You know nothing about that . You don’t even play ,you just talk and build.
I think you might be onto something, now that I think about it, it kinda feels like hovers are making a big comeback as a general annoyance after the big speed nerf and thinking back, it was much more easier to fight against them on wheels before the big speed reduction that made all builds feel extremely sluggish to handle. Feels like hovers have retained a bit of the agility wheels seem to have lost in the general picture.
Instead of nerfing hovers, giving us our speed back might actually work better. Feels like they tried to balance movement parts for a long time and then undid a lot of that balancing with their stupid decision to just make everything slower and more sluggish to handle
Maybe just reduce the power drain on all the wheels that be nice.or add a free energy cost nitro button on the wheel build.
the #1 problem is still the “wedge nerf” they added a looooooong time ago that made it so if you bump anything you lose all your power. Without the removal of this change no mater how fast a wheel is, or how little power it drains, it will still not mater if they do not revert this change.
So step 1 would be to revert that first… then see if they need less power drain.
Yeah the tonnage bug / wedge fix that broke more than it fixed is terrible. Hovers can suck as you will never catch them due to acceleration and direction changes. You won’t catch them even going 120 unless they are not paying attention to you . 99 percent of the time if a match ends up with me vs a hover at end of match I just quit out as its a waste of time trying to hunt them down especially when you ram them and they take 0 damage and fly off if the opposite direction.
Fix the stupid sticky cars already. They said they want to slow down the game but this is not the way.
Hovers have always been a break in game balance, doesn’t matter what anyone says, the reduction I’m top speed only served to buff hovers and literally nothing else, such a joke
Hovers break physics more than any movement in the game. Something that can switch directions so lightning fast should be able to fly.
Something that can only get 5-6 feet off the ground would take 10 seconds to stop from 80kmh let alone go the other direction.
They are quite phoney.
Other than that, this game is super realistic!
It’s not about realism it’s about game balance, no one wants realism
Good for you, so I started in late 2016. Your point? Hovers been crapped on for years, if you truly have been on for that long then you know what I was getting at
I play since june 2017. I don’t remember when , but the hover received a speed buff (why) . I think 6 month ago or 1 year ago.
Doesn’t matter how long you’ve played. Your still misinformed. Hovers received and then lost a 5km buff. So they are the same speed.
Get a faster car. If u can’t catch a hover that’s a you problem. I catch them all the time
Weapons and other things are not as important as movement. Your movement is your physical interaction with the in game world. Movement is often what makes or breaks games
No. I don’t wanna play with a 500 health point build but can reach 120 in 1 minute. And the hover can reach 75 in 10 seconds with 1500 health point.
If it takes you a whole minute to get up to 120 with a 500 durability car, you aren’t good at building fast cars.
Hovers have not been an issue for a long time now, especially not in high ps after the inertia changes. Frankly, if one is not able to get close to them, they’re either doing something wrong or they’re trying to fight paper using rock.
I disagree, the top clan is all about being on sideways hover.Even the hover are good for sealclub.
Are you one of those players who make builds over the weight/mass limit just to have high hp but go 40 kph?
Yes they’re still meta. But so are spiders and dogs, at least on pc. The difference is that spiders and hovers are manageable but in a game of rock, paper scissors…firedogs are waterjets that cuts through them all.
Um…you over exaggerate a lot. I have 120km builds with over 2khp. 500hp? Don’t be rediculouse.
One minute to reach max speed? My build does it in like three seconds.
How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you over exaggerate so drastically and do it constantly?