They were climbing near vertical rock walls during the open tests that’s what they made harder to do. (Was actually hoping they’d keep them like that, looked fun.) It was stuff you can’t even drive up with tracks and omniwheels. They did the same thing a long while ago on a test with hovers when trying to get players to use more of them.
As for some of the other changes your alluding to you have to go to the planned balance changes for the opening of the test.
I assume this is what you are referring to.
I don’t know what steep slopes they are talking about because I can’t recall any slopes pre 2.0 that I couldn’t climb
Yeah, that’s what I was referring to. If you look the negative changes are pretty much in the 4th point they make and they persisted to the release of the changes. That change is dependent on weight of the build so you kind of have to find the new comfort zone for their acceleration.
It’s in some of the test videos both players and the devs posted. They were about to pretty much let them wall walk basically and then took it back right before the release, that’s the reduction they are talking about in the first patch note clip you posted.
Devs got that horribly described, their description is less than vague. What they are saying can refer to either changes compared to the test server or changes they made when compared to pre 2.0 they don’t say. They didn’t even mention the increase power drain which they increased by 5% so it is hard to take them seriously.
I’d agree but with the tests they always post the intended changes and then whatever updates to the intended changes they are making (It’s inherited changes from last revision). I liked it better when they use to strike out portions in the notes and show corrections to changes independently. To me that was always more clear a method. Their patch notes have always been fairly bad.
As for the 5% you might have to look else where in the patchnote, sometimes they separate the item from the system and talk about them in two different spots in the same revision note. I can’t remember if they did it on that one though.
Which was the one they explained a lot of movement changes, it might just never got mentioned directly though. The one before this was the initial changes and this one above was the one that broke most of the hovers on the exhibition by changing how the hovers were positioned.
Regardless of when it went in they also made other changes to how it handles power so it’s hard to say what that 5% actually does in comparison to the old numbers too. I’d really try pulling off some weight though to see if that fixes how they feel to you though.
They only talk about hovers in that one. This is the most detailed one where they went thru all the changes but still made not one mention of the increase power draw of legs.
Oh well… They mention the leg changes they do in the others but not the % change. It really could just come out of making them move the same speed in all directions.
They enabled some setting that decreases acceleration relative to how many inputs are active at once. This change has fucked augers and they applied it to legs I assume. Omnis also have the same deal. Hovers dont tho.
and you are the guy that come on forum topic just to say that? and you feel better than complainers? you keep whining about whiners and from all the comments here yours are the less productive
Another strange thing I have noticed is that with single hit type weapons, boosting damage does not work as well as boosting rate of fire.
For example two builds, a build with Harpy cabin, 3 executioners VS 2 executioners, Deadman cabin. One of those builds is supposed to hit hard, but does not, and in the end you end up doing much more better with the rate of fire but less damage per shot build.
Same I have noticed with Quasars, I try going for max damage, be it with Quantum or Ghost, they suck. I make a Deadman reload build with a faster rate of firing, it gets much more done instantly.
Avalanche, instead of trying to get a maximum damage boost, just go for reload and achieve much more in a battle even if you’re doing much less damage per shot.
I don’t know if this too is another symptom of dps type weapons just being way better at everything than single shot of “big” damage.
I would argue that’s an example of spaced armour being too strong. DPS or a higher rate of fire does better at chewing through spaced armour. What should happen is that a single volley from a cannon build should be able to strip away a large amount of spaced armour.
Maybe the solution is to greatly expand the explosion radius for some weapons?
The cannons in XO should be firing deceleration fused shells and not impact fused HE. They need way more pen because what the executioner has is meh. ALL ballistic ranged weapons need to lose their 5-7 block overpen limit in air. If I shoot a 5hp part with an Astraeus it will not do damage after 5 blocks of air.
I’m not interested in stripping spaced armor as much as I am in favor of making weapons bypass it without necessarily destroying it in swaths. It should be very useful against HEAT like that of rockets, or less effective against HE, but completely worthless against solid slugs or APHE.