Part ideas revival thread

Airships - Helicopters
License plate decor - from the new free pack
Spider bot drones - coming out in the new update
Hood ornament - pretty much the ducks
Better green paint - there is lots of good green paint now
Launchable drones that disassemble your car - Vulture drone, made by the Nomad Faction, limited time blueprint.

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And I am agreeing with this!

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Does this look like a helicopter?

future promises.

Anything can be a hood ornament.

This is just silly.

No, the Vulture drone is launched at an area and stays there cloaked until an enemy comes into its range then it decloaks and attaches itself doing explosive damage after a few seconds.
So no, they dont disassemble cars.

No, I am saying there were threads on the current forum you can find via search, as well as there being many threads on the old forum, which are lost forever now.

Your reading comprehension isn’t great, is it?

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no…there are great big flying platforms hovering over certain maps. Those are the air-ships I’m referring to, but the latest faction brings with it a distinct nautical flavor that does just happen to coincide with the introduction of propellers, and sure makes good material for the more commonly imagined steampunk airships.

and no, not really. I’m looking more at the “Goddess of Victory” decor. It is the “Figurehead” for the prow of an old sea-ship, which is the inspiration behind hood ornaments. So they sort of “one-upped” me with that one. It’s a hood ornament for air-ships…obviously?

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I am starting to understand why you fall for so many conspiracy theories.

I would argue that the various animal skulls are essentially mad max hood ornaments.

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Ya, I can dig it, but the Goddess of Victory figurehead is a classic hood ornament. It’s beyond classic and even into it’s origin story, the way they did it. It’s the OG of hood ornaments.

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All i asked for was a confirmation of RexLincoln words.

20 posts of bullshit later no confirmation has been given.

Conclusion: confirmation cannot be given because it is a bunch of baloney.

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My brother in Christ, that is a zeppelin.

Besides, an airship isn’t limited to the Zeppelin/blimp style. A good chunk of helis in the game might be classified as airships.

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A cabin that buffs the whole build based on how many decorative items are attached to the cabin, like for a raw simple example, +1% damage per part caps at 20%

So if you have 20 installed, and 5 get shot off, you’re left with +15% damage boost

Something to make use of deco items in a proper way rather than just bloating your ps and costing structural parts


Might as well bump with some of the weapon ideas I had in the past I can remember off of the top of my head

Drill missiles, think Nest but you shoot downwards into the ground. Has a small lag between peeking out from the ground and hitting the enemy so you can avoid them by driving fast, though they still give chase towards you with a small puff of the rocket if you’re not far enough from where they peeked out from under you. Peeks out from the ground and jumps after your car or up into the underside of it if you were still. Deployed like a turret when you hit the firing button, stands still on the ground for a second after deploying, then quickly drills and dives underground and burrows to the position (underneath the build it was targeting or where the build was at, at the time of it peeking out of the ground), peeks out, takes a second, zooms at the enemy it was targeting. 1 missile at a time per gun, 3 or 4 energy depending on the effectiveness. Does not have huge range in the whole peeking out of the ground and rocketing towards the build, like 2-3 meters top from the point of peeking out, as an example, so most of the movement of the missile itself happens “underground”

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An epic car-jack that cost 1 energy, launched you twice as high into the air, and operated on command (with a cool-down period, of course).


Finally some constructive feedback

Screenshot 2024-06-03 132646
It actually deals periodic damage, then explodes. Just saying. (Also this message is very late, but I didn’t think to check the weapon description until now.)

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Right now I just want a flamethrower that has the same stats and 360 degree rotation as the hyporborea cryothrower weapon, gimme that and I’m set for awhile.

Basically just want Skadi, but as a flamethrower.

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Relic Firebug.