Nerf gerrida

In all the scenarios I just described, ML200s have the advantage.
They’re better at pushing close range builds around, and have the durability to survive long enough to take out their attacker.
Bigrams are also better against close range, but I find they get much more unstable if you lose some.

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It’s true that it’s not an absolute advantage, in that case the balance needs to be redone becomes unquestionable, the gerrida has better manoeuvrability against opponents in close combat and it’s easier to position the firing position against the opponent, the gerrida isn’t inferior to the ml200 either

@60915652 @77075004 A quick test seems to confirm what I was saying. I do not have Gerrida to test it, but I have no reason to believe the passthrough of Gerridas works differently.

80% pen turret cannon through a 90% passthrough gunmount.

80% pen cannon through a 50% passthrough structural part.

Now if some kind soul with Gerridas could shoot at those with a turret cannon and post the results, I’m 99.9% confident the shell would fly straight through it with 25% bullet damage and 5% pen left. I just don’t see a factor I might have missed here.

Edit: Man I don’t care about this game enough to do this, but I honestly miss when people were posting useful game info here.

Edit 2 : 80% pen shell going through 2 50% passthrough parts, thus losing 75% of its bullet damage and continuing with 25% damage and 5% pen left. Similar to what a single Gerrida would do to the shell.

Pass through should work the same, Gerridas or not.

I do believe what your explaining is correct :slight_smile: just have not been near the game to take screenshots and so on.

Gerridas is the only movement part that would work this way right? Or do one of the wheels like those wagon wheel looking things have pass through?

Lunar and gunmount wheels have 50% passthrough. One of those + a frame = 62.5% blocked (Avengers and Judges are at 65), + 2 frames should be around 71.5% damage blocked, + 3 frames is below 80% (every turret cannon except Elephant), etc.

Yeah don’t use those wheels with explosives in your frame :joy:

Also, 100% pen explosive weapons should be unable to trigger on passthrough parts. Assuming you are made of frames and passthrough stuff, an Elephant shell will 100% go through your car without detonating unless hitting your cab. 80% weapons should struggle too, and there are some mean ones here. Fatmans/Masts/Millers would mostly go through you without exploding. Gremlins/Gobs have decent passthrough too so even your guns can do the job.

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Yeah, I thought I remembered these had it. Just can’t remember the names since no one ever uses those things.

MLs are much tankier and better withstand porcs, fire, and melee.

Bigrams have wheel mode and sit up higher than gerridas.

I have builds on all 3. In most cases, I prefer the walk speed of gerridas but not in all cases or scenarios.

As this thread has exposed, many are still unfamiliar with the pros and cons. As knowledge increases, we will see how the community at large responds, and can better determine if they are balanced or not.


Turret cannons all sail right through Gerridas, just tested it.


Something is up when there are entire lobbies of hardline camera steering hover players crushing lobbies with Gerridas. They are an Icarus IV with the stability of legs and the ability to antiwedge you immobilizing you, while having movement mechanics that allow them to never get wedged.
They have no acceleration hit when pressing multiple inputs unlike every single other strafing part except hovers which lends them the mobility of a hover in fights that involve a lot of maneuvering.
They can still move when left with one leg and walk in perfectly straight lines with camera steering, although at a slower rate.

Gerridas are a bullshit movement part, they are legendary if that existed.

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Yep. Its absolutely necessary to get a set if you want to keep your account current. I’ve resisted the Gerrida train until now but I’m about to get a set.

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Ive got a mass mass Yokozuna cab ive put on gerridas. It has more mass than a mass mass humpback, with 2000 more tonnage. Im experimenting to see if its perk will allow you to spin firedogs off you with ease. And with it going 70 instead of 65 like other heavy cabs, it also prevents stripped enemies from docking with you to prevent you from fighting. Ill let you guys know. Might be a new meta if it works.


Any movement part can “antiwedge”. I have also been wedged multiple times while using them.

I dont notice any different feel to multiple inputs. I tend to think you are wrong here, as well.

You do your position a disservice by making things up.

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Thx for your time and tests, good sir.

What he said was accurate…but for Paul Harvey fans, let me share more. While 1 shot doesnt take out a leg, two shots takes out 3 legs.

Now you know the rest of the story!


Oh I didn’t say anything about it being good or bad, did I?. I consider it a major flaw of Gerridas. Getting Mast shots exploding below your frame between your legs can’t be a good thing.

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I can admit to a strong fear of anything blowing up between my legs…


Tried playing wheels against a hover (Icarus VII) again. Hovers need to be made of cretinium to get caught nowadays. It’s literally get a Flash or bring a strafing movement part.

Needless to say, I’m not putting a cent in the game until Targem stops balancing movement this with their asses. I have BP buggy wheels, they suck. I have BP Bigrams, they suck. I have BP Omnis but you need to play camera steering to get the most out of those at this point (kinda like the sad situation we had on consoles with autoaim being so stupidly good people who weren’t autoaiming basically had to melee…)… I am not giving you 10€ for 4 legs that you will fuck up and balance with your asses too. Oh, a legendary cab you say? TY, I already have Yoko, Machinist, Cohort and Nova being outdated useless dust magnets.

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Cohort is in the meta atm.

You either said too much, or not enough. Without more details from you, I’ll have to discard this information.

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What META is that?