yes , that’s the problem in the forum, when a smart person do a good about real problem in the game, after that the trolls army in the forum ruin the topics with bad reply or memes. That’s why the game is dying and it must be the main reason why the devs left the forum.
i message him to do a clean up in the topic because you guys keep insult me, because i’m right.The insult against me, show me how mad you are to be wrong.
Whatever you say dude. None of us have ever played clanwars. And like u said before I don’t have any relics. Aren’t you tired of just making crap up?.
That’s the problem , you can’t have your opinion on a game mode ,you don’t even play.
Jeeze… You really are oblivious…
nice, i think the devs will fix the problem for speed gap between the wheels and the hovers .
I don’t see any smart person do a good. Lol!
I see someone trying to buff everything they love and nerf everything they hate.
I saw many on of my build nerfed because of cry baby on the forum or the FB crossout page. Soo i can cry
me too . Why should i shut my mouth, because i’m french canadian ,it’s racist.
Are they all hover builds? bc theres no other movement part nerfed so many times. Hovers are the most nerfed parts in xo thats why Idk why u complain
No. Hovers didn’t received any nerf since 2 years.
Listen all ,what he said about hovers. He said many times the word SPEED QUICK FAST and hovers together .
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Nothing to say about the video i posted.?Why because i’m right.
That seems like it could be a good argument for closing the door on the sideways-hover exploit. Too bad you didn’t lead with that, but whatever.
To that point though; Mr. G does point out (at 2:00) that “I don’t really think it’s an exploit. Like I said earlier, you’re not gonna be putting weapons on this and making a functional sideways-hover build in this way.” The trick is in the angle of the tilt, apparently, and the post seems a little off topic…frankly .
But anyway, congratulations on composing one of the most popular threads on this forum. It’s extraordinary. You’re rapidly nearing 300 comments already. I’m a bit surprised at the “popularity,” if you can call it that.
Most Impressive.
It’s not of topic.
thank you.
I play hovers 85% of the time FerrariFrankQc and well done showing a 3 YEAR OLD video of Mr G - that exploit was fixed years ago…lol… good try though. HARD CAP 75KPH for an actual Pvp or PvE build. If you know a way to go faster, let me know and i will test and post the video.
The ONLY 2 ways to go faster is to use boosters or RECOIL as a booster, in which case you are not shooting a target.
Also, Mr G is Youtuber and does not play ANY competitive Crossout. Its entertainment only. Show us you on a build that goes faster, please.
With the recoil of the typhoon you can go faster than 75 kph easily.