Let's Hear Your Crazy Weapon Ideas

The Phoenix can be used against flying drones, both enemy and friendly. When used against a friendly flying drone it will pin the drone to a wall or player (making it a mounted machinegun) or onto an enemy player making it like a vulture drone.

I would like to see a legendary Tempura melee weapon. It has a longer reach so you could do drive buy damage instead of a head on ram. My feeling with the Syndicate they would prioritize tactics that rely on speed and maneuvering.

To balance this weapon, it would have a fast cycle time to be reused quickly. I would take one or two extra energies from the original depending on damage. I am not sure what the durability or mass would be.

Great Topic! Thumbs up!


Are you talking about Draco?

The Tempura is a weapon that came out with Syndicate faction. It’s almost never used right now.

You can try using it, as it is a great threat to players who put generators or ammo under their cars


try out using the Savior Cabin with Tempuras, it’s a beast!


Thank you Mang!

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It’s my current set up for Monster Truck Monday. 4 Temps with the savior cab. But, still, you’re right that there shuold be one that can have a longer flame…maybe like a samurai flame sword that takes a powerful swipe as we drive by…acts like the plasma ring in the garage and it just shaves off what ever it slices through.


Yeah I dig it mang! Your idea is brilliant!

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I’d like an acid gun.
Something that looks a bit like a firebug, but that sprays a stream of acid.
How it’s different beyond appearance is that it sticks to where you shoot it and pools on the ground. If you spray an enemy, it continues to do damage for a while afterwards to the areas that got coated. If it hits the ground, it makes a puddle that damages any movement parts that run over it in the same way.
That last part favours hovers, but hovers would likely suffer worse from direct attacks, as it’s their frames that will get coated from a close range attack, and I’m thinking acid should do extra damage to pass through parts, since they’re made up of thin segments that could easily dissolve.
Would be a fun combination of close range and area denial.


My thoughts are absolutely the craziest : Self-destruct weapons - Discussion - Crossout

This may have been suggested already…

That’s an off-road forklift used to lift heavy loads to 2nd or 3rd floors of buildings under construction. The arm telescopes & the forks can slide left & right and tilt pretty dramatically.

With the angst over hovers still on-going, imagine something like what’s in the pictures… maybe make it a higher tier version of the Skinner. Normally, it’d be extended to its fullest length & as high as it can go. When activated, the “forks” come crashing down on your opponent, pinning them - not necessarily in place, but in place relative to your build (very unlike the Skinner).

It would have to be high enough and long enough to catch hovers from the top & slam 'em to the ground.


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Here is a unique idea. A fricken canon that actually acts like a canon and has a long range. Yup I mean uses all 10 pips for the range like used in modern times. (I mean we have laser weapons and pulse rifles how hard is it to get a long-range canon?)

Have an autoloader that has a magazine. (For canons). Introduce a module that is stabilizer that gives better accuracy.

I know these ideas are crazy and will never see the light of day. But I can dream.

Note: Please note, I understand that Crossout is a game for close range engagement. Maps are usually not designed for long range battles. No… I am not trying to make this game like World of Tanks. I believe that with variety and choices you introduce fun.

How would I balance canons… Canons have a low damage per minute. Remember when you miss with a canon its dpm falls off dramatically. Think of the Avalanche and its incredibly slow load time. The number of shots you get in the battle is limited because of the dpm. Durability would be around 800 to 900 pts as a base number. The number of energies used for a canon would be high at 7 or 8. The weight of canon is very high and as a rule 2.5 times the durability.

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This is in game already. It’s called a Heather. You can get a HUGE blast radius upgrading for explosion radius with Harpy and using the drivers blast perk.

Most builds will not take more than one near direct hit. Most won’t take one.

This module sounds good. Maybe 4 shots, damage of each shot reduced by 20% with a 18-24 second base reload?

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*not “crazy” but…

Legendary Gauss Gun

  • 7 energy
  • very limited angle
  • heavy, but relatively low durability
  • shaped like a goblin / Gremlin but a little wider and longer

How it could work:
the idea of gauss guns / coil guns / rail guns is always supposed to be about the devastating effects of mass on mass collisions at high velocities so I’d like to preserve that theme in how the weapon functions. To that end…

It fires a ‘slug’ into a vehicle at high velocity that penetrates up to 1000 mass (just a random number to illustrate). Every structure part that it impacts takes ‘bullet damage’ and may creates an explosion at the point of impact with a blast radius and damage, both relative to the mass of the part hit (some threshold of too low mass = no explosion at all, maybe 50 mass?).

Some examples:

  • the ideal case is hitting a cabin doing the maximum amount of bullet damage and creating the largest explosion.
  • alternatively if you strike a clump of low mass parts on the edge of the vehicle, it will only do a small amount of damage to all of them, passing right through and potentially not even exploding
  • In the case of a more realistic armored vehicle, a shot may impact a bumper (250 mass), create a minor explosion, pass through, impact a few pieces of armor (3 at 50 mass each) doing little damage and not creating an explosion, then finally impacting the cabin (remaining 600 mass used) stopping the projectile and dealing a decent amount of damage and a medium sized explosion

This would make the weapon strong against exposed cabins / big weapons and spaced armor, and relatively weaker against layered armor, lots of low mass parts, smaller weapons.

as for a perk… not happy with anything I’ve come up with yet. here are some ideas however

  • if a slug terminated on a part, it will provide a ‘beacon’ for the next slug fired providing a little bit of bullet magnetism if the trajectory is close enough
  • if a slug terminated on a part, deliver a large impulse to the vehicle
  • quick, successive shots > 3 heats up both the gun, and the parts it hits

I wouldn’t mind seeing some more single use disposable weapons. Imagine like a ranged lance (in other words a large single shot rocket).

Another thought was over the Heather. What if we cut it from it’s turret base and just mounted it horizontal on a build. :smiley:


it would be a blight on CW’s like the angled mandrake was.

How about a “kinetic rod” that mounts like that… Fires something idk, like a telephone pole sized projectile. Does 40 points of damage and has a blast wave of increased impulse (say +200%) per target hit.

It would knock light enemies into the air away from the impact. (just like that, a car jack becomes a real choice) Could dual purpose as a legendary lance if you do not fire it and just run into someone. (they seem to love dual function weapons). Single use, 2 energy.

Be great for knocking campers away from hill tops, cappers out of the cap, breaking up dog piles, exploding a mine field etc.

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I was thinking kind of more like a M20 75mm Recoilless Rifle type of thing where it could be low energy light and disposable.

A kinetic rod sounds kind of interesting too though. I like multi function weapons too.


5 energy ai weapon rapid fire crossbow
Think Caucasus, but uses ammo and also heats up. Firing pace is like a slowed down Adapter. Surprisingly compact crossbow, but still around whirl sized. Very fast turning and tracking capabilities, but heats up very fast and cools down very slow. Decent hp, lots of weight.

Perk is that each landing shot makes the next shot do a little bit more damage. This resets when the weapon heats up fully and has to stop firing. Switching targets is much more slower than on a Caucasus. Relatively low amount of ammo so you kinda need to use ammo boxes, and even then can run out so you can’t solo an entire team


My crazy weapon/module idea is a DDOSS attack shield for Targem so they can focus on more ways to milk $$$$ out of us!