Easy Mode Builds

no, i wouldnt have the stuff i need, because i need a specific heavy cabin, wheels, and weapons.
also, i am not sure where you got the idea that i own mastodons from. the only weapon that you will find in my inventory is mammoth (plus gravastar).

feasible, as in, it would take less time to get an actual real life job and then buy packs to get the item in game?

Sorry, I thought you’d said mastodons earlier.
So all you have is those two cannons and some gravastars?
You don’t even own any wheels? No heavy cabins? No fast engines? I hope you at least have a cloak, right?

As far as the time commitment to grind out items, I work full time, and mostly just play on my two days off. It really doesn’t require the amount of time you claim. How long have you been playing now? I’m a bit confused about how you have so little in your inventory, and yet you are stressing out about CW.

i own some amount of buggy wheels + 4 claw wheels, for a lightweight dog.

cohort and nova, which is not suitable for a heavy dog build

purple cloak

the only thing i have little of is weapon selection. but heavy cannons and overpowered shotguns should be enough to be able to succeed, that is if the current meta didnt exist. clan war is the only viable way of making in game money, so it should not require fully fused relic hovers or spiders off the bat to play.

I’ve probably only played 20 CW matches, and I have plenty of gear. CW isn’t necessarily an efficient way to grind, unless you have your heart set on relics.

Anyway, it sounds like you have most of what you would need. Get a few more buggy wheels (they are dirt cheap on the market, and pair well with Finwhale). As for a cabin, if you don’t have Yokozuna, there are a few affordable cabins that would work for a PVP brick dog.
I assume you have the appropriate coolers/rads to make the gravastars work?

All you need are a few cheap wheels and a cheap cabin. I don’t know why you think you need to spend real money to obtain those.

And I’m sorry if this sounds judgy, but how do you only have two weapon setups? And why would you think that’s enough?

Learning how they slide and bounce off of different builds is sometimes useful. He’s not saying anything wrong with that.

I have all the cloaks but the only one I ever use is the special one. I don’t need to be invisible that long to surprise someone most of the time.

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is there a more time efficient way to grind?

is 200 coins dirt cheap? might be if crossout is my second job. also, dont have finwhale.

i assume you mean humpback? which is another 400 coins

excluding heavier wheels and fused parts, the grava builds are maxed out

i would love to know how long it takes you to obtain the “few cheap wheels and cabins” without spending money and playing crossout to grind instead of to play a game

what how? might be because i dont want nor need more weapon setups?

because it is. obviously not enough against dogs (talking about cannons), but a minority of all builds are capable against dogs.

the funny thing is that they do not slide of bounce off. because fire bricks have the turning radius of a smart car, which i already said before

Just my exp in playing them contact wasn’t always easy to maintain some of my builds tend to flip them too though… Legs are too high to use any of the flip style defenses though.

I could probably do that in a week.
In terms of hours of play, maybe 7 or 8 hours? But I couldn’t do that in one 8 hour stretch: I would be doing as many daily challenges as I can, so better to split up your time into multiple short sessions.
Clear the daily challenges first, then focus on clearing as many of the weeklies as you can. I pretty much never do them all, so don’t stress about that. And then I’ll get a bunch of badges from my clan.
You probably only need about 1000 coins, which is not that hard to do in a week. If you have some coin already, do a bit of market flipping while matches are loading. I don’t do much of that, but it helps.

I can’t imagine only having two types of weapons. I have no idea how many I have, but it’s probably close to 20 full load out setups.
Edit: just from memory, looks like I have closer to 40 different weapon loadouts. No wonder you are bored with the game if you only have two options. I think that might be your problem right there.

what youve just described is work. you could get a real life job and buy much more than 1000 coins with real life money & have left over, instead of doing slave labor …

Not every one is a kid playing the game btw… Smaller demographic in the game but there are 40+ yo players.

are you sure? im out of the loop and all but i think youre trolling again.

so conservatively speaking you earn an estimated 125 coins/h when being logged in? in pvp/pve? how? 2 coins every minute over 480 minutes? nononono.

im assuming youre not including whatever coins you might get from your platform or the scanner coins ofc.

If you don’t believe me, look at my posts in the show your builds thread. I think I usually post a few new builds each week. At least one of those builds is always based on new weapons, a new cabin, new movement parts, etc.

Console players get some free coins each day, so there is that.
Like I said, I’ll play for a few hours on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, and then throughout the rest of the week I’ll log on every couple days and bang out a few quick relaxing patrol matches to clear some more daily challenges.

So it’s not really about how much I can make in an hour, but more about how much extra rewards I can accumulate over a week through daily, weekly, and clan challenges.

All I know is that I get new items each week, and don’t really have to think about it. It just accumulates naturally while doing the things I like to do.

Last week I grinded out a set of three Tachi’s because I was curious. Also bought some decor because I had coin left over. I think I got some extra coin from the BP this week, but it wasn’t significant.
The week before I got myself a Kensei cabin, and it was pretty expensive on the market. I think I sold a rupture shotgun to help finance that, since I only had one and it doesn’t look like the price is ever going to surge on those.

Prices are different on console though, so 1000 console coins is probably closer to 700 PC coins. What is the current scrap price on PC?

It is possible that I might be playing more per week than my estimate. Could be closer to 10-12 hours a week, but some weeks only 8 hours. That doesn’t seem like a lot to me, but I like playing the game, so time flies by. I also make a few new builds each week though, so for a bunch of the time I’m in the garage not earning resources.

That is such a weird way of looking at playing a game. I work hard all day, and I’m old. It is relaxing and enjoyable for me to play some matches when I have some free time. Why would I want to waste my real life money to avoid playing the game that I enjoy playing? What would be the point of getting some new items if I didn’t enjoy playing the game?
If playing the game is “slave labour” to you, why are you doing it?

The amount of raw coping that comes from bad players when somebody says there are overperforming low skill builds could be used to power a railgun.

We don’t want your dogs and easy mode builds to be worthless, we want our builds to be worthwhile which they aren’t anymore. When gameplay stoops this low it takes the majority of the playerbase with it which ruins the entire dynamic of the game. I understand some people need lances, caucs, melee etc because of some disability or because they are playing from Brazil or New Zealand, but these builds shouldn’t be devolving the entire game into epic wheel spam and instant kills.

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Is sitting back and pointing your mouse at a target really that much more intellectual?
As I’ve said before in this thread, DPS is what I play when I feel brain dead and just want to relax. Dogs take a lot more concentration for me.
As far as what the majority of players want, I think we can see on the battlefield that people are showing what they like by the builds they’re playing. If you are seeing lots of melee and hate it, maybe you’re not the majority?

Yeah, it requires more mental capacity to separate your driving from your aiming while using all 360 degrees of your view to avoid getting tboned and instantly killed by a drooler. People who can’t post clips of omnidirectional ranged gameplay wouldn’t understand that.

That’s funny, because one of the only videos I ever posted here was exactly that.
Unfortunately it is probably a dead link now, because Elon Musk broke twitter.

Doc might remember it, because I remember him complementing me on one of my shots.

Some of us actually play a lot of different styles.
I even occasionally play hovers!

do you not understand the business model of free games?
are you aware that a free live service game has one singular purpose - to make money?

this game literally is slave labour, very very intentionally.