New co-drivers. Test server

Disappointed but not surprised.

I’d be comfortable with no co-driver feature at all. The only reason I need it is because everybody else has it. If nobody had it, I wouldn’t need it. Aces would be at less of a disadvantage against veterans as well, because they wouldn’t have perks for simply having played longer. Maybe the game would seem a little more fair and balanced without this sort of thing. It’s not an interesting feature, and adds nothing to the game but dependence on an abstract statistic rewarded to players for nothing, IMO.
Just give us back our resources. This is an un-amusing shell-game, and simply rearranging stats in an unimaginative and tedious way. I don’t really want to mess with it. I don’t want more menus. Just buff wheels and be done with it.

This co-driver feature is completely unnecessary. If a player wants better durability, just use different parts. If a player wants more precise aiming, use a gun built for it. More speed? Use a fancy engine. We don’t need co-drivers at all. These statistics and characteristics (durability, puddle size, reload, etc.) are all embedded into the parts we build our cars from already. Why do we even need to shave off stats from them and create this co-driver feature, just to add the shaved-off stats back on?
I don’t think it’s fun. Is that fun? IDK. I didn’t come here to do data entry, and move imaginary numbers back and forth through colorful menus. I came here to build custom cars, drive around, and blow stuff up. This co-driver feature is an unnecessary and uninteresting extra step between me and the Wasteland. I would not miss it if it was entirely gone, and I’m not sure why they’ve gone through all the trouble of making it worse.

Who even asked for this? Frank, did you do this?


Here are some screen-shots of the co-drivers from the test server in case you haven’t seen them (I hadn’t seen them).

I’m having some issues getting online with it, presently. I still haven’t tested them out yet.
PS: These are authentic. No gags.


I’m torn on this. I think the ability to shuffle passives around is GREAT in some games like LoL where your masteries allow you to adapt a champion to different roles and game styles. Some champions could be played with a dozen of setups of masteries and runes, and that greatly helped with keeping me interested in a champion for a while. I think in theory I really like the idea of updating the codriver system. I just wish 1/it was some kind of tree/something you can tweak yourself and 2/ I wish it didn’t not look so random and haphazardly slapped together by people who don’t play the game. As it stands, if it goes live like this with no additionnal tweak, the game’s gonna be a bloodbath. Literally every co-driver they showed screams “we just thought it’d be cool”.

Do hover scorps need permanent spread reduction, +10% power, and to pop your gens more easily?
Do flamer dogs need 2 stealth bonuses, +5 kmh, and a free +25% damage after 1.5s when they bite your flank or butt?
Do hover porcs need a free blast radius + damage increase + fire puddle radius for spamming without aiming crap?
Do Nova Bigrams Vindicators/Punishers need +25% damage and reduced spread?

I dunno, it’s weird. They’re announcing changes to Vulture, but no Yaoguai nerf. I can guarantee you Yao is going to be a nightmare with that drone codriver lol. There’s multiple perks from playing shit that everybody hates like backstab stealth cqc builds, silly droners, and peekaboo hovers, but nothing that I want to play. Tankman looks weak and slow and that generator passive must be a joke.

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wow ,look nice.

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Ya. If I had my way, and I had to have a “co-driver” I’d just make him a sentient Crash-Test-Dummy robot that you put together like in an RPG. You would just craft parts that give him his characteristics, just like you do your car, or Grognak the Barbarian. Maybe you could have a couple different Dummies with their own stored character sheets for their stats and inventories.

You could name them and store them just like blue prints, and build and paint them just like your cars, or the range. Maybe they could craft stupid hats and side-burns for them too. IDK. Since they’re just Dummies, maybe you could even put them in your car and not break their family friendly rating (it’s just a dummy. no blood). Then we’d all be driving around as Dummies that even look like dummies.

They could make boy and girl dummies, start you with one or the other, and you dress them with their attributes that you craft at the Engineers Bench (or wherever) using the resources they owe you for screwing up this system in the first place, and earned from missions or raids, or wherever.

You could even have relic dummies, and Legendary dummies, and the developers could laugh at all us crash-test-dummies driving around the wasteland.


I have a feeling they are fixated on the new arena mode. That’s where quick changes to drop-in no grind “champions” co-drivers would probably be really useful.

For the rest of the grindy game this type of system would really suck though.

Y’all are complaining about not having master jack perks in the new system. But that complaint only stands in terms of having to replace some parts with lighter parts and doing a bit of rebuilding on builds that used master jack.

I’m pretty sure they buffed heavy armour with this new codriver system in consideration. At the end of the day your builds will have the same durability with the new codrivers as they did before the new heavy armour buff and with masterjack. Which in turn does what Devs intended to do. Buff heavy cabs, as they will hold more heavy armour than lighter cabs.

No its valid. I spent hrs getting g my old rides build and looking great and able to be effective.

After the changes all my builds will need rebuild and they will look dumb and be less effective.

If this bs goes live I am not rebuilding which means I won’t be playing and im sure I’m not the only one.

I get an eye on the steam charts and watch the numbers drop even more.

The whole let’s slow the game down by making everyone die quicker or use a broken build meta takes all the creativity out of this game.

And they are capping glory points so guess what that means. They will charge you to get new better ones.

This is one war I hope they lose

I feel like I’m the only one who thinks this is an improvement over the existing system.
With the new system, there’s a good co-driver for every type of build that I play, whereas in the old system many of my builds didn’t benefit much from any co-driver.
I also like that every type of build becomes a bit more scary now. I like when the game is more extreme, and when there’s a bigger difference between types of builds.

Another disappointing change that was well overdue but poorly executed. Again they took what we liked about the feature and gave us back stuff that will take years to be balanced.


Oh hey ur back! How are you and how are your cats? :cowboy_hat_face:


“This is one war! I hope theyre loose!”

I guess you didn’t know. This is tradition. This is our process. They make a major change, we riot, they implement change anyway, we realize it’s not that bad, and then we start another thread about nerfing hovers…right, Frank?


I’ve seen some that do some that don’t…

I think it’s too limited to work well and I can see a number of issues with it already. I really wouldn’t want it to go in.

WB… You can say that again…

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Yeah, come check it out my topics.

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no, i think what they mean is that you are basically going to have a “wallet” for glory points, there will be a finite number of glory points that you can fit in that “wallet”, and when you reach that point, you won’t be able to put any more glory points into it, but as soon as you “spend” some of these “glory points” it is going to free the equivalent of space in your “wallet” equivalent to the amount of glory points you have spent.

They may be implementing this so players don’t acumulate infinite glory points **collecting all of the co-drivers, so players do not instantly unlock all co-drivers they add after the first 8;

It is good to note that the developers themselves said that the points we will recieve as “compensation” won’t count towards the “glory point limit”

Co-Drivers should have powerscore based on level. Upgraded weapons too to be honest.
The damage output difference between 4k PS beginner and fully upgraded smurf is ridicoulous.
This game doesnt really have a balnce as much as “trigger warnings” for people XO is made for.

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Of course your posting silly drama queen crap like this.

The old spoiled kid responce trying to sway others with a threat.

Take your ball and go home. You’ll be back begging to play the next day.