Show us your builds

the middle one, with thunderbolts, it is my favourite of the bunch

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Thanks, I’m pleased with it. Well, except that my firing angles aren’t as good as I prefer.

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Compromises… you could move the front armour a bock or two higher and tilt it … but meh, you would expose more the cabin and the back ( whatever may be there ).
Thunderbolts are not a contact SG, they are more hit and run ( due to the perk).
But if the firing angles are good enough…
It’s a nice build either way .
How you have your guns is how i’m thinking to that design i’m thinking putting a Ermak cab

The tilt on the original design helped a lot with firing angles, and I could do that again, but I really wanted to avoid the tilted wedge look, and it also seems like running all Bigfoots is needed to keep the perk charged.

I personally wouldn’t limit myself with things cause it’s look like.
If it’s the design i’m thinking of, only the part itself has got something to do with wedges, the function is different and for a wedge to work it’s not the plow that will wedge, it wil be the blades or something similar.
But IMO, either design is what it is by their own merit and yours…you could lower a bit that Steppenwolf part at the front of your cab.
And you don’t need to be all BFs to keep the perk charging ( but this you already know).

It’s just doing small changes to see what’s more comfortable to use…or not

I tried a lot of different wheel arrangements, and there was a real difference between running all Bigfoots vs mixing wheels. Yes, it’s a very small amount of charging time, but it allows for the perk to at least get partially charged between cooldowns when going full auto. It’s a small thing, but made a big difference when it came to effectiveness.
I’m actually thinking of swapping my Shiver for a second Seal, to give myself a long enough cooldown to charge the perk more, and to be able to do more damage with those charged volleys. Unfortunately the old shotgun meta forced the devs to make multiple Seals less effective on shotguns, so I’m not confident I can make that work.

On that note, am I right in assuming that cheetah will not help me charge the thunderbolt perk quicker? I really wish the game made interactions like that more clear.

I think you don’t need the cheetah.

Thunderbolt charges every 35 meters, BFs cuts that distance in half ( it doesn’t specify if it needs a “middle man” )

Cheetah in every 100 meters act on modules and drones.

Why don’t you try all shivers? quicker bursts in shorter distances (35 m) at lower speeds. ( but they need to be, at least 3).
Putting all rads, they will be a lot slower to cool down once they overheat.
But then again if you have a different play style than face hugging and plow through ahead, dragging the opponent ( where shivers do shine), maybe rads.

You have to test that and see what configuration synergise best with you.
you can test with blue ones to see the outcome

It just seems like the best way to maximize damage would be to do longer bursts with the fully charged perk.
With all Bigfoots going at a reasonable speed, the perk still only gets partway charged before the fused shiver finishes off the cooldown. With a longer cooldown, the perk would be charged by the time cooldown was finished, so all my shots would be at maximum damage. But adding a second Seal doesn’t seem to stretch out my overheat long enough to take advantage of that. Maybe I need to fuse my second Seal too.
I rarely use this style of shotgun, so I may be approaching cooling wrong. I prefer the reload shotguns, and the gremlin/goblin style.

After the energy rework, I might experiment with using some of the blue rads/coolers in combination with my epic ones. Might end up being the more efficient solution.

I am… not sure how to feel about this.
This is the OG:

Buggy wheels severely benefit the vehicle, but they don’t look as filled out as the racing wheels do (and I had to spend 15 minutes redesigning the chassis to fit the damn things)

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I like the buggy wheel look better. The racing wheels look too cartoonish.

I’m not sure what I think of the gun mounted on the engine. Have you considered making your engine hole one block longer, and slipping a verticle buggy floor behind the engine to mount the gun to?

It actually has a space there (Kronos has a weird slot in the front), but a Steppenwolf part is occupying it. I tried doing that when I redesigned the build to fit the Fin Whale, but it required me to offset the rear Joule and I couldn’t attach it to another repair node without it looking strange.

I think the racing wheel fits the build better. It just flows so nicely from the fender to the wheel. And the buggy wheel sits too far inside the fender.

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That’s funny. I would mount unicorn lollipop wheels if I thought it would slightly benefit my vehicle. I guess that shows the differing taste of the art community. Good stuff.


How important is that steppenwolf part?
I hear what you are saying about the flow of the wheels. I guess to me, the buggy wheels look more rugged because of that, and I like that. Still looks sporty, but also like it could go off-road.

Right after mentioning the part, I said I couldn’t move the autocannon back any further than that without moving or replacing the autocannon mounted on the cabin (which made it look strange).

Also, it isn’t really meant to look offroad-capable. It’s meant to look like a normal sportscar.

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Also, I do have to say that the angle of the showcase photo makes the buggy wheel look much larger compared to how large they (proportionately) actually are.

Semi-related: I don’t like how when I grab a screenshot of buggy wheel builds from my blueprints that they look like they have way more ground clearance than they actually do. If you take the same build into a match or to your range, the suspension compresses a lot and they look totally different.

I really wish gravity worked in the blueprint view.

It’s pretty dusty in this old hangar, and the cobwebs were thick, but I’m gonna get it back into shape.

It’s a mini-Chinook? Worked great.

I sold some stuff that had ripened fairly well and made a good profit, so I picked up a few Quantums while they are cheap to turn them. They are going for less than half of what they cost to fabricate, so I figure they’re going to have to go back up considerably.

I kept saying how the F2P model was the way to go with things being what they are, so I figured I’d put my lack of money where my mouth is and do it. I’ve got 12 days left to run nearly the entirety of this battle pass (at level 10), so I figured I’d better get on it and get those structure parts before it’s too late. So far so good.


Jukbows and alike benefits from Echo, flywheel and such. It’s an entire different thing.

Hadron, mine, + one of those might be fun.

Gremlins/ gobblins also benefits from rads and coolers, i would say more from coolers given from what i see of their META builds.
Personally i use the three configurations in my heavy build.
but i found out that the one i like the least is the traditional 2 rads + 1 cooler, but as i said it all depends of how you go about it.
I believe there’s no right or wrong approach in this issue, i can say one thing, other guy might say a completely different thing, most certainly our reasoning is coming from different styles, perks, and son on.
take ruptures and leechs as an example.
they have opposite perks.
In this case i prefer 3 coolers or more ( you will need more) to make it shoot as often as possible and minimize the cooldown period.
the other you can take a more traditional approach or even full rads

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One day I decided that if I ever became sufficiently bored I would recreate one of my builds from scratch and see how much I could improve it.
Today was that day, and so I present to you the Cobra M:

A heavily modified variant of the Cobra II (very old), This build has an impressive 6k hp, good damage output and a new invisibility module that, by sacrificing some cooling power, allows it to remain undetectable for a little over a minute.

It has retained its 60% base damage resistance, with an additional 30% applied upon cabin perk activation.


Turns out my real problem was that the guns were too close together, and were interfering in each other’s rotation more than I realized. Moved the two outer ones out a block and I’m suddenly doing way more damage simply because I’m actually hitting my target more often with all my guns at once.


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