Functional art build techniques

I have considered using some of my blueprint slots to store frame templates, like rolling chassis, and have done that before, but despite what “some people”(Locust) might think, I actually am interested in, and do take other people’s advice, and so what I found was my methods change too often to use a template, even if the end result kinda looks the same. I like muscle cars. They’re always going to look like muscle cars, probably. Mostly. Somewhat?

Had I used a template, I’d be repeating the same mistakes without giving it a thought, so I’m glad I didn’t stick to that. The minimalist frame work is a new thing for me, and I’m seeing the benefits…maybe.

If I took last night’s build out right now, I’m betting it would get PWND not MVP. Team work makes that much of a difference, I think, and the Squads vs Lost Randoms, that is probably happening in PVP right now, is very difficult to overcome without leaning hard into the META.

I think that’s worth noting. Console is not PC. Things are different. I did notice we now have an “aim assist” setting on PC now. I haven’t fiddled with it though. I don’t know what it does, or if it does anything. I don’t use a joy-stick.

I got so tired of getting my guns stripped, no matter how deeply I buried them, I basically stopped using them. The developers manipulate the fragility on that often, so the trend of fragile weapons comes and goes. I just got sick of chasing it and started using drones. Last night, however, I did not have those issues, so maybe I can back off the drones?

Ya, so I’m getting mixed messages here (Clebardman said something similar, I think). Modules or guns? I was getting ready to focus more on modules, but in the past I tended to go as lean as possible (no generators and minimal Modules), to cut back on the power-score, avoid explosives, and then use as many guns as I could mount.

I can’t say that later strategy has been working for me these days (used to). What was working last night was tripled up coolers.

It seems like a grey area, and maybe the answer is a reasonable amount of both things.

My take away from all this will be about the frames, mostly, but I did put some offers on a few modules (haven’t checked that progress yet), so I’ll be taking a closer look at that too.

Finally; what’s with all the backhanded remarks ( that’s not directed at you, Poony)? Nobody needs this.


I think all the advice here is good.
Yes, some things contradict others, but they are just different approaches.
A lot depends on how you play. For some, cloaks are essential, for others, lowering the PS is more important.
The one thing all have in common is that the cars need to handle well. Since 2.0, the biggest factor in handling response is your mass balance. If it doesn’t feel right, move some heavy pieces around.

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Some people just feel threatened and lash out, even though they have no real advice to give on a topic; they don’t like that others do.


They smoothed the terrain a lot recently and that’s really helped driving


That does seem to be the common thread. Cars that look like cars handle more like cars, which are are built to handle, and that’s why they look that way. But when it comes to the META, as the Monkey will tell you, the physics here are not like the ones IRL. That’s where this whole art-that-kills thing starts to fall apart, I think.

The developers I think have tried to reel that in a bit with this last update, and now I’m starting to see cooler looking hovers out there. I think I caught a screen-shot of a guy who mopped me up with his. If I did, I’ll post it to MudnBeer’s (?) “Cool builds you’ve seen” thread.


I find I can swap out a few weapons on a couple of builds. For the rotating weapons challenges, I’ll swap out shotguns for machine guns & re-use that build completely unaltered otherwise. I had a build where I could swap out mini-guns for certain auto-cannons, too. This was because the physical models of the guns sync up pretty well, and the supporting modules are identical.

That post was rather ironic… claims no one takes advice in a thread where people are giving, taking and thanking each other for advice, then goes on to give advice. :roll_eyes:

I’ve not played on console, so this is pure conjecture here, but…
I often see builds in 6v6 matches & think “that’d never work on PC.”
They wouldn’t work because shooting off weapons is THE tactic on PC. It’s why I ran mini-guns and an aurora almost exclusively in PVP for a very long time. You can’t go into PVP on PC with guns sitting on top of your build and make it. Not a chance. So, I assume DHawk and others are playing on consoles. Those guns would get stripped before they did any damage at all. Meanwhile, Poony is showing how he uses bumpers and other bits to armor up his weapons.

There’s a clear difference in what is required in a build between PC and Concole.

DHawk on Console - I assume.
Those guns would be all I’d be shooting. They’d get every round.

Poony on PC - I assume.

Just using those as examples… for all I know Poony is on console & Dhawk is on PC. :rofl:

A funny side note… a short wheel base Omni-Wheel build sometimes handles in absolutely silly ways. The one I had was prone to those seizures small-tracks used to elicit. Funny, but not very productive.

Just mounting your gun out in the open does not work on console too. Some people might make it work, but it is not the right way on any platform.

We are all playing the same game.

This has been on PC for a looooooooonnnggg time.

We have a certain forum member that plays on console and PC. He messaged me a long time ago and told me about how PC has the exact same auto-aim setting as on console. He has been waiting for the right moment to drop it on someone in the forum if someone for PC ever mentioned console is the only one with it.

I will not mention him name :slight_smile: maybe he will read this. And finally get to do his “in your face!” Post :slight_smile: lol.

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Seems ok to me


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Meh… yes & no. There’s a HUGE difference. Mouse & keyboard vs. controller is huge. The differences in what each allows and don’t allow you to do dictate how you play. I see it dictating how people build as well.

Half the people on console already use mouse and keyboard.

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I’m on PS4 actually, and targeting weapons is just as much of a thing on console.
DHawk relies on his shields to have unarmoured guns, while xbox_guy123 just relies on speed and cloak to avoid getting targeted.

I don’t think the platforms are as different from each other as people think, although I do see a lot of people rocking art builds successfully in mid PS on my platform and region. It might just be regional taste though. Maybe we just like cars more in my part of the world?


I do have 4 builds with Aegis now, too. I can be extra aggressive knowing I have more seconds to get away

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So there it is. I’ve been saying “Mad Max is dead” a lot since 2.0…maybe I’m wrong.

It’s pretty atypical of one of my builds as far as looks go, and I’m not posting it because I think it’s a genius build, but on the contrary, it is a simple one. It’s just employing some of the techniques discussed in this thread, and is a functional example of good advice being applied.

Frankly, I was a little surprised at it’s performance. I don’t have time to take it out for a real session now, but it MVP’d itself last night (when I did have the time), and I did take it for a brief spin a moment ago just to see if it was still working and it did great. I didn’t MVP, but it did what I wanted it to do; be competitive and immersive.

Point is; it’s a simple build, but it follows much of the advice given here on this thread, so thanks. I think it works.

I used minimal frames, fused modules, and fused guns and wheels (that’s a friggen Vector in the middle, if you can believe it)…everything is fused but the very high priced cab. It’s fast as hell, sounds raunchy, throws dirt and fire, and wasn’t that hard to put together using the techniques discussed in this thread. So anybody else having issues making cars that look like cars should give this thread a read, I think.

It is mostly fused though, and maybe that cab is a bit of a seal-club? IDK. It is only a purple cab, but the power-score here is under 6K. Other than the cab and an RN Seal ( both purple and not fused) the rest is all teal and blue (very fused). I don’t think it’s the classic seal club, but I might be pushing it at 5-6K. IDK…not sure I feel bad about it either. I’m gonna need a little push to feel any remorse, probably. It was too much fun.


That goes to show you how long it’s been since I played on console. :rofl:


Wait… so, now I’m confused as to how you guys on console can survive with weapons sitting on top of your rigs the way I see so often.

You were right for a long time. They fixed wheels a bit, nerfed hovers etc…

The general theory is that controllers make it easier to drive, and mouse makes it easier to aim. But as others have said, some PC players use controllers, and some console players use mouse/keyboard.
I also don’t think it’s a huge difference either way. I’ve never used a mouse to aim in any game, so I would probably be useless if I tried.

So, the controller & the auto-aim or aim-assist or whatever snaps the aim to the cabin or center of mass, correct?

Map knowledge, cloak… flanking and making sure you have a getaway route… never being in the line of sight of stuff that can strip you… There’s tonnes of V hovers on console and MG spiders, Omni MGs and all that lovely shit.

For me it’s all I’ve done for 6+ years, so it comes naturally… I have my routes on different maps and I always try to make the plays and engagements before it’s too late, leaving things late will just have your team die and it becomes even harder to kite and kill.

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I haven’t used aim assist forever, because I find it annoying.
The classic aim assist snapped to the cabin, but the magnetic option they introduced a couple years ago doesn’t so much, and can allow you to keep tracking a weapon while you move.
If I thought it worked well, I would use it, but I never found it made a big difference for me.

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Mouse and Keyboard is king for FPS games but I don’t see it having quite as much of an impact in Crossout… yes for hitscan weapons of course but everything else won’t matter too much.

Aim assist drags and slows down your aim when near a target, so that when you aim using a controller you can more accurately aim without overshooting. I don’t think it should exist at all and personally h ate aim assist, if no one has it then it doesn’t matter and people will just get used to it.

There was a period of time where the aim assist was so strong it was literally locking onto opponents, they have since toned it down but it’s still super strong, way too strong imo

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