I know, I know, it’s not my build, but I’m pretty sure it’s the most important build of someone of you here. Which you use while playing XO
Alright, I’m done with the off-topic, please continue with your builds
I know, I know, it’s not my build, but I’m pretty sure it’s the most important build of someone of you here. Which you use while playing XO
Alright, I’m done with the off-topic, please continue with your builds
I so would get the Scorpion chair but knowing how everything is so expensive, it would be safe to say it’ll cost upwards of 10k for it
in 1 million years, when the scorpions have become sentient, they will set out on a journey of discovery…and they will find this chair humans made. Not having any concept that the human race existed, they will look upon the chair, see that it is like them but BIGGER, and they will bow to it in prayer. The scorpions of 1 millions years from now will have holy wars over this chair.
Decided to try to push the limits of the new engine, so I made a 15 leg build (mix of bigrams and ML200s).
Quite pleased that it moves pretty good, and it’s really good at pushing close range builds around.
Dogs keep flipping over when they try to attack.
Here’s an aerial view.
(Slightly updated from previous photos)
Made a Miller/omnibox build with the new legs.
Originally tried a triple Miller version, but the recoil prevented me from moving forward, and pushed me into too high PS for just four legs.
The legs are fun, but I need more. They’re too delicate to run only four.
Don’t take it for granted, not only does that thing have 25% penetration, but it works fine even if it’s designed to only have two left, and I’m guessing that most of the time your design won’t fail due to the loss of gerrida even if you’re only using 4
True, I had one match where I was reduced to one leg and one gun, and was still able to steer and shoot.
Looked like a mechanical slug.
Slug meta. Cant cripple me if i spawn in this way
Had an idea of combining the new legs with augers and a golden eagle. I was trying for kind of a crab/beetle idea.
I’m glad elephants got a buff, but I think they still need a bit more.
And picked up a couple sabbaths to give them another try, and I think I like them now. Will probably get a couple more, but I think I like them better mixed with other wheels.
(I really wish gravity worked in the menu screens. Hate seeing the front end levitating on tilted builds)
I’ve tried lots of combos with Augers, but with the new engine, I’m willing to bet those efforts pay off more handsomely than before. Try small tracks out front where those legs are. I’ve had a lot of success with builds like that. The Sepnirs might be a good alternative, too - assuming they don’t drag.
That quad-auger build looks a lot like builds I’ve made. Great minds think alike.
I bring you, the Landmarine. Not the best name, but I was thinking it was kind of like a submarine or ship on land. 4 Maulers, Colossus, Bastion, Omni wheels, Thor, purple spinning radar and a Skinner. Basically it was the base of some fusion build with a nice mauler placement, so I made it into a build by itself. People tend to not take notice of the maulers at all and tend to shoot at the cabin, thinking you are already stripped etc, or shoot at the skinner, giving you time to get close as it’s quite slow. But the slowness also works for it’s advantage, you can hook onto fast smaller builds and bring them to a halt or slow them down enough for teammates to finish them off, same to most hovers with high ps weapons, you can sometimes grab a small or already chewed up enemy and use it as a meat shield for the cabin while inching towards an enemy, ramming into enemies even at a slow speed delivers massive damage etc. It’s been surprisingly useful and evil, you just slowly plow through builds and enemies most of the time, and if there is a build that could push you around you bring that to a halt as well. Extra points for being a huge distraction to enemies and forcing even groups of enemy players to back up while you menacingly inch towards them and not die as fast as they thought you would
nice looking builds.
Sabbaths are more effective if you use them as middle wheels when using more than one. (think armoring whatever is between them such as a generator and you keep them longer). Or a single one on the back of a dog build. (I mean feel wise, I do not have data to show). I think of them as a giant piece of armor that goes from above my frame all the way to the ground.
Your SG version looks like it would also be great for incinerators.
I’ve never liked the look of tilted builds (possibly PTSD from the wedge years), but somehow sabbaths make it more visually appealing to me.
Going to try them on the rear of a build with buggy wheels on the front next, maybe for a MG or minigun build.
I like the idea of one on the back, but I don’t like that you can’t get them exactly in the centre, unless you make your frame an odd number of blocks wide.
You can attach the single wheel in the back to 3 different frame points if you build it right, it is offset by one square to one side of the other. Not sure how it would work on an angled build though.
Realized I hadn’t tried the new special cabin perks, so I made this with Jockey. Also realized I’d never used the rapid fire MG line, and had some Piercers from some gift pack or something.
Jockey is one of my faves for lower PS play… It underpins my current daily challenge farming build.