Yep. Too bad I’m using only Omni, hovers, and APC wheels. Sometimes Bigfoots.

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Well this person didn’t understand the saying it’s better to keep your mouth shut and have people suspect you’re dumb than to open it and prove them right :joy:

If muppet is a female muppet then I can imagine what this ratty stained muppet is like :sob: :joy:

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Oh that sweet CK.

That was the only reason I got it.
Worth the money just for that in my book.


I’m not sure I’d go that far, but there is over a thousand coins in just Iris modules to be had, plus a bunch of other stuff that is very salable. If you didn’t like it, you could sell it easily enough and make enough to buy something you did like. Maybe that was the idea? Usually the pass items are unsalable, and if you didn’t like it, tough. You were stuck with it.

The amount of coins you could earn off this pass by just selling the stuff isn’t too bad. It seems like the value is in it, but not easily discernible.

…and oh-no. Here we go again.

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Childish or childlike? :wink:

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are you honking serious!?!? why is it that all these mobile games have such crappy and greedy mechanics put into them? it really baffles me how companies can get away with crap like that.

they just have the clown laughing horn and are spamming it at the player base at this point :unamused:

they stack. i did all mine and got to 35 without the season pass and when i got the pass it gave me 3 of those iris modules. anymore and id have to pay for them. it sucks that they dont have anymore challenges. tbh i wouldnt mind getting a few more of those modules. even if they sold at 222.22 each thats atill 200 coins in my pocket per iris.

i was wondering where you got 3 from cause i was thinking “you can only MAKE one item from the 3 iris’ you get.” then i thought of the rewards to. tbh the argument isnt worth the trouble. its the cheapest one and id rather invest it in millers to sell them later for a bit of coin.

yeah you earn 3 of them from buying the pass but then after that you need to buy levels and im not affording 4 dollars per level, no thanks.

so im not the only one who found that odd. maybe it was because of what happened before, the update to the mode or something that messed up the challenges?

if you could roll your eyes any harder theyd roll out of your head and create their own orbit. :rofl:

i dont really think its that. people want to get all the rewards they can off the battle pass. to me its not really gorging, its getting their worth from what they bought. if you really want to talk about whales what about the people who drop hundreds of dollars into the battle passes to get everything ahead of everyone, then drop a ton more money to craft said items and flood the market with it for an increased price? THAT imo is whales gorging themselves. there are people who only spend money on the battle pass itself and nothing on the levels. i myself do not ever buy levels, i wait for the weekly challenges to reset then slowly go from there. i absolutely refuse to pay 4 dollars per level just to gain a stupid advantage against everyone else. some people treat this game like a competition, i treat it like a game.

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This is their response:

Additional days do not offer new challenges and only serve to complete those that you have already accumulated, as well as to produce parts from the event workbench.

how convenient they stopped updating missions for operation radiance just because now everyone is on the final stretch of the pass to get Iris.

They give you 3 days of premium rubbish as if that’s going to make up for anything.

Gaijin, I will NEVER buy anything from you guys again.



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But I didn’t threaten you I just stated that you shot :poop: from your mouth on the internet cause you ain’t got the courage to say it to someone face in person my little buddy Sally Anne swipinbutt

I wasn’t sure but Doc was right :joy: Doc run your crazy ex girlfriend woke up got hit my the P-train and is coming for you :rofl: :joy: :sob:

Oh so you’re saying you need meds and therapy and a padded room for between 12 to 20 years!

P-train on full steam :joy:

You sure are and you sure do

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so happy I buy BP’s on the last day always.
The FACT that they said they intended this amount of challenges means they planned to make people buy more levels to craft Omamori.
Speak with your wallets people, don’t buy anything for couple of seasons, see how they’ll like that.


What’s the difference? Is either a bad thing? Only people who don’t have kids, are kids, or don’t like them would take the term so harshly, IMO. It’s phony offense, and another excuse to play the victim, I think.

I’m ready for somebody to play a different card, and I’m not feeling the shame I should, I guess.

learn with me doc. i read “little child”, “little buddy”, or my fav, “small child” and i know im dealing with someone on the mental level of a 15 year old. use that power! but only for good ofc

Oh, it’s in the connotation, I suppose. Childlike is supposed to be a good thing - childish an insult. I dunno… I don’t really care either way.

As far as video games being either… which is better? Sitting in front of a movie for two hours where you have zero interaction & your brain all but shuts down (this has actually been tested medically) or engaging in a “childish” or “childlike” video game? It’s even better, imo, if it’s a game like CrossOut or Minecraft where you’re actively creating something.

So, the same people are spaming topics until they get closed… Always the same strategy on every forum.

Me neither. Han Solo doesn’t care either, and I don’t recall him getting a bunch of schit for using the term. Screw those egg-shells. I’m not walking on them.

There’s no strategy it’s just a bunch of…kids talking schit. It’s routine, nothing new, nothing extraordinary. Snow-flakes might want to consider the heat before entering though. I’m not sure there is a panic room or safe-space provided. There is a moderator…sometimes.

Hello all.
Please stay appropriate, polite, on topic, and keep an healthy discussion. I have asked several times.
I have applied sanction for several players that didn’t respect those simple and correct guidelines, and I will continue to do so if needed.

Have a good day


In a game of XO you “actively creating something”?

That’s the exact difference between watching some brainless movies with Adam Sandler and watching an educational flim from National Geographic, the counterpart of the latter being Minecraft-ish game.

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