Porcupine rebalance idea

Because relics overperform. The amount of complete derps plaguing Tin with 100% relic builds and 0% talent and still making points are the living proof of it. I’m rolling over goddamn fused scorps, but the moment they pull out the no-skill shit like Flash, Breaker and Porcs, you can sit on your legendary build and go smoke a cig. And guess what are the relics you see the most down there? Yes; the stupid ones you don’t have to aim.

As someone said, enjoy your games against 2 Porcs+Kaps noobs on Ashen Ring. Most retarde- thrilling, I mean thrilling PvP experience ever. This game is heavily rewarding people who can’t shoot or drive to save their lives (and the successive garbage talentless metas we had since I joined, like permastun typhoon, won’t contradict me), and Porcs are by far the worst offenders. My 6yo nephew would make it to Tin with a hover porc build.

This is nothing personal. I feel every porc owner out there is gonna be buttmad, but it’s a fact. Porcs are piss easy to CW with, and if they weren’t, I wouldn’t see so many clueless players running bought ones. It doesn’t mean every porc user is clueless, but they should probably have the self-awareness to recognize that maybe, maybe, part of the CW score they get is down to RELIC SPAM OF DEATH rather than muh skillz

“but the endgame” the endgame should be to play competitively against people your level, not get carried because your build is worth 15 times the whole enemy team and plays itself. This is starting to look like a gatcha game community, not giving a fuck about balance, just crying to get premium advantages.


Did you ever played Porcs yourself?


You obviously have never played porcs

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If you don’t feel like running a hover, or a flash, or Kami cab, or Small Tracks, or Retchers, or machine guns, or a Verifier, or a Doppler, or an Argus or an Interceptor, then you should fear mines more than other folks do. You are rushing without a mine plan. This is not good Crossout policy. Retcher hovers completely trash Porc builds and don’t cost very much.

If you want to destroy Breakers with legendary gear, I recommend Kings, Avalanche, well built Reapers, Vindicator Spider and Kapkans.

If you want to beat Flash builds, well, good luck with that. Flash is by far the best weapon in Crossout.

I don’t think so. Porcs are very hard to play well since every dog is running Hermit/Colossus and they nerfed Kapkans into the ground. A lot of these Breakers don’t lose their wheels until they have been hit with 12 Porcs. There is a steep learning curve to evading a pack of dogs chasing you while hitting them with mines. Also, Porcs are not great in Clan Wars except for Levi wars.


Finally a response from someone that seems like they even play Crossout.

Thank you sir, well said.


Sorry man. I like you Mud and many of your ideas.

But this is the one that just would completely make the game trash.

No one wants forced ques, you can’t define DPS and Support in this game anyways.

How about in another thread, so it’s not off topic.

Try to define what Support and what DPS is in a way that code can decide that for us.

I would love to be part of that debate.

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lmao, what? My heavy wheel builds still can’t tear a cuckpkan cable most of the time and with absolute certainty if there’s two of them, one alters my direction, the other catches on and I can’t move in any direction for eight seconds or so. That’s three or four porcuckpine salvos with no option to avoid them. Supreme porc hover skilzz!!! Very hard to play!

Dare I say…
They’re the staple of the CW meta from tin all the way to the top. Meeting a team that isn’t running a porcuckpine hover is rare AF in PC’s Tin/Bronze/Silver leagues. And for a good reason: With a half decent team for support, they can absolutely s**t on any ground builds that aren’t equipped with a Flash or Spark or doesn’t instawin when getting into physical contact.

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This is all true, but what Silver league team has ground builds without a Flash? Flash is the most common relic in Xbox Clan wars. It is on every rush build, including most of the Breakers.

Get an Interceptor, they’re wonderful. Mine is fused for +duration and it turns off Kapkans, or keeps them from turning on for 5 seconds. With a 15 second reload, that’s pretty good. Or, better yet, get a Doppler or Verifier and don’t drive into mine fields. Or even better yet, get a Flash and rule Crossout.

The few and the far apart that still don’t play melee.

If heavy cabs had 12 energy, I’d run an Interceptor 100%. But since they don’t, the addition of the Flywheel really screwed heavy cabs over when it comes to fighting Porcuckpines. Breakers are on the same boat kinda, ever since the radiator changes, and Kami apparently doesn’t disattach cuckpkans. It’s really just the melees that can run an Interceptor without making some huge sacrifice in terms of energy (as far as CW wheeled builds are concerned)

Flash is a stupid crutch that’s even worse than the Porcuckpines. I feel offended by someone suggesting I use such crap.


Porc user here. I got no problem with porcs being nerfed, just as long as the other op stuff like flash and retcher get nerfed with it then I got no beef with it. I wouldn’t say porcs are that op against human opponents all its good for is farming bots. So many counters to the porc it ain’t funny, all it is is a good bot farming weapon nothing more.

Not nesessarily straight vertical, it could be about 45 degrees. But increasing energy consumption is required.

Aside from re-designing the whole asinine energy system and PvP-oriented trash.

What i find funnyt is rather than giving information to back up claims, just call Porc players Noob or Bad players because they are "Piss Easy"to play - coming from a scorp player with huge projectile speed so how can you ever miss a target?

Porc hovers are not easy to play with no turning angles and most CW teams run multiple flashes in their teams, which basically counter porcs if played well.

I am yet to find a weapon type that does not require some learning curve and i know this will get people shouting. But the truth is, every weapon category has a different play style. Any player that is good with a particular weapon can rule IF they put the time into it.

I also agree that for me, i fear retchers much more than other weapons because in 3 volleys they rip porcs apart. Also, a half decent scorpion player should out kite any porc player and waste them as long as they have map awareness and a verifier helps.

Again, there are plenty of counters to porcs and i think that nearly all Relic weapons are pretty ok balanced. For your knowledge, i also play arbiters as they are really strong as well as a wide range of other non-relic weapons.

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most of the time people dont notice mines even with those radars equipped. i know this cause i see people all the time in raids having their fronts blown off my land mines even when they were marked xD

its Kapkan bud.

im sensing a bit of hatred here for porcs and kapkans.

i was actually about to mention this. they shouldve kept that perk to the colossus and kept the reload perk 10% (now 15%) to the hot red. honestly it screwed alot of builds over and im still really salty about this.

some people suggested i get a flash as my next relic, but i instead got a mastodon and really like it. i have absolutely no use for a flash and in that case id just buy / craft a spark since it does the exact same thing.

simple, stand at a distance and watch as their pitiful shots do nothing to your nova shield xD

not to mention as well hovers have been nerfed to hell and back, their turn is dangerously effected by even the slightest nudge. i know this cause my hover incinerator is effected by this to. one tiny bump from anything is enough to really throw off my aim and even kill me in some scenarios. especially if they run something that has a high impact hit like crossbows or reapers.

exactly this. i run cannons, arbiters and porcs myself. porcs arent easy to use. i use a wheel build as i feel hovers are just to sensitive and i dont like using them much anymore. i do really well with cannons cause i practiced with them alot and know their trajectory, if i dont then i practice with them. arbiters im quite good with and can strip weapons effectively. porcs are a mixed barrel… no pun intended lol. they can either be really good or be very bad. the downside is they can harm you a ton to and most porcs are just face huggers with no skills or ideas on how to properly use them.

fear the retcher bots in pve… they dont miss… EVER… i hate them so much :unamused:

Porcupines seem to be one of the most situation dependant weapons in the game. They can be exceptionally deadly in close quarter maps like Powerplant and Old Town especially if you and/or your teammates aren’t equipped to deal with them. Porcs are also quite potent in chaotic brawls.

Maps like Ship Graveyard put porcs at a severe disadvantage, especially if it’s opposition has weapons like Reapers and Cyclones. I’ve turned my fair share of porc hovers into swiss cheese with my cyclones.

I dislike enemy porcs as much as the next person, but if the Devs botch the rebalancing… there would be less opposition to rush builds like firedogs.

The Daze is here for your firedog countering needs methinks.

Porcs need a buff. A buff worthy of making them 4 energy.

Then there should be a one-time event to trade a fused relic for any other fused event-rolled relic, so as not to perma-screw the people who incredulously have 5 fused porcs, and to not release the wails of a million butthurt relic owners crying about where’s theres at? It would fit the gaijin business model of making players reduce their inventory value by tempting players to jump ship and be halfway towards a fused relic ride of their dreams.

I.e- 5 fused porc player trades for one fused scorp. Now he has a burning desire to get another one. He chases that new dream by eliminating 1200-1800 coins worth of uranium in the future to make his other fused scorp. Packs get released, he buys them at the 40% crosscrown discount and the circle of life continues.

Meanwhile, porcs get a buff, while also getting an energy balance nerf, while throwing the players who don’t give a f* the coolest relic fusion event we’ve seen ever. Regret having fused phoons? Porc rebalance has a gift send from the heavens for you my good sir! You’re halfway to you new relic set of choice!

This is a forum and picking apart anything with more than 2 moving parts is child’s play. Have at it, but tell me this doesn’t carry some intrigue beyond the porcs OP drivel with no solutions.

Go ahead and reference CW as a datum when literally everything that performs in CW is OP compared to the 90% of builds and combinations that simply are not viable in it no matter what. Everything that is capable of holding Gold+ in CW meta should get nerfed. Nobody pays any attention to the 90-95% of build combinations that simply do not exist because they are that incapable in the face of dogs, hovers, and bigrams.
Porcs are the only relic that can MVP farm at 7k. They are overpowered.



these people dont want the same game as you. they basically want p2w or nolife2w, balance doesnt go well with that.

the arguments hinting at it keep being repeated.

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Good thing you can pick your CW build before a round now. U_U

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