PC * Confrontation Rating not giving all the points it says i earned...šŸ«£

Correct - I get the same screen if I donā€™t score enough. I didnā€™t realize it at first because after the patch all my games I played had points. I played a few more that did not score points and get the same screen both of you do.

This mode is not like Clan Wars - the more you play and win does not mean you get points. You only get points if you can increase your own score value for one of your 5 scores.

I will assume that certain builds and weapon types, no mater how well you play, can only score so many points on a consistent bases.

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What I find weird is that the display screen of my five top scores donā€™t actually seem to be scores, as Iā€™ve beat those scores and seen nothing.

Seems almost like itā€™s a number for ā€œconfrontation pointsā€, but unclear how those are actually calculated.

Yes, which is confusing for people because I think when you use the word ā€œConfrontationā€ they think the only way you can get those scores is playing the confrontation 4v4 - but that is not true.

Confrontation score can be done in PvP Missions (non-patrol) - Confrontation 4v4 - CW - LW (those are listed in order of the amount of possible points with PvP being the lowest)

PvP is counted very low towards points and does not have much impact - so letā€™s say you score 1500 in PvP then you score 1300 in confrontation - the 1300 is worth more points and will replace the PvP missions score.

ā€˜there is another problem as wellā€™

'the scores seem to be lower in most matches than before,iā€™d at least get over 1k and now itā€™s , hope i get 500 ā€™

ā€˜on PCā€™

I have not noticed this, but I also have not been playing 4v4 since Iā€™m done with my scores for the week.

When I get a chance Iā€™ll play a few and see if I notice a difference.

One thing that is very true though - Weapon types make a huge difference in score

Iā€™ve noticed that too, but thought I was crazy.
That might still be true, but at least itā€™s not just me!

I suspect part of it is that there are a lot more skilled players at 9kPS PVP now, because of people building and practicing for confrontation mode. Itā€™s easier for me to score high against less competitive players.

ā€˜even before the update we would have matches under 100 pointsā€™ on any teamā€¦

they should of takin this into consideration when building thisā€¦

ā€˜but then again,they do this on purpose, so thereā€™s thatā€™ :yawning_face:

'and having to wait another 4 hours for 30 minutes of play,makes me puke ! :face_vomiting:

What kind of scores are you guys getting in Confrontation 4v4?

I solo que only - so my scores jump all over the place depending on the team I get - but I normally get somewhere between 1000 and 2500 pts in a confrontation 4v4.

So with playing 5 games only - my points will land somewhere in the 5000pts and 12500pts range.

I have been ending the week around 10k. I have not got one of the those godly weeks yet.

Also - I donā€™t play CWs or LWs (my points would be out the roof if I did)

@MudnBeer as a answer to this topicā€¦ whatever.

Yesterday i was about to quit my clan (literally my clan, cause iā€™m the only active player) .
As a clan doing normal PVP, PVEā€¦ you know, the usual.
Being the only one doing clan things i just canā€™t make badges happen and if i try to upgrade my clan status, the amount of badges just doesnā€™t pay off the effort.
So i thought in quitting my clan and going solo ( as a clan member i donā€™t earn anything solo oriented despite playing solo.)
Then i saw a discussion about playing solo doesnā€™t pay off either.

So, i say, whatever, do a couple of games here and there and call it a day.

Itā€™s a form of silent quitting , i know, but i donā€™t intend to thought much about it , itā€™s a game, i must have fun to play it, i just canā€™t be bother with this all convoluted thing.


everything is x10 on console compared to PC, 'the market/match scores.no comparison = 2 different animalsā€¦ thx for trying,
'for some reason they think more older people play PC,and target kids on consoles.making it easier where the money is.
ā€˜now iā€™ll sit here waiting for my daily flagā€™

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The way scores are done are the same on all platforms, but they do very by player/build.


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i was thinking that while i wrote it,'but we are very different,so i gonna have to say they do things differently for console.

You can still get a lot of badges without a clan, but you might as well stay in your one-man-clan to get the extra handful from those challenges as well.
Unless of course you can find a busier clan to join (just keep in mind that you wonā€™t get full rewards the first week). Better yet would be to get some new people in your clan. Try advertising on the forum in the thread I started for that.

Even if I werenā€™t in a clan at all, the new solo challenges are enough that I would be making about the same as before with no extra effort. Everything I get from the clan is just a bonus on top of that.

Iā€™m trying to figure this out with you man.
But at this point I think everything your explaining is the way it is intended.

To get higher points you might need a bigger boat.


this is wrongā€¦(these pics are the matches in order as i played them)

this is right,idk

but i already beat this score by 15 or 20 points earlier and got NO Pointsā€¦so why give me points??? :thinking:

Did you beat another one of your five scores?

I would have to look at it again, but Im pretty sure the score always replaces the lowest of the 5 scores.

Iā€™ll use simple numbers just as an example

Letā€™s say your 5 scores are


If you score 50 points next round then it will replace the 5 score and give you 45 points (50-5=45)

Now your new scores are


So next round you get 40pt - which is lower then your last score BUT it is higher then your lowest score - so now the 40 replaces the 10 and you get 30pts

Now your totals are

Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s actually how it works.
Iā€™ve noticed that I can get a score in PVP that is higher than my lowest of the five scores, and it doesnā€™t seem to count.
Could it have more to do with comparing the confrontation rating payoff, and not the actual score? It seemed like once I got some decent scores in confrontation mode, none of my PVP scores would count towards the rating.
Or maybe I was experiencing a glitch.
Feature or bug is always a big question in this game.

PvP scores are useless - it does not count the same. (It gives scores that are like 8 times less - canā€™t remember exactly, itā€™s in the patch notes)

If you going to play the 4v4 mode, CWs or LW your PvP scores will never count.

no,it was 512 i beat the first time by a few points and got no points,i didnā€™t take a pic,i just clicked battle again.
but i know what your sayingā€¦
'but this whole thing of beating yourself to help your clan means you need machine guns to tag everyone,so now everyone has the same weapons and buildsā€¦(Not Fun At All) and for what? no cool rewards to dress up ur ride like other gamesā€¦i was really hoping for special effects for our rides we can earnā€¦
'but this marathon of endless grinding is enough for meā€¦ :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This mode was meant to be a taste of Clan Wars - your above quote pretty much defines clan wars.

People that played 9k before all this ā€œthoughtā€ they knew what the 9k META was in PvP Missions - but now that we have a competitive mode at that level the true 9k META is being defined.

I am seeing a good group of competitive Confrontation builds starting to form but this mode is not ever going to be cheap to make a build for.

(but it will be MUCH cheeper then CWs and LWs)

Just like CWs, gear maters a lot in this mode.