Retcher needs a nerf asap

I’m not being agro, it’s just a fact.

Reacher projectiles from that range (300m) look slow motion in the air. You can see it coming and have plenty of time to move. Use your mini-map and have better battlefield awareness.

you think retcher player gonna aim in one spot only he will move his aim with yea.

could be other distractions on the go like getting ganked so you won’t have time to be staring at the sky while retcher player is providing artillery for gankers

Seriously tell me now how may times you play 8vs 8 pvp on rock city and first thing you got a barrage of retcher fire coming at you from across the rock while enemy team is storming yea. Mandrake is understandable cause that is it’s sole function but retcher is like a madrake and shotgun all in one. Can hit yea from behind obstacles where you can’t shoot back and can take you out faster then hammerfalls at close range.

Last thing to note, I did a different test to simulate a realistic scenario and destroyed a 4000hp heavy weight spaced armor spider from behind with 2 retcher’s at near point blank in 10 seconds. It took 4 of the highest dps machine guns(m39imp) 18 seconds to do the same so I imagine anything else with exception of breakers or jormungandr/nidhogg combo will take longer still. Retcher got benefit of explosions so on top of the insane dps it can do more damage besides just from tearing armor to shreds with micro explosions resulting in faster kills and there is a sweet spot where you get faster kills again from the perk. I am utterly baffled how people can think this weapon is balanced.

DSP isn’t everything. Retcher don’t inflict damage if user can’t hit anything. Retchers that are enclosed and boxed up have limited fire angles. And Retchers that have good firing angles are usually vulnerable and easily destroyed.


Someone already told me earlier that dps ain’t everything so I went several steps further to explain how that damage can be applied, just read my previous posts don’t seem to me like you read it. Retcher is doing explosion damage on top of raw dps numbers, retcher can take out builds not just like double or triple put perhaps like 5 or 6 times faster in some scenarios, or even in some instances near insta kills. Same reason cannons are op not because it got high dps but because of type of damage it does. Retcher got both explosion damage type on top of raw dps numbers as a base. It ain’t hard to land all your shots especially against slow to medium speed builds within 0-150m where you benefit from perk. Retcher got great mass to durability ratio, medium size hitbox, can be used in meta cw dog builds, hover builds, spider build you name it. I made loads and loads of points with proof to back it up.
I also think you are underestimating the importance of dps. you ever hear the saying a good defense is a good offense. How can your weapons get shot up when the enemy is already destroyed before they had a chance. Damage of retcher is extreme enough to make that saying a reality.

Like I said before, Retchers can’t do much if the user can’t hit anything. Smart players will find ways to counter retchers.

you so can hit stuff, hovers and wheeled builds might be hard to hit but thats it. Not hard to hit them if you can catch them by surprise with chameleon.

its hard to hit hovers period with anything don’t matter what it is

retchers also covers a large area as well, as long as your in a adequate distance from target ain’t to difficult to hit stuff. I mean retcher is area denial weapon as well. It covers a large area of the map and with the fast fire rate it ain’t hard to at least land a couple of shots

it dumps out like 20 nades every .3 seconds your bound to hit something especially in 8 player pvp stop exaggerating.

If hovers didn’t exist there be zero merit to that argument whatsoever. Just couple weeks ago you’s was all thumping your chest beating a dead horse looking for more porc nerfs, like what hope have that got of hitting hovers in clan wars porcs can’t hit anything either, I think my concerns are more than justified read everything I said in this post if that don’t convince you nothing will.

I came up with like 10 counter arguments to every argument in the utmost detail, retcher is op, i did the experiments, I have seen it in action, I have fell victim to it by bad and good players. Tell yes what ill do a challenge, my kd 2.74 ill play soley retchers and It wont be long before that kd skyrockets just because of retchers. Ill do the retcher challenge just for the sake of science and getting to the truth.

ill also slap it on my levi when i gets them bought and probe the results, it already got a 20% win rate so ill keep you’s informed of the new win rate afterwards to further add to my book of solid points on why retcher is op

In a 1v1, I managed to outplay Retchers with my Vindicator spider.

Pvp is chaotic, anything can happen to battles. Pvp is difficult to gauge an item’s effectiveness due to the amount of variables.

A lot of weapons can be very effective if you catch an opponent by surprise.

Btw: why are you accusing me of the porc nerf? They are a very inconsistent weapon that can easily be countered. Same with Retchers

Both can be countered though smart use of terrain, situational awareness, and long range weapons.

You can give me all the damage statistics you want, but we only see a small glance of the weapon’s overall effectiveness.

heres some popularity statistics. Retcher always at top of list

what more you want?

I threw the book but everyone gonna defend it cause everyone uses it

There are no counter arguments.

Fact: Reachers have the durability of a piece of paper and fall off if you look at them

Fact: the projectile at long range moves in a slow arch of rain that is easy to see form across the map.

Fact: Reachers are OP right now because of blue hovers

Fact: Blue hover nerf has already been announced.

End of conversation.


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