactions, you could mostly ignore bots. Not any more.

You may pass unstealthed from a gap with 100km and a bot that wasnt watching you, insta turn from 100m and take a good shot at you.

  1. Clearing the bots.

It had always been a priority for me to innitialy clear the bots in randoms.
Even when they were crap you could have an occasional good one that could actually shoot, spawn for the enemy and you did not want that sniping you while fighting.
In most matches, people are brainless so they immediately go for the enemy which leaves few to bother with bots.
When that happened you could fast kill the most dangerous bots and go for the players, usually there was 1 maybe 2 bots that needed to die. Before 2020 or so, you could completely ignore the bots.
Now its all of them, you cant ignore any, which pretty much settles the match once you see the 1-2 idiots go for the enemy alone.

  1. Bot decision making.

Bots usually either go for the enemy, or base. There are sometimes though that they play some sort of defence so most of them stay behind.
As the bots became progressively better, their decision to attack or defend became more and more a deciding factor on matches.
Now your team needs to be pretty damn decent and the enemy pretty mediocre to pull a victory in a match your bots pushed while theirs defended.

All of these contribute to humans feeling progressively less important in defining the outcome of a match, which is the essence of PVP.

I will always be blaming the idiotic community of this game for pushing the company to make bots better, but it is true that many advocated for no bots while very few of us said leave them as they are or make them worse.

But ultimately, it is TARGEM-GAIJIN fault for not recognizing what it would mean for their pvp to have actually good bots, especially when players could, even if they were few.

If im going to be mad at someone in a pvp game i want it to be a human, not AI.

Did i not know that bots are better teammates than 80% of the population? Of i did, it doesnt matter, if i wanted to play against AI i would be joining raids.

This is my final take on the matter.

I would say bots fall in to two categories.
Those with reasonable acquisition times and those that are just there for easy kills.

All bots seem to have perfect aim. The question is how long until they start shooting and how long between shots.

I had a match the other day, where I was flying a helo. A bot locked on to me and shot at me the entire match.

I have also seem matches where the bot just drove back and forth while being eaten by a player, never once firing back.

The melee bots seem useless though.