New part ideas

Little hover drones, that travel around at the same height as regular wheeled drones, but are not as susceptible to the wonky wheel driving and terrain of crossout.

Instead of getting stuck or falling over or getting pinned against walls, they sort of bump around like drunk bumblebees. Could be expanded on having weapons not yet seen on drones, instead of same old machineguns, missiles and impulse grenades. Fixed angle firing weapons on the hover drones, maybe a weak shotgun drone, a tiny cannon drone and so on.

got ton’s of ideas i wish they implemented back in season 1, was gonna post a thread about it and saw this, so sharing here instead, not sure if they’ve been shared before (more than likely)

mechanic - hunkering
concept, become stationary which in itself is a negative, depending on the module/part, you have fair benefits for the downside,

part - Condor### -
7 energy
legendary drone
drone itself has high damage, good but not excessive range and high durability to avoid being oneshot out of the sky before it does anything, the part itself has modest durablity, but can be destroyed easily,
perk - hunk and destroy
the vehicle becomes stationary whilst deploying the drone high into the sky, from here the player is able to rotate the drone and fire manually onto the battlefield. whilst this is deployed any allies within radar range, gain a small window in the corner of their screen, sharing the same vision as this drone.

high energy means generally only one can be added, with room for more defensive/stealth tools, whilst bringing good damage, can be countered fairly, and provides good utility for the rest of your team allowing them to see enemy positions,

module - Anchor
0 energy module intended to be an alternative option to the carjack,

active - grounded
the vehicle deploys the anchor which lasts for 5 seconds, during this time the vehicle becomes stationary, and cannot be moved by other players,

a niche tool, only good for certain situations such as being ragdolled by enemy harpoons, heavy builds trying to push you off a ledge, or other ramming and concussive problems, it requires timing, and goes onto cooldown, using it wrong makes you a sitting duck for 5 seconds, will probably annoy alot of players when first implemented as they see their teammates sit still, helpless, and die,

part - Catalyzer
5 energy

fires a short range beam that creates a temporary shield on the chosen target absorbing most of the damage taken by all sources,
functions like a machine gun, builds up heat, and then needs to cooldown, can be effected by radiators and coolers, or any other perks that effect such thing.
can only target a single vehicle, and does not descrminate between friend and foe, meaning you could accidentally start helping your enemies, the cooldown means it isnt permanently applied to whoever gets it, and a small amount of damage trickle means even if they cheesed it, it wouldnt work forever, since it would effectively replace a weapon slot, this is also good counter balance,

i have ton’s more ideas, but don’t want to flood this thing with an entire thesis,

hope you all enjoy the ideas, look forwards to reading some of yours too,

one more i couldnt resist not sharing,

the wreckerball

6 energy melee weapon
legendary part,

good damage, short range, (yes it has range) high durability, large part, massive knockback,

a large wrecking ball mounted onto a thick chain attached to a crane, the player mounts the large crane,
it operates by moving the camera around, which causes the crane to swing, as the crane swings, the player can control the trajectory of the ball, allowing for creative play, best mounted on heavy vehicles to make use of its perk, meaning it still suffers from the “no one wants to play with me” issues that slow melee builds tend to have for counter play,

when the ball makes contact with a target, mass difference between the 2 vehicles/objects is calculated, if you have a sufficient difference, then the ball will travel as if ignoring any collision until it does meet a suitable object, pushing aside or potentially even briefly lifting opposing vehicles,

but most importantly, a melee weapon that can actually reach those pesky hovers,

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I would love some parts that would fill in the gaps, like for example a 4 energy ammo using machine gun or something similar, so you can run a 2 reapers + 1 of this gun on a build

Or a legendary cabin that allows you to mount 3 6-energy weapons at 16 energy (or 15 if it’s a heavy), at the cost of not being allowed to use energy for any other parts, like engines, modules etc

Or power nodes used for other stuff than repairing, like for example a cabin with power nodes, that when activated heat up any parts attached to them but increase the damage output of said parts (basically you only want to attach weapons). And you can keep it on for as long as you like, but it puts your guns at maximum heating almost instantly so you’ll do insane damage (sensible damage boost), but also your guns take insane damage (because they stay maximum heated). Kinda switch it on and off like Omnibox perk

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A perk disabling gun / module

A weapon that disables all the perks of an enemy build for X second after hit, or a module like Daze that disables all perks for X seconds

Spark deals damage, but does not drain cabin power etc. Hammerfalls shot won’t disable the rotation of guns. Scorpion pierces nothing.

This could be a legendary module, also does not affect codrivers, but all parts like guns, movement parts and cabins


My parts ideas.

Relic Snowfalls but the rockets spin
Relic Reaper but it heats up targets
Relic Helios but it heats up targets
Relic Phoenix but it heats up targets
Relic Skinner but it heats up targets
Relic engine that makes hovers go 120 kmh

Damn I’m as creative as devs.


How about a module to reduce charge time on weapons that require charging?

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I’m sitting here laughing at my phone and people are looking at me like I’m crazy.

Thank you sir :joy:

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I want this.

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When I read this sentence, I just wanted to say: developers have very limited creativity, until I saw the original

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Yeah, you have to read the whole thing as soon as I got to line 3 I was already smiling and by the end it was a full on laugh :joy:

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Water Cannon-Purple-removes heating from allies an self, “quenches” fire weapons for 3 seconds, removes fire puddles. (weapons being sprayed do not heat parts or do damage) The longer the water flows, the heavier target vehicle becomes or MUD is made where sprayed slowing vehicles that cross it.

Eh. well I put in an official suggestion I guess.

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Maybe self destruct cabins? So far we only have the Werewolf and well, yeah

Maybe one that does less damage but also disables enemy guns once for a little while like Daze does, but instead of doing it multiple times it only does 1 burst

Or, a self destruct cabin where you hold to arm it, and then when you press the button again it instantly blows up

Or, a cabin that when self destructed, instead of exploding and doing damage, pops off all parts of the build, everything except the cab, and small mechanical spider legs pop out and you now have 300 hp and you’re driving around in nothing but the cabin. But if you’re killed off normally before you can sd this does not happen.

You could use that to go cap even if you lost all movement parts, or prolong your own life at the cost of all weapons and parts. A fun little cabin

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I want an impulse mine that can launch baddies long distances. You drive by it and it blows you out in a certain direction. I needs to be strong enough to knock over a levi.

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Like a cartoon spring loaded platform? Or something explosive?

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I was thinking something explosive but that doesn’t damage anyone. A spring trap would work as well.

Why not just give us some launch pads from the garage?


oh a portable steam vent… maybe it works like a kapcan but blows them up in the air like the jets on that one map

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My idea was a kind of Death beam that has a limited firing angle, but can fire a devastating weapon blast that can melt opponents. to counter this obvious power, it would a huge weapon, with its perk focusing on dps rather than defense like the avalanche. This weapon I would most likely a dawns’ childrens’ response to heavier gun weaponry like the Thrysus is

A 4x2x2 module that gives true 1st person view aiming with a 1.0 and 3.0 magnification variable zoom. If more than 1 gun is mounted on it, finds the “average” spot in between to place its orientation.

The reason a bot is devastating with a retcher is because it’s not aiming at a point on the ground/wall behind the the target, it’s aiming its weapons to lead the target itself.

In contrast, the player’s aimpoint is a laser designator that sends the round to that point. So to hit perfect retcher shots 75m away, you need to aim at the 5th floor level of the building behind them while leading the target. No building behind them to point your laser designated point? Completely different aimpoint on the y-axis.

This module would give you the true ability to consistently place those kinds of shots. Would also be effective for Scorps, Astreus and Anything else that has travel time.

Once more, for those who might not understand how this is different than a Horizon or Neutrino scope. Those scopes still have you “laser designate” a point (as in the exact location of your center dot on your screen is, where the round attempts to go) to send the round to. This simply allows you to control the x and y axis without a need for a backdrop or lack thereof.

Have you played with Iris much? It has become my favourite scope in most situations because of the point of view it gives (and because I can hide it inside my frames).
Neutrino still good for ultra-long range.