Efficient, Accessible and Budget builds ("EAB" tag)

Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible to get it anymore…
Basically, when a link is mispelled or not activated yet, it gives a default gift. In the past we had BAD PIXEL, then briefly the paint or decor choice pack, and now the “hotweel” cosmetics.
The kuplinov link wasn’t activcated yet so we got the paint/decors choice, but not anymore.


Hello Survivors !
I’ve updated the rapier build !

Twister themed. deadly little 5K PS build !

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Happy Holidays survivors !

I’ve updated all the EAB serie
So we have EAB chords, Luparas, and Avengers for level 7
Then we have EAB vectors, shotguns and canons for dailies + EAB rapiers and wasps for level 10 and onwards.

We also have several hard raids options.

Now the next steps are to make some good post level 30 builds, then I’ll try to find some good budget CW options.

Stay tuned !

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Hello everyone !
Got a bit busy so sorry for the long wait
So I wasn’t really satisfied with some recent build, event if they are performing great for their PS and budget.

  1. First thing is, ampere works well below and at 5000 PS, but in the long therm, PU-1 Charge is more reliable when increasing PS.
  2. The PS of some builds aren’t at 5000 PS, because I didn’t use the Hardcore engine. Being at 5K PS allows to farm Engineers badges by doing Battery weekly challenges.

So those 2 things are resolving themselves as using hardcore compensate the heavy weight of the PU 1-Charge.

Here are the 3 main builds (machine guns/shotguns/cannons) , + 2 side ones (rapier/wasps)

With those 3 builds, we can do all daily challenges, plastic raids farm, and scrap/cable/battery/plastic weekly challenges. There is basically only electronic farm (covered with other hard raids builds) and CW badges missing.

Here is the 2 side builds, one of them a 5K PS wasps for PvE and to start Invasions.

That being done, next step would be level 30-7-7-7 version of those builds for optimal farm.

Let me know what you think !


Hello survivors !

I made a sturdy Pilgrim tackler build for hard raids, here it is without further ado “EAB Crusader” on exhibition:

Well built as usual, I made one in the past but the PU charge was on the back, now it’s on the frames, much better

It does perfom well, it is easy to use, and it is cheap with accessible parts.

Let me know what you think of it !

Hello !
I’ve updated the vector and sledgehammer builds, mainly to improve the fire-angles. Also, the canon build is a little bit modified, replaced a little boy for a hulk, to better hint the best special crate option from the level 10 tutorial reward, and for better exhibition results.

Those 3 builds are good and use most of the gear that newcomers will have at level 10-11. Ideal to use the most of your early inventory to save more coins while farming decently reputation experience, fuel, scrap/wire/battery and daily/weekly challenges. This trio is a real all-in-one combo !


I gave the vector build a try. Worth it ^^


I been trying to build some of these builds.
Im sure I am not getting them exact, but they work well.

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Hi guys, a quick update to says that I’m testing some leviathan that can be assembled at level 16-17 ( as soon as leviathan is available). The purpose is assemble it at level 16 and to get 20-30 extra coppers per 12-24h.

Here’s the main candidate :

It has a set of 12pts of MGs, autocannons, cannons, shotguns and a couple of free wasps to fill the last points.
it uses maxwell but can be used with 3 ruby radars. Both options are already mounted.

Feel free to try it and let me know what you think about it !


I’m guessing that rookie players don’t have the patience to get a lot of rare weapons, they will try to get a set of special or epic weapons

The most important thing should be that the chat channel is turned on by default

Very cool project you put together.

But my advice would be to NOT build a Levi at low level.

Buying all the blue items is a waste of coins.

It will take forever to get any return on the investment.

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Indeed, you make a valid note.

This Levi is matching my builds recommendation,
itself matching the list of free weapons any player can get.
The 4x shotguns, the 2x cannons, and 3 of the 4 vectors are free, with the 2 wasps.

The only weapons to buy are 1 vector and 2 rapiers. To farm correctly in the game anyone needs a mg, shotgun and cannons builds at 5k ps each in order to farm most daily and weekly challenges. The 2 rapiers are cheap.

Later the player can complete the Levi with Maxwell (optional, 3 rubys are already used), 1 more ammo crate (optional, 1 is already free), the chill (optional, 2breezers and a taymir are already used).
The wheels are also free from packs


Quite a great start for the “EAB Fun bus” !

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“How to Farm” is a good subject anyone should attempt to understand as soon as possible in CrossOut. I agree with your assessment, here… also, getting a build where you can complete the weekly normal and/or hard raid weekly challenges should be a priority. Those Engineer Badges are the real meta-resource in the game.

HOW you accomplish that will vary player to player, but you’ll certainly want a build that can hit the small & fast bot-builds you’ll encounter in those. Machine guns & the faster auto-canons are a safe bet for pretty much anyone.

I also suggest building something as fast as possible to farm the 20 side missions each week. Fast, light & stable so you can run around that enormous map quickly. 100 badges + rewards for the missions + scrap picked up along the way is an oft overlooked goldmine.

Real question for anyone… Why is this a bad idea?
My general understanding is that the stronger the Levi, the more likely it’ll be to win matches & therefore gain resources.

My Levi is as strong as I know how to make it, and it… yah know… kinda sucks. :rofl: :clown_face:

Mine is about 3x higher than @41358411 Charlie’s, but I’m not getting any better rewards than he’s showing.

Apparently, I don’t understand how the whole thing works.

Players often overspend trying to build them early, while the rate of return is fairly low i.e. 100 copper if you actually win. The same money spent could be used on a raid builds which can have a larger rate of return. In the case of Charlie’s he’s not spending much on it and mostly using giveaway weapons that are freely available, so it minimizes the issue to a degree.


I tried making a Levi recently with a lot of legendary parts and a huge amount of armour, and it never got in any Invasions. Sent it out every day for a week, and it never caught a match.
Maybe I’d have more luck making something with lower tier items?


I didn’t spend a lot of time on mine… It’s at 46000 or so. It gets about two matches per day, loses all of them. :joy:

I don’t know what the magic formula is if there is one. Charlie’s build nullifies the theory that they need to be high PS.

I have that issue often too or I’ll get 1 at near the 24hr mark. PS of mine is currently @ 29.6k