Hover speed need to be nerf

Holyschit. If you can deliver those cannons at 110+kph, that ought to put the heat on a hover (and a lot of other kids too). Pretty sharp looking, also.

I’m seeing a few workable solutions to Hovers.
I’m soaking it up even if the other guy isn’t, so thanks for the post. I’ll probably rewind that video and take a closer look at the frame too. Frame arrangement is something I’ve been experimenting with a bit since they came out with the new front-wheels (whatever they’re called). I watched a vid recently by Mr. G about it, but I think it’s outdated a little. It gave me some new things to consider, though.


88kph is kinda slow, but even so, how are you not able to handle a movement part slower than wheels? Ram into stuff, drunk driving?

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The problem its not me, jesus it’s the hover they are too fast compare to with what they can do (strafe ,fly).

If we’re just here to bag on Hovers, here’s what I think is wonky about Hovers; Cannons.

That’s pretty much it. Cannons on Hovers make me wag my head. It’s dumb, I think. That shouldn’t work at all, let alone expertly, but whatever. It’s Sci-fi. Sometimes it’s a bit light on science, but I’m here for the fantasy, and I’m sort of done with reality, popular “facts,” modern "science,"and all that. Reality is grossly overrated, IMO, so I’ll play along with their insane parallel universe and it’s goofy physics, but I think it’s wonky.

You can throw in the sideways-hovers too, because I feel like that’s an exploit, but then anybody can do that if they want. It’s not like a pay to play feature or something. However, I think if they fixed that, Hovers are just too hard to operate and would really be hurting as a viable movement part without that “exploit,” which I assume the developers have purposely left in place, because otherwise Hovers kinda suck.
They aren’t terribly fast. They just aren’t. It’s pretty simple. Wheels are fast. Small tracks are (too) fast. Hovers are not fast. So says the speedometer. Field tests show: Wheels are hella fast. Hovers are not.

Hovers are very agile, indeed. Their ability to avoid the pitfalls of terrain is only surpassed by their ability to spin around in circles, wobble, and bounce off walls when their team-mates drive through them pretty much constantly.

I don’t think Hovers need a nerf, but maybe wheels could use better acceleration.

Maybe buff the wheels (less power drain).

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I just made that build for the video. There was more than enough mass left to add another Cannon, and an appolo generator as well. Also the canons on that builds firing angles are pretty bad. I used it to make that vid and now it’s been cremated.

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A build below 10K P.S . Good luck to use that in clan battle.

I’d be for that, probably.
It’s crippling at ultra-low power-scores, like with the small-wheels. A heavy buff to the white and blue wheels power drain would probably make the game more enjoyable to new players. Even if they brought the power drain to near zero it wouldn’t make them OP since their durability is so low, but it might be more fun for Aces. I think it would be.

This game needs more new players. As it is beginner cars are pretty creepy-slow. Throw in the sticky cars fix and it’s probably pretty awful. I certainly think it would be good for them if their cars where a little more vibrant and kinetic.
Advanced players have more solutions available to them, I think, and I find it a little harder to feel sorry for them, since there are so many options, and plenty of kids with deity level inventories, but I wouldn’t be against this kind of buff passed out to all wheels, starting with a heavier buff on the whites and tapering down the line towards the advanced gear.

What I really want first is the sticky cars thing to be done with and over. I think everybody hates that. Then I think a lot of us would agree that better acceleration (less power-drain) for wheels would be a good buff to see. Then we can come back and argue whether or not Hovers are OP.
I’d love to see that, I think.

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I confess that I’m not really experiencing this “sticky car” thing as much as most of you. The only time I really notice it is when I’m playing melee, and I lose power after colliding with someone wrong.

Maybe it’s because most my builds aren’t low enough to get under most cars? Or is it because I often don’t build up to the mass limit, and leave some room to move enemies around?

yeah sticky car is a problem in the game, if you hit a wall ,you stick on it for at least 1 second.

Personally, I try to avoid hitting walls. Even before the wedge fix, walls will always stop you cold in your tracks.
I am wondering though if build style effects it much. I never to do flipped plow with blades thing, so maybe that’s why I don’t experience it as badly as others?

It’s def both of those reasons. If you think about it the sticky car issue is more in line with real life physics than if it wasn’t there. We’re maxing our mass limits out on rides. Mass limit indicates the max weight the vehicles engine can handle, so you leaving extra mass free and not experiencing the bug makes perfect sense. The only issue with this new weight mechanic is that it doesn’t have any calculations for weight distribution. It sees you have a hair under your enemy and bears their full weight on to your car when your really just bumper to bumper.

To be honest the majority of builds have maxed out their available tonnage and mass. Which means they have nothing left to give when any extra weight is added. The only vehicles in the world that are built like this are tanks. Tanks are actually very susceptible to breaking down and needing repairs because of this. Theyre massive armoured vehicles, but they are fragile in ways. Tanks aren’t really ramming vehicles. Ramming with a tank is a last resort, and they aren’t going to be pushing around other tanks. Two tanks bumper to bumper acts similar to crap in crossout. In fact if tanks in real life did what they do in crossout their engines would most likely just die.

I can say I’d rather have less realism at times. I’m playing a game after all. And I’d rather not have the realism of maxed out engines being able to barely move.


By the way,the topics is nerf hover speed, not fix sticky car😉

It is really easy if you want to get rid of hovers. It comes down to 2 things ONLY. Build to get rid of hovers and engagement. Here are a few builds that destroy hovers EASILY - EVERY TIME!!! Impulse is a great weapon to use against them and funny enough…SPEED. Have a look - many of these we play in Clanwars with great success.


I pretty much only use hovers. But I have to say, @67407630 your hover builds are paper thin builds.

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Its a 5 hover scorp clanwar build - very fast and agile but these are bulds that would wreck ANY hover…auto-cannons are another great weapon because of impulse…I can do a video with a 3000 durability build and 1 shot it if you like?? The thing to remember is if you take the back or front off a hover, its grounded and helpless. Killing it does not matter then.

If you can one-shot your 3k build then you need to delete it and rebuild it.

This is to show of inherently weak hovers are - boost lance can destroy a 6K durability cohort wheeled build too. Take the weakest points and the hover is nullified - simple

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Lances is your example? Lol… Ok bud…

The only place a hover should ever be vulnerable is it’s rear. Otherwise it’s not a good clan wars build. Sure if I drive up behind a hover and porc it’s back hovers off it dips and is crippled on a lot of builds. But maybe your just used to playing crappy players in clan wars with no awareness. When I play clan wars it’s usually against more aware hover enemies who don’t let me get at those back hovers. Catching hovers off guard in regular PvP is a bagillion times easier.

Then use impulse - shotguns and stay under the build. This is to counter people saying that hovers need nurfs. You can counter them if you use map awareness, good engagement and the right counter. Also the example was lances, fire and shotguns and reapers - did you watch the right video?