A few month back I bought a PS5 in the morning and before I went to bed I was already in a clan on a new account and competing in 9k confrontation. Got the market going and started making 1000 coins a day. That was in less than 24hr.
This game is ultra-easy to power your way to the top.
You just have to be focused and know what you’re doing.
Wasting time at sub 9k and buying gear for low PS is peoples downfall, they hold themselves down. You don’t even need all that low PS junk.
Also people wanting to have everything in the game holds them back. 90% of this stuff is trash - skip all the trash.
You’re always going to have the “Haves” and “Have Nots” - the “Haves” always remember how they got there and it is easy to make the journey again. The “Have Nots” will just complain it is not possible.
Well the issue is we’re slowly gathering new items and hardware… But now he’s tired of needing to be up close with his shotguns. Getting a new weapon set is so much grinding; grinding against the same cancer you while using the items you’re tired of using.
Why grind so much just to try an counter the shit gameplay when you can play a better game…
Even with a new account, you have a critical piece that newer players don’t: knowledge and skill. You know what works in this game, and what doesn’t. New players don’t know any of that. The long grind and widening gap between the Haves and the Have Nots is quite the barrier for newer players.
I think you’d have to be crazy not to just pick up a Battle Pass for $9.99, if you wanted a PS 9K build for Clan wars, Confrontation Mode, just to get some good fused crap in inventory, or whatever. That’ll get get you into a fused PS 9K build easy, no particular grind, clever schemes, market games, or player tenacity at all required.
Sure, technically this game is free to play, and they do give away a lot of good crap for beginners, but don’t do that. Just cough up the $9.99. Get a Battle Pass, if you want to play. Try it for free, but I wouldn’t suggest just eternally grinding your way through this game using the Free to Play model. No way.
On a brighter note: They improved the ignore feature on the forum.
Great update! Thanks, Devs.
I made it way past level 8 in one day. You have always been a pathological idiot.
It works in Russia, might as well do it here.
If you don’t like the message just block the message.
It’s still true, you just don’t have to hear it.
Bingo! This is the key
And I agree with you 100% (you have always been pretty clear headed here)
BUT there are like 15 guys on this forum.
At this point I would call them all vets or at least regulars just from the amount of time they played the forum… oops I mean game.
These dudes have been acting like they don’t know how to play the game for years.
Instead their version of creativity is “Hey, what should I build? Oh! I know… let me build a car that looks exactly like the last car I built with a different gun on it and call it a new car!”
as it seems, you can take the man out of xbox, but you cant take the xbox out of the man! the “little” insult, what a classic. welcome back mofo!
did you run because xbox dead? are you going to run from ps to pc when the time comes? pls do!
also, in your absence poony was running his mouth about your “new player experience” experiment and mentioned the “purchase of just a few packs”, just “to get going”. the accused may take the stand.
I feels like you’re going off old XP requirements to try and lie about your fake new progression.
This is how my progression looked back in 2017:
When I started the game back then it was possible to do what you’re saying as you can see. But XP requirements actually got increased by a factor of x10 sometime between the 5th and 10th of June 2017, I can’t remember which day exactly but I remember an extra 0 added to my XP requirements.
Even with the daily boost of 70k I doubt you could get much further than level 5-6 in a single day even if you played all day.
Plus even if you did get to level 8 in that day which is impossible, you couldn’t have time to then make the 1000s of coins from the market unless you just bought a load of packs, which is part of the problem we’re talking about.
Oh how about this - Post what I’ve posted about and show us what date you got to levels 5 and 10 on that account… but you won’t. I’d love to be proven wrong.
Yes what Pooney said is true. I gave him a play by play as I was starting my account. I did buy one discount pack and one regular to start.
But after the first day I realized that it was not really needed. I used the coins to jump start my market game. But in reality, even though It did help me get an impressive first day head start, over all it was a waste and may have saved me a day or two tops. If I would have just played the game I could have been where I was with gear on about day 3-4 instead of day one. (Also new players get A LOT of gear to start off with now for free - it’s not like the old days)
Once you get the market running you can make 1000+ coins a day on PS5 easy and without much effort. This is about one legendary a week OR one relic a month on PlayStation (at least the last time I looked)
I currently don’t play Crossout at all on any system. I played for about a week or so on PS5 and once I proved to myself how easy it is, it made me lose all interest to be honest. Once you realize 90% of the game is a pointless distraction then there is really not much of a real game left.
Now I have a $500 system and a $200 controller collecting dust :). I just got an itch to prove it to myself that it could be done lol. It was a fun week
Also Mr. Muppet, I would love to be the bigger man and admit that all these years I had you begged wrong. After being able to take some time off and look at the forum from the outside in you realize you’re one of the few dudes here that really get it and I apologize for that.
Many of these guys are clueless. If you could go back and read the old forum you would realize none of them learned anything over the years and they are still posting the same old “it can’t be done, please feel sorry for me posts.”
Snowfalls are probably the weapon I had the most fun with in the last two years alongside Tempuras. They do play 90% similar, but the long range shots with Snowfalls… Okay, loading up my triple snowfall hearse, see you at 10k PS
Right. Rockets can’t make that shot except for Snowfalls and Helicons. Tight spread and good durability is what makes these rocket launchers special and different.