Easy Mode Builds

My approach wins me most games and mvps them almost all the time so I’ll take my approach over that of my always dead teammates, assuming you’re probably one of those.

You could get much more MVPs if you didn’t wait for your team mates were dead, just saying.
It would be much easier for you.
I don’t know what you run ( i only can guess by your name ) some naked build with weapons sticking out from the cab?
Unfortunately and fortunately i don’t run SGs for a while now, but i kept the attitude but now i have to rely in nuances because i can’t use brut force anymore but the brawl is there and the resilience is there…
…And this is crossout, we fight the same people and with the same people several times, it is a good gauge to find people to support for whatever reason ( tanky build, good player and so on).

I just remember i forgot to post this in the Show our builds topic. I post it here.

Fuck you game.

Lol how are you going to kill them as fast as they kill your teammates? Are you also just a troll like Poony now?

This is how those matches tend to go, especially solo:

Please let me know what you’re using that does enough dps to eliminate these builds while they attack my teammates because I’m sure many people would love to know.

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1- I wasn’t judging you, saying you leave your team mates out to dry.

I was only saying if you take advantage of a busy adversary it will be easier, than doing alone which can be a lot harder
You must admit the workload was heavy in that video.

2 - that comes with the territory, sometimes the team is bad, other times the team is even worse, sometimes we are the stinker, other times we are the MAN.

It’s more controversial in the lower rarities via the energy gap. You pretty much have to be able to either out shoot them i.e spot early or be faster than them. (Legs don’t normally fall into the faster portion.) Counter weapons and devices are way limited non energy counters would be like side mounting fuel barrels or ammo out of blast radius.

Unless your jamming a key in the opposite direction of a push legs can be pushed anywhere. Pushing spiders off cliffs is one of my favorite ways to kill them. Even when they jam that key down they do not always have enough power to do anything.

If you can’t shoot them you can’t do anything. If your not fast enough they can get around you especially in grouped combat. If you can’t shoot off their guns just dealing dmg to them isn’t always good enough. An underslung draco dog can be a nightmare for just about any build.

You’re still just trying to cope with losing to a hard counter.

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The funny thing is that I’m picking on your exaggerations.
My builds are slightly slower than yours, and you are a better player. How come I’m not crying about dogs being unbeatably strong?

And we’ve all read your posts over the years. Everything you don’t use is no-skill and needs to be nerfed. It’s been constant for years. We get it.

I pick on you because you make it a point to regularly insult everyone who doesn’t play the game the same way you do, and you use gross exaggerations and hyperbole to try to make your point. You shouldn’t be surprised that I would push back on some of that.

I also forgot to mention raids. Lunatic and Firestarters do stupid damage to the objectives we defend, and rip off all the steppe/scavv armor from the side of my war truck in an instant. Meantime I shrug off damage from Scavengers, Steppenwolfs, and Dawns Children like nothing.

Both of those are highly susceptible to impulse strikes, you can really send them flying across the map. I don’t know why you are have such issues. Yes they can deal a lot of damage but they are mostly small glass cannons.

[quote=“gangsterism, post:42, topic:21664”]
is there any build that is a counter to dogs apart from lightweight blue hover DPS?


This used to be pretty good against fire dogs, sparkly dogs and all type of cannon builds up to Tsunami, it could catch a few rounds in the chin, kill the cannon build and continue fighting, regarding dogs were extremely easy, i didn’t had to do much, many would attack me from the front, head to head, those only realised their error too late.
In the end was the co-driver rework that put this build out of commission, with time i managed to bring it back to form, the most recently nerf (armour nerf ) was the definitely “nail to the coffin”.
I miss this build, it was glorious when people played into it’s strong suite.
I’m proud with what i was able to accomplished, building wise
After the co-driver i made a heavy version of it was better against cannons but was not as good against dogs as this one ( probably cause of the guns position )

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youre right.
now tell me a sensible reason why dogs should be a hard counter to every single build out there (that isnt a very fast hover)? because thats what it is.

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I just show you one counter.
It’s not impossible.
Being good against dogs was a “side effect” of being focus to kill cannon builds.
And that’s part of the problem why dogs " as you say" are a hard counter to every type of build.

Tell me, what your aiming when doing a build?

Most people build something to go out there, i never do a build that isn’t focused or specialized in one thing. killing cannon builds, which leave me open to other type of weapons ( in the case above, to incinerators e.g.) but i don’t care. All it matters is killing cannons
Even my lightest build is geared towards facing cannons

If you have that kind of problem with dogs, well… start doing builds as focused as possible to wreck them, May not come in the first attempts but if you persevere it will come, and problem solved

why should i need to own a build which is very specifically made to counter dogs and be completely useless against everything else


No worries, I just like to find common ground before trying to fix stuff. If you do it based in exaggerations things end up making counters too strong. It does suck but nothing good comes out of making a larger deal of it than it is. Were in a game were we hedge mobility vs offense vs defense normally one field is lacking which makes things counterable. Having something hard counterable means one of those fields has been taken to the extremes so the direct anti can end up existing.

The dogs probably shouldn’t be however we could just be lacking a build type that hasn’t been created yet. I generally think it’s the lack of counter devices as I mentioned before. we could probably use some deployable physical barriers in this type of game. We have the magical type that does stop fast bullets already but we don’t have one that stops the other type of dmg.

If we go off on a slight fantasy sci-fi kick we could have large rods encircle the vehicle that are explosive on contact if delt enough dmg. How do we project larger mine fields around us type of stuff.

The issue with this type of thing is it normally costs in terms of offensive points (energy). So it might come down to do you forgo a second cannon to have a stable defense? Keep in mind that I would put some rational limits on flamers and melee too though. So in these terms we are dealing with as much as 6 energy so the devices should cost 1-3 points most likely. Allowing the player to pick up perhaps a smaller punt cannon for closer range defensive firing. (we don’t really have punt guns close thing would be a junkbow line item if we were look at builds in naval terms.) Even then the dmg has to be balanced out.

To me, it always makes sense to make sure my build can counter whatever the current popular build is.
So if you’re always dying to dog builds, it makes sense to adjust and build something that counters them better.
Doesn’t mean it needs to be useless against everything else.

Or if you want to keep playing cannons on slow builds, maybe talk to your teammates and make sure at least one of them are running an anti-dog build?

On that note, has anyone tried Rippers since the last buff? I only ever see them on bots, but some of them are taking me out quickly lately.

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This is a skill issue. Not only yours, but your teammates.
Yes, a wheeled build will outrun a walker, but that is not the strength of a walker. You can move sideways.

You do not try to outrun melee and fire builds, you outmaneuver them. I solo melee and firedogs with an incinerator support build. The trick is to not sit directly in the path of their weapons.

Furthermore, bumpers are the bane of every melee build. 90% reduction in damage take a long time to get through.

If you had decent teammates, a melee or firedog would not be able to stay on you long enough to be effective. Any time I see an enemy fire or melee on a teammate, I ram them in a way to move my teammate out of the danger zone.

So, start maneuvering better, get better teammates and put bumpers in the right places.


Bumpers are the main reason that every melee build I have also has a fire component. Well, that and the bonus damage to heated parts.

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not true

not true

not true

HAHA, well I own them with support, I outmaneuver them frequently. I am not saying they cannot get you in a bind, but that is normally due to not paying attention to the minimap.

I also regularly play melee, so I kind of know what I am talking about. The ones that own me are always outmaneuvering me. I often have to give up because I cannot pin them down (although that may be just so they stop watching me and I come hit them when they are not paying attention).

Walkers are the worst with melee. Their legs are hard to deal with and if they are skilled, they are nearly impossible to pin.

You can check out my main melee on the exhibition, I believe it is named Sem05 or something similar. It is not anything amazing, but I regularly get MVP with it. However, there are some players that are just too skilled to go after alone with it. Each and every one of them are an issue because they outmaneuver me.

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melee or fire brick? do you play CW?
it depends on the size and power of your support spider but i am almost certain you will not outmaneuver a full on fire brick

And this is why your post is full of good info for anyone struggling against dogs.

Seriously people: play the build that is your nemesis, and within a week you will learn how to effectively counter it.