New part ideas

Yes, i have. Neither scopes do what this scope would do.

I am confused then. I thought you are just talking about moving the point of view to the centre of the car.

Ill post 3 screenshots in a few minutes that should clear it up. Most people dont understand parallax and how it affects the aim in this game. It literally uses the exact point you are aiming at to send a round. But its a laser designator in the sense the game tries to send the round directly to that spot. So if that spot is somewhere a few kilometers in the distance (such as when you are aiming upwards towards an enemy, aiming ahead to lead them, and your aim point is literally in the sky) the game sends the round lower that your aim point because a straight line between your guns and that point in the sky is lower than your first person camera.

That being said, placing your neutrino or horizon scope directly inbetween two guns, at barrel level, almost replicates what this scope would do, it doesnt. Because aiming at a backdrop (a building behind the enemy) or into the sky (such as aiming at various points on level ground on a plateau, like that one brunt/desert map that has a center cap thats on a plateau), the round is being told to aim higher or lower on the y axis than simply where the aimpoint is.

Like i said, pictures incoming in a few to show what im talking about. When i do, i think itll blow some people’s minds that the game even does such a thing. Which is because even zoomed in with a scope, its still trying to send the round to a point, not simply aiming the weapons themselves using x and y axis.

The aimpoints are only being changed by one pixel, the smallest amount of camera movement possible. The difference? Aiming at the point of the vehicle 50m away, and aiming at the ground 350m away, or the sky (or rather the invisible wall the ends the draw/aim distance). The points where the rounds hit are easily distinguishable by the puff of smoke, by the crosshairs dont always reflect that. The one picture where im aimed welllll above the vhicle, yet the rounds contact the outer, upper sides is a really good example. On the other pictures where ive aimed above, the game has split the crosshairs in two, designating that it knows the rounds will contact here trying to aim at that far off point of contact. On the picture where the crosshairs are converged into one while aiming well high into the sky, it hits the sides of the vehicle, much lower than the aimpoint and the game didnt even know the vehicle was going to block those shots.

Again, you dont aim the guns themselves. You aim to a point and the guns are told to aim at that point. Putting the scipe perfectly in the middle almost replicates true first person aiming. But its really first person laser designating a point for the guns to aim and converge there fire at.

The scope idea i have would simply send the rounds at x-degrees up or down, or x-degrees left and right. Which is what bots do, they arent aiming their camera at some crazy trickshot point offscreen for the target, theyre simply aiming the weapon to lead the round based on your trajectory and the bullet speed of their weapon. But again, for example, not aiming at the 7th floor of the building 75 degrees to the right. Which is what youd have to do to land those shots with a slow moving retcher round.

A sort of a bastard child between incinerator and porcupine, rolls out a barrel that constantly spills burning fuel, making a straight line of fire rather than a puddle. Works like an incinerator you roll along the ground rather than throwing


This screenshot was missing from my last post. It shows the aming way above the build, crosshairs not showing to hit anything, and hitting the opposite sides of the build. As opposed to aiming slightly above the build and the crosshairs splitting and showing the point of contact.

Something similar has been suggested before, and I like it… Of course, the speed of the rotation would be critical in whether or not it’d be worth having.

Clever idea I hadn’t heard of before…

I like this one, too… I can imagine lots of unique uses for that.

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I like it. Yes. Please. I need 5.

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Similar ideas where suggested in the other forum multiple times.

I think this would remove nuance to different parts

A weapon that can realistically compete with Scorpion as a single shot high speed high ps sniping weapon


Developers have been avoiding this situation, just look at the assembler

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Relic version of Retcher,
Relic version of Helios,
New Cab - Take the perk of Master cab perk and make it work like that of the Cohort
New Weapon - Mass Launcher - Hit a rig and increase the rigs Mass 100%
Legendary version of Tow - Have two modes Human Guided / Or Radar homing

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Yeah, A missile like a flute, that you drive through the air.

I want this.

Another idea. A radar that shows where your Heather is going to land on the map. Use in conjunction with the doppler.

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I can only imagine the handling would be so terrible I’d miss every time. LOL Love the idea, though. I’d buy it, play it twice & scream at my screen about how dumb the game is, rage quit, go pour a shot of bourbon, then come back and torture myself with it for another half hour. :clown_face: :poop: :grin:

Electric Net. “blinds” the recipient. Ravager Weapon.

makes the display glitch out like the map. are you really shooting at the gun or is it really to the left or right or is it even the guns?


A 1 point module that makes the stealth module work better and keep you really invisible.

You would have to run both modules together.

Many builds would not have the point to give up, but this might open the door for a few niche builds.

I want some weapons to make use of the wheeled speed niche, without having them be facehugging weapons or dps weapons. Something that encourages a fast hit and run tactic, without being able to be cheesed with by spinning around “beneath” a build or closely around one. Something that does not work with omnis, hovers, tracks and legs.

Something like a semi-turreting cannon, 180 degrees of turning radius, not the fastest to turn s you have to sort position it beforehand, and if you drive in a straight line for X meters, it gains a charge that boost the damage, working like the aggressor charges. But also if you are driving at X km/h speed, it also gets a bullet speed and impulse on hit increase and an accuracy bonus. So you’d have to do a drives in a straight line drive-by hit and run tactic with it, where you are trying to fire it after going in a straight line but also while you are at a very high speed. It’s just one example of what I am going for with the idea of a high speed car weapon

I think drones, mines, turrets & lancelots are the place to start. Imagine something zipping across your screen at 240kmh being followed by grenadiers going that fast that blanket you with grenades as they go. :joy: The challenge would be not wrecking in your fly-bys or getting hit, of course. It’d be hilarious gameplay for sure.


  • Type: Melee weapon

  • Faction: Most likely Scavengers

  • Tier: Epic

  • Shape: A particularly large hammer with a handle made out of thick pipes and a head composed of concrete blocks and some steel bars to keep everything in place. A mechanism mounted on a 4x4 base at the end of the handle swings the mace downwards.

  • Perk: On hit, sends a shockwave all across the target, disabling movement parts for 1.5s and damaging all parts by a percentage of the swing’s initial damage. The further the part is from the impact point, the less damage it will take.

  • Additional conditions: Only one hammer can be equipped at once.

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