Guess It was Bound to Happen

What are you guys using your computers for that wont allow you to upgrade to win 10?
Does win 10 stop u from being constructive in other computer applications?

I do 1 thing on my PC. I play crossout. I dont even think about my OS because it runs great and it runs XO. I am happy.

Ya. Even before cell phones were a thing. I’ve had them before, and thought they were a nuisance.

I did get a flip-top cell phone once. I liked it (I’m a Trekkie), and actually got my internet service through it, but when they wouldn’t renew my contract, that was the end of cell phones for me.

My wife has tried to get me to carry one, but I would leave them in the truck, or my tool box (accidentally?), the batteries would die, and I would just abandon them. She gave up after a few tries.

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If you leave your cell phone turned off the battery last for months without charging. Get stuck on the side of road, turn it on, call for help, get help, turn it back off.

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Randomly, battery related tho, i bought a philips norelco beard trimmer 2 and a half years ago. Ive literally NEVER charged it. And the battery still wont die. F*ing Legend.

I just got the same mesagge today, because I only relog for a week or two after launching Crossout.

It so happens I partitioned a new storage HDD yesterday, but left 100GB for a system, just in case. So I can now start looking for a new Windows, to install on that separate HDD.

Thank you! I’ll check it out. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll definitely be using something like that.

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Well I got a response to the support ticket I filed:

" Avatar

Alina Yesterday at 03:53

We apologize for the inconvenience, however there’s nothing we can do in this case.

Best regards,

Senior Support Specialist (IISL)
Gaijin Support Team"

So yeah, basically they said FUCK YOU to me.


‘at least they where Polite’ :crazy_face:

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This thread reminds me of how my 73 year old dad refuses to update his phone because he’s old and hates change.
Of course the older I get, the more I understand that impulse.

That’s actually good policy when you are dealing with iPhones. I have had several friends who resist updating iPhones because the updates are designed to kill old phones and make you buy a new one. This is particularly important for the iPhone 5s as this is the last version with a real headphone jack.

Me too, then.

Well, I like fuel injection for example, but most “change” I’ve seen in the last 30 years has been BS that has had a mostly negative impact on life in my country and abroad. W 10 is not an “upgrade,” any more than electric cars are an upgrade from the internal combustion engine.

As a testament to how little I fear “change,” in and of itself, I may be making a significant “change” to my routine by reciprocating Gaijin’s FU, editing this game off of my schedule, and finding something else to do (like that lonely 2004 Vulcan 1600 sitting in my garage). That’s actual “change” that’ll make a positive difference in my life, and I’d be glad to invite more of that brand of change into my life. Just give me an excuse. Moving to W 10 is just maintaining the status quo. Not much would really change if I did that.

Besides, this game’s BS isn’t rating very high on my priority list right now, as my country appears to be rising up and into a civil war, so I may have some adult schit to focus on right outside my window (very welcome schit too, IMO). 14 stars just rightly unglued themselves from our flag yesterday.

It’s going to be a long year for us in the U(?)SA, probably, and EasyAntiCheat’s BS “security issues” leave me unconcerned. They can indeed FO with the horse they rode in on…although I did like that horse. It’s a pretty horse. I’ll miss that horse.

That used to be more of an issue, but Apple got hit by some government regulations about that in some countries, and it seems to have forced them to roll back that tactic.
However, by not updating your iPhone, you are very vulnerable to hacks and mischief. A lot of the small updates are needed security fixes, and stability fixes. Better to update these days.

Being Canadian has always felt like living next to an elephant, but increasingly it’s more like next to a drunk rhino in heat. We’re all really hoping you guys manage to hold things together a bit longer. Be safe!

@DocSavage @The_Purple_Snit It’s epic games decision to make the change not Gaijins. Gaijin has no control over that other than to shift to a different anti-cheat system. There are a few but it would probably take some time to make the switch.

@DocSavage As far as anything civil goes I think your over reacting. If you want to talk about that do it in PM so we don’t break the forum rules.

i have same message. i said that a lot in the past, but there they found a way to say it for good it seems! so it was nice to be there since 2017. i won’t upgrade my shit, because the next step is window 12, and 13, 14, 15, soon a new windows forced to be used every year, its how the gaming industry seems to works now. and im off the train. back at my solo gaming, maybe using my old playstation consoles. i’ll find a way to spend my time, be sure of that! :wink: bye guys!

I still have my VIC20.


I still have the:
HP-150 + laptop
2x amiga 2000
a few 486’s in parts.


Exactly the same here…

My first message : “Hello, for a few days I have had a warning message concerning the anti-cheat which will no longer work under Windows 7… not having the intention of installing the giant spyware that is Windows 10, that means so to say that I will no longer have access to the game and that everything I have made over the years will be lost just because microsoft wants our money???”

The answer : Anton (Gaijin)

Jan 26, 2024, 13:37 GMT+3


Thank you for contacting Gaijin Customer Support.

Please note that we do not manage the Easy Anti-Cheat. You could check the EAC support page: Easy Anti-Cheat.

Best regards,

Support Specialist (ISL)
Gaijin Support Team

My second message :"You don’t manage it but you use it, A lot of players will be unable to play the game they played for years just because we don’t want to be spied on by microsoft, it’s your game and you can do nothing about it ???
Well, so farewell crossout "

And the last answer : " Anton (Gaijin)

Jan 26, 2024, 17:55 GMT+3

You are welcome. Feel free to contact us if you need our assistance in the future.

Best regards,

Support Specialist (ISL)
Gaijin Support Team"

So it’s confirmed, they really don’t care at all.


just upgrade to win10 or dont.
life goes on. :crazy_face:

Epic games actually makes that potion of the product. What they are saying is they have no control over the issue and to go to Epic to compain and ask for whatever you want…

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No problem dude, stay a good microsoft fan-boy slave^^
Have a good game