Functional art build techniques

I’m running my Maces at 5k lmao :rofl:

The rules have always been: Grab a cab, slap 12 energy points of weapons and 4 wheels on it, fill the gaps with needed gadgets and generator, armor up to 1k or so, done.

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You just reminded me of a tip I meant to drop:
Consider using lower energy generators. If you strip down your build enough, you can often get away with less energy, which greatly helps to both reduce your PS and also reduce the size of your builds.
Try making something with no generator, as the absence of explosives can really help you survive.
Cloak and radar detectors are very nice, but sometimes you don’t need them as much as you think you do.


I mainly use 2-3 point generators, the explosive ones are nice and small so easy to fit into an art build.

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Very solid advice. A good half of my cars are 12 energy of weaps on an epic cab, a radio, 4 Hermits, and that’s it. I run cloak on maybe 20% of my cars, it’s relatively useless in PvP unless you’re playing some heavily hit-and-run build or can’t manage bots aggro to save your life.
Radar detector is a good investment if you’re playing in group. Random players never heard of the minimap.

I def agree that it’s a + on hit-and-run assassin builds, sometimes I wish I played it. And sometimes I’m saved by my Flywheel’s reload bonus, so yeah.

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That brings up another point:
Different kinds of play styles means different kinds of builds. I couldn’t get away with playing builds as fragile as xbox_guy123 and I’m also not good at using shields like DHawk, so I probably wouldn’t do well playing their builds. But they probably wouldn’t enjoy playing mine.
Figure out what your priorities are, and strip things down to focus on those.


I hope nobody takes it as an offence. I think Lexi is way better than I am at videogames. I also think he’d build a bit different on PC. Saw enough videos of console PvP to know exposed fragile weapons and ampere gens are way less of a problem there :eyes:

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I see no point in advices, as people don’t seek those here(even if they say/think they do)
But I’ll just show examples of where you can go trying to mix looks and perfomance:
(All this builds have enough energy and run with RN Seal)

  1. 5000 PS. The idea it to make cute, compact, agile, playable build. 4x low clearence wheels with 2 non-ST makes ridiculous 12% total power drain. Also handles rather well.
  2. 5300 PS. A more meta-like, lower profile, protected wheels and weapons.
  3. 4500 PS. Idea is to make something of same concept, but with Growl cab… ow boy she’s so inconvenient for this.
  4. 5100 PS Smol blight incinerator build, 2xsinus 1 pin lower behind cab, no RN Seal. Hard to play, as it can’t outgun decent build, and making firepuddles is something that works random depending on battle situations. Still fun when I want something different in gameplay.
  5. 5000 PS Just a choper. Shame you can’t play those no more, at least it still works on the range.

    Also I do build heavier and stronger more meta builds, but still try to make them look like something:

    I’ll have IMPs one day and make nice and effective builds to high-PS… I used to have but not any more, so I just make do with what I have.
    P.S. Any smart player tries to have as low PS as possible with maximum efficiency on the builds. (unless it’s maxed out high-PS build) Although lots of fools will tell they intentionally increase PS without effectiveness because they “don’t want easy play”. Also you will find them complaining about bad teams and bad game every next time too. Peoples. In truth they just don’t have much idea on what they are doing but try to sound like they are on top of things.

I wish the low profile wheels weren’t so expensive on the market, as I’ve been itching to try them.
How do you find them?

Regarding your last point, as far as I know I’m the only person on the forum who’s talked much about inflating my PS intentionally, but I am definitely not one of the people complaining about getting killed too easily. I know what I’m getting into when I do that, so why would I complain?
Anyway, I mostly just inflate my PS when I’m working on something designed to counter hovers, but don’t encounter enough hovers in lower PS.

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Low profiles look great, have low power drain but the issue I have with them is that you can’t get as much under-vehicle space. You only get 1 block rather than 2 blocks, so you can’t fir any generators, large ammo packs, rare cloak…
That’s the downside to me anyway.


I’m not talking about you specifically. But a lot of people say that hitscan weapons are “easier” to play, as if they are looking for a harder to play weapons lol. I think someone even tried to make absurd point that optimizing PS = sealclubing.
I think otherwise. For me it’s important to be able to fight on fair terms whatever I meet. If I’m elevating my PS to make handicap for some retards, I’ll be outgunned by those who made proper build, and get sealclubbed myself. Idk, it’s weird one must explain obvious things here.(I don’t mean you but other people here)

Fun, awesome… annoying sometimes. There are some places, typically flat artificial surfaces, or their seams to be exact, that make your craft flip, tumble, stop. Idk if it ever will be fixed. For now at least you get to remember those places, reduce speed or avoid them.
Also they are very fragile so you need to protect them or avoid being hit much.
And keeping low profile isn’t all that beneficial. Sometimes it even reduces effectiveness of protection around weapons as enemy fires on your weapons from higher point when you are close. Sometimes they can’t fire at you because of their angles… depends on build.
It’s always better to have 6 wheels on build when you can, as losing any of 2 wheels almost doesn’t affect handling, but with art builds that’s not really an option =(


I love how all your builds look different!

Very cool and nice share.

Some art guys will just make one design and slap different weapons on it and call it a new build and they only moved a few parts around LOL.

It’s nice to see someone with some creativity.

Thank you sir.


rent free

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Can’t really slap different weapons if all I’m playing is rapid-fire MGs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m just so used to ambushing someone and taking out his weapons before he can turn them that I can’ stand someone doing it to me, and ballistics… they make fighting MG hovers impossible, at least they used to.
Besides, when I build I try to make the best protection for weapons while preserving decent firing angles, and most weapons have their own unique requirements


That’s the biggest challenge with these kinds of builds: protecting your weapons while still maintaining enough firing angles that you can deal effective damage while driving like a maniac.
Every weapon has slightly different needs when it comes to that aspect.


Even more so when you try to keep it sort of nice.

Because Sledgehammer and Mace have tiny models and no requirements to parts around it.


The first version of my car started with the Yongwang oddly enough. Most people would embed the gun deeply or use a dog build, but I decided to use the low profile of the Kami to slide it on the back and give myself a full 360 degrees of aim.

This build was the king of modules, as the Yongwang demands them… KA2, Omamori, Interceptor, Radar detector, Cheetah, Cloak… just everything in this little guy.

The length of the Kami allows for so much under space too, so only 2 1x4 frames needed so I made them heavy frames.

The Omamori was mainly for the gun, but it doubled as being attatched to the rear plate, Interceptor and also the cabin.

I ran this thing waaaaay too much and am currently taking a break, this build did everything for me, it had Radar, it could block kapkans, mines, drones… I could Kami my way out of fire, drive through the lake on Factory… all while having enough ammo from just 1 rare, 360 degrees of fire while also being able to aim up and fire what would essentially be mines across the map and into choke points, something the embedded Yongwang/Dog Yongwang builds couldn’t do…

Its low profile allowed be to fire it close range just fine, using terrain elevation and the handbrake/acceleration to get slightly higher and lower angles it was a dream to use.

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100% man.

When making a new build I start from scratch and build it from the ground up to complement the weapons that will be used.

Just slapping your gun on top of a same piece of art over and over and calling it a day is not very effective.

Plus I feel like creative people enjoy making different looking builds. It seems to me that most art guys would consider it boring to play the same thing with a different gun.

This is solid advice. Modifying the same old build just doesn’t cut it. You need to take the weapon into account when making a good build

When starting a new build, I feel like the best thing to do it delete everything in your garage and start from an empty garage.

If you find yourself making the exact same frame and the exact same look as all your other builds your probably doing something wrong.

Again, thanks for your share Locusts.

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I also prefer to have my Yongwang exposed so that I can fire in all directions.
I’m going to get myself a daze module this week and try it on a Yongwang build. I really like it on Deadman, but I’ve also used it with other cabins, especially Harpy.

As far as the template build vs dedicated build debate, I’m on both sides. The advantage of a template build is that you can get very good at driving when you have that kind of consistency. But dedicated builds have obvious advantages as well.

There is nothing wrong with building with a template build. Whatever works for that player.
Most people don’t have enough time to build things from scratch anyways. I highly suggest people that don’t like to build or don’t have time to build to get a good template or even just use exhibition builds, no shame in that.

It’s more about getting out their and having fun!

But if we are going to talk about creativity and art builds - then using the same old car is not going to cut it for creative people.

For example - I have heard many people on this forum (pretty much all the regular guys) talking about how they sat down and built a build just to play that night. I also love to doing this.

And I’m not talking about just plopping a new weapon on top of an old build and calling it a day, I mean all themed out looking like a hot rod. But not only looking like a hot rod but also something they have never built before.

Doc is awesome at it and many others here. He will get a design idea that looks cool in his mind and just make it work. I think much of his fun is building the car more then it is killing with it. (I am also this way - I spend about 40% building - 50% PvP - 10% Market)

If all we have to do is make a template and add new weapons on it, then you don’t have much to talk about and share in a building thread though right?