Nerf arbiters

like just saying, when i come up against a spider that looks like this, i find it ALLOT harder to strip this compared to the arbiter ktm

omni version

hover versoin with omamori AAGH yuck horrible this thing will probably strip and kill any arbiter ktm it comes up against

my point is, why do you think ktms are op when you have bunkered $^#& like this flying around using mouse aim to rotate their vehicle etc?

i hate running arbiter ktms cus i get stripped easily, i normally use ermak cab (which was recently nerfed) because at least that way i can get some damage resistance on my guns

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Get a room you two…oh wait, you did. Try being Top 10 CW players. Then you’d realize that these puny guns don’t cut the cake at the top. They beat up those who can’t just dominate them with precision and force. Sorry, calling a spade a spade. Nerfing them would just be doing a favor for the middle and lower class if you will.

I have not once seen that omnis build yet during gameplay so ill clear the air on that and it probably turns slower than goliaths judging by the weight and amount of omnis on it so id probably destroy that with every build in my inventory. The 2 main arbiter builds I see are either the arbiter hovers or the wheel based arbiter ktm. The hover ones are a hover problem the wheeled ones are a problem with the arbiter itself that is the difference. Everything is op on hovers don’t matter what it is, you can get mvp with lupras on hovers if you wanted. I do find the wheeled based ktms a lot easier to play against than the hover ones but that ain’t my point. You can only make a legit ktm with basically arbiters and arbiters only(maybe equalisers as well) but hovers you can use anything which makes that a hover problem not a problem with the arbiter. I tried the other ktms that had different guns and they all suck and even my own personally designed wheeled based imp/cyclone build is better then the imp ktm just not the arbiter ktm.

Yea all the spider builds with what ever weapon are easy to play against I don’t have a problem with them at all. Even those nova arbiter spiders I found really easy, just the arbiter hovers and arbiter ktms to a degree. Like I said the arbiter hovers are way more difficult to play against than arbiter ktms but that is a hover problem not a arbiter problem. I don’t find arbiter ktms impossibly difficult to play against like anything on hovers. I say ill find lupra hovers harder to play against than arbiter ktms but if you had to cut hovers out of the game today then the arbiter ktms would be the next most difficult build for me, and just arbiter ktms strictly the other ktm builds of other weapons if it is even possible to make a ktm like build out of it in the first place are super easy to play against.

I realize why the arbiter ktm is the only good ktm.

I put 5 different weapons in front of the crane side right which is a 2 hitbox high most durable piece of armor in the game and the only weapon that could shoot above it was the cyclone and even than the cyclone couldn’t shoot any lower and you be lucky to hit anything. Destructors didn’t work, millers didn’t work, adapter didn’t work, imps didn’t work and the cyclone could only aim at the sky so I see why ktm only uses the arbiter. So yea having the special ability of being able to use boatloads of crane side rights and lefts has armor pieces built right up to the barrel of your gun if not clipping thru inside the gun itself sound a bit op to me.

KTM builds has buggy kind of wheels on the front, bigfoot on the rear. The car can tilt forward this way. This is not like your pictures taken in the garage, where the car doesn’t tilt forward anyway. Who are you trying to convice with your photos from wrong setup?

Can i ask you a serious question then i will move on to what you just said, Why do you only get involved in threads that I am in? You have not contributed to anything on these forums ever, really creepy seriously.

And I played you earlier and guess what weapon you were using arbiter, and surprise surprise you just happen to have a ktm arbiter in the exhibition so of course you were probably hired by ktm to attack me.

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i got a lot more exhibits than that, that is just the tip of the iceberg my friend.
I will start off with exhibit A

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We play the same game? About all you can complain in game that’s unbalanced you chose to complain about weapon that have a perk that on wheels or hovers its cuted if you turn to much fast?
I dont know man i dont think arbitrer need nerf.

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Take it easy, you must be the Best player on the wasteland… And the funniest…

Hard to take it easy when you got people stalking you and telling you to grow up for reasons proven false. Last word you ever said on the crossout forums was on the retcher thread then you comes out like a ghost on this one. Pure abuse.

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I tought it is free to comment for crossout players

well exercise that freedom and talk to dooms day up there instead he is the op and the one looking for the nerfs.

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Sure I am, who is the stalker here?

you are

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I’ll add you to my friend list ingame… sorry to my blacklist.

You can tilt any setup but it has got to clear the armor pieces in front first when using different size wheels as a way of inducing tilt because the tilt on wheels alone is not enough of a angle to get most weapons to overcome a 2 block high setup in front such as crane sides. That is why putting crane sides in front of weapons like imps or destructors don’t work when trying to cover 2 blocks because even that amount of tilt is not enough to get it to clear and it barely works with cyclones let alone other weapons. That is why every ktm build in the exhibition involving destructors, imps and most other weapons only cover 1 block of hitbox of the weapon as opposed to 2 like the arbiter, if ktm did cover 2 blocks of other weapons you would see a lot more ktm builds besides arbiters.
here is a tilted ktm imp build that is standing on a bumper in order to clear the extra height of the crane side. with arbiter you would not need that bumper there. If tilt allowed the imps to clear that crane side well the bumper would not be there and the imp would just be attached to the frame instead. So pics you responded to above is valid and a good clear indicator if a gun will clear a 2 block high armor piece tilt or no tilt.

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I even went the extra mile and did the same tests on this setup pictured below

You ain’t gonna get a wheel based build any steeper than that and I still couldn’t get the shots out with the exception of cyclone, jorgmungandr and kaiju. Imps, adapter, destructor, ac43 rapier, nighogg, miller etc couldn’t shoot below the tree line or close to it.

Agreed. Hovers are much harder to face than KTM builds. When you are in a hover, and the other is in a KTM, you win, because the KTM loses out on DPS from turning away from the opponent and running into walls.

I also agree that Arbiters are strong but they aren’t the most OP gun in the game. They lose to Cyclones and Stillwinds at range, and they lose to Destructors and Punishers up close. The main reason is that when you are being shot by an Arbiter, you have the option of ducking behind something, and not sitting in spooled up Arbiter fire. Then you can plan your attacks when your guns are ready to fire, as in Destructors, or the Arbiter is cooling down.

Arbiters are small, flimsy and take 7 seconds to reach maximum damage. They can’t play peekaboo and they take almost all available energy. I play against Arbiters with Cyclones and Destructors. Cyclones just shoot close to them and they take damage and fall off. Even at point blank, they don’t usually come out ahead and end of losing almost all of their guns even if they win.