Can we have a Patrol without coward flyers?

I am so tired of fighting 8 bots while everyone hides in the sky. Bunch of cowards wait until the 4 ground builds are dead and then think they are the greatest thing by winning.
They are nothing but cowards and I am tired of having them as my allies! They will not grab any bot aggravation. First ground build spotted gets all the bots agro! Bull Crap!
Give us a goddamn mode against bots that these pussycats do not partake in!
Goddamn COWARDS!


they dont have a mode without helis in it?
are you talking pvp or pve? cause i know pve doesnt have a mode without helis in it which is kinda stupid. plus i wish theyd raise the rewards in pve cause its so damn low.

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Right, Patrol is a Mission, but it is also PVE.
Patrol allows Helicopters and helicopter users against bots are all cowards.
Stop being a coward, get some wheels, get in the fight, take your fair share of damage and kill the bots!
You frigging cowards!

Better yet Devs, give us a mode away from these cowards and see how they do when they all hide and lose to base capture every battle!

Why blame the coward players when the Devs allow this crap and force it on us too!

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i have come across my fair share of cowardly players. i run my incinerator heli build but i get in there and actively try to destroy the enemy, i dont sit back much. well… as much as my incinerator would not let me due to its arching attacks lol.
but i have a fair bit of protection on my ride. atoms can absorb some damage and my aegis can absorb some damage to but it has to reload and its pretty slow. i mean i get why people are cowardly about it though, mainly cause bots have such a hard focus on helis and they will literally stalk and harass them to no end.

Damn, I must be unlucky then. I always get the aggro from every bot on the map regardless of distance, obstacles, or cloak if I’m in a helicopter.

And I don’t play a heli to be a coward, I play because air superiority is decisive in fights. It’s a tactical advantage.

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They are bots! How tactical do you have to be? Jesus Christ!

When I do my Heli challenges I have my blades on a rift and break them right away. It’s much easier on the ground to get the job done anyway.


when i see bots chasing a heli build i imagine them as rabid feral dogs growling and foaming at the mouth trying to get to them xD


You´re right it´s annoying. I send sugestion for solve this problem but I don´t see it in game. First idea was lower helicopter fly height and next give on players side 2-3 bots in team permanent that could regulate numbers of these cowards. Next idea is make like at PVP make PVE with and without helicopters.

I thought the whole point of the PVE coop vs bots was to get people used to flying the new helicopters. Why are you even using a ground vehicle, isn’t that what raids are for? The reward is also low because the mission is easy.

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Depends on your PowerScore. I’ve Breaker bricks at 13k PS torn to shreds in seconds by bots. Patrol AI, especially at higher PS, is a whole different thing. It could either be somewhat easy or obscenely difficult.

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really? XD.


Can’t beat join them

The phrase “can’t beat join them” is a common English idiom that means to accept that you cannot defeat or outdo someone or something, and instead, join forces with them. This phrase is often used in situations where one feels overwhelmed or outmatched, and it is more practical to collaborate or align oneself with the opposing party.

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Typically modern player see only reward in play no fun. In 90s the game progress was only in campaign and PVP was only for skill comparison and noone has advantages eveyrone played with the same equipment.


don’t bother m8…kids these days know nothing of terms like “play for fun” or “fair play”…
and the gaming industry is not helping…with meta crap and meta slaves being the ones that dictate most of everything…


:thinking: I don’t quite understand , The parts are easily available and have they’re own specific game modes separate from the traditional equal game modes and yet, Many complain about them? That moment one goes :crazy_face:

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They are bots! How tactical do you have to be? Jesus Christ!

You know this people will play same predicted scenario milion of times and this will still be hard for them.

You need adjust yourself. Mostly poor or bad players play pve thats why they cant fight bots face to face xd

I must admit I like more PVE, because PVP is really like in Counter-Strike AWP/Scorpions players everywhere and they do like big skills they are with weapons that kills on 1 shot to anywhere.

thats barely a thing nowadays, these scorp goobers are not that hard to kill, nor are they good at the game anyway

I don’t understand how this has happened. In PVE the player decides the difficulty level with their build choices. If you go in there looking for a fair game, you’ll find it. If you go in there looking to exploit the system for resources (easy kills), I think that’s when people begin to have difficulty with aim-bots and an apparent bot-bounty on their heads.

IDK how the bots are handling things these days, since the update wonked them out. These days (since the update) I only play the Crossout Day brawl, then log off, so maybe I’m out of touch with how the bots are behaving in PVE now, but prior to this update, the bot’s ferocity was directly relative to how aggressive your build was against them, and relative to the other player’s performance. Resource hogs got manhandled by the bots…at least that’s what would happen to me, once I started gorging myself robustly on resources and kills.