I’m not disagreeing here.
But sometimes you got clans that finish just a few points away from each other and even if this only had a weight of 10% that could mean several ranks.
I’m excited to see how it is added.
I’m not disagreeing here.
But sometimes you got clans that finish just a few points away from each other and even if this only had a weight of 10% that could mean several ranks.
I’m excited to see how it is added.
We have a different understanding. I understood the two to be related but still different. So 9k mode will have zero impact on true CW scores and results. It has been a bit since I read, so perhaps I remember incorrectly or simply misunderstood from the start.
Maybe, I’m not sure man.
We will know when they add it - BUT
My understanding is that CWs+LWs+mini-CWs = total score
But the mini-CWs is a small %
Hmmmm… I need to find it and reread it myself
Hmmm, it all adds up for a Fame rating.
I think it might be different… but it is still kind of confusing. We will not know till the fat lady sings on this one.
Link below to make it easy.
At least he was direct. Not like “someone” I know.
I think you’re off topic, buddy. Don’t make me flag your post.
I have to call bogus on what you say here with their 25% pass through.
They gotta lose atleast one of these things, they have too much going for them.
Aim for the frame area…
Literally no true of a single cannon.
Unless I’m mistaken on how this shit works, with 25% passthrough, any canon above 75% pen will pen through without detonating. Turret cannons are all at 80% pen.
Anyone willing to test this to confirm wether masts chells pierce legs, or if it’s another case of Targem telling us complete BS about the game’s mechanics?
Youve let the words confuse you. Learn the mechanics of what they actually mean. Penetration has nothing to do with going through something it cant destroy.
Penetration percentage is the amount of the projectile’s bullet damage that it will do before exploding.
So it would depend a lot on how much bullet damage the specific projectile is capable of.
Doesn’t really matter much with those legs though, because if the shell detonates on the leg, they’ll probably lose the leg, and if it manages to pass through before detonating, you might take out the frame and/or explosives.
As far as I understand it, a projectile deals its bullet damage, then its splash damage. If the bullet damage spent did not exceed the pen %, then the projectile goes through.
I’ll admit I have simply not tested any of that shit (which wold be really easy to do), but as far as I understand it shells now go through grille parts because 10% of their bullet damage isn’t enough to reach their pen %, and for the same reason, 75% bullet damage dealt to a gerrida would not be enough to reach the 80% pen of a Mast.
Don’t really have the time to open the game rn and shoot Judges at a gun mount to confirm this… But honestly if it doesn’t work this way, then wtf was the purpose of their pen rework exactly?
I think you are getting cannons that have a penetration perk (like executioners) mixed up with how projectiles overall work.
If a normal cannon shell hits a pass through part now, in most cases the shell will destroy the part and keep going until it does enough damage to detonate. I do not believe that damage that passes through goes towards detonating the shell.
Now if that shell hits a higher durability part, it might just detonate on impact.
Executioners and the other penetrating cannons will go through two blocks before it starts calculating bullet damage.
Edit: projectiles like ACs and grenades are more likely to detonate when hitting pass through parts, as they wouldn’t have as much bullet damage.
As far as I know, the penetration percentage doesn’t tell us anything about how much potential bullet damage the projectile has. So 50% could still be a lot on some projectiles, but not enough with others.
I read wrong - removed reply.
I will Come back and edit later.
For the most part, shooting down gerrida is not a good way to counter gerrida designs, those things have high manoeuvrability without paying for it
It depends a lot on how they’ve mounted their guns. If they’ve bunkered them in a lot, losing legs can mean they lose their firing angles.
They are fairly vulnerable to melee, although not as much as hovers (but they’re easier to catch than hovers).
Doesn’t take long to chew through one leg, and then you can often get to their frames and finish them off.
Getting underneath them with shotguns or flamethrowers will also kill them quickly, if you can take a leg off so you can get to their underbelly.
Is there just a downside to the gerrida and not the ml200 and bigram?