Show us your builds

If you can get your ps over 50k you will get loads of matches which should increase the amount of copper you earn has opposed to a 40k levi. Back when I had a monopoly on invasion in 2019 I used to get a match every 10 minutes or so and out of those 5 or 6 matches every hour I would probably get one loss so it probably won about 80% for months on end. Players use to douse it with porcs, firebugs, incinerators you name it and they couldn’t kill it. It was why I called my leviathan NewTyrant because that is what it effectively was, a levi I cooked up that replaced steel tyrant. When you played invasion back then there was a high probability you played my levi at some point that had 9 imps and 3 or 4 mammoths depending on the version.

I found some old footage of my levi. This is the version with the 4 mammoths and 7 imps. I also had a alternate version that had 3 mammoths and 9 imps that was a little more clean cut than this one. In the first photo you can see the levi wasn’t even deployed for 9 minutes and already had a win.


You should switch your garage to cold morning for in garage screenshots. The winter lighting is by far the worst. Its hard to see.

Ps you change the lighting in the garage tab under your profile area.

Or youll edited your post with new pics as i wrote this…


I finally found it and It is much brighter. I don’t think I am gonna repost it but from now on I know where to go to change the weather to get better lighting when special events are going on. Thank you for the tip didn’t think that was possible.


So I wanted to play with John’s wang, but with omnis. And there were not much omni builds with Yongwang in the exhibibion, but I knew I was onto something with it maybe. So I did the download a non-omni jonvan build and then repurpose it to accompany omni wheels. Also changed the Cheetah into a Golden ee-gel to boost said Omni wheels, and since I can’t afford a Daze I just put an interceptor on it, and a doppler because playing without it feels like playing blind. Other than that it’s pretty basic, deadman cabin, flywheel, averter instead of an omamori, purple chameleon. But it works, at least enough

On the pc exhibition under the name of Funwang if anyone wants to give it a try


How did he enjoy it?


Was he, or was he not-hung?

Wait. I don’t wanna know that.


Looks like a pelican.

Looks like Sector Ex.


As I sat in the gulag on my birthday, all seemed bleak but, then, strangely I heard the sound of the heavy latch to my door clunk over…with a tired groan it slowly opened. I stood to inch forward and peek through…there was no one around…only the red glowing EYE of a camera looking down at me from the ceiling of the darkened complex. I could hear it focus on me and, then, it turned to look down the hall, and so did I. From down the hall there came another rusty clunk that echoed its way to me, and the hatch there at the end of the hall slowly swung open. Beyond it, I could see Obsidian and, as I decided to make a run for it, I could see several Ravagers crawling up and on to the rig. It roared to life as I jumped up and in and, before I knew it, we were tearing down the fence out of the Abandoned Town just below the Fortress, and down the Dead Highway. “Looks like I got an Angel, and we’re gonna make sure no one makes me late for the Monster Truck Rally!”


You annoy the he!! out of me from time to time, but by gawd, you’re fun to have around! Good stuff! :upside_down_face: :grin:

Oh, and that tenshiing

See? That’s fun! LOL :upside_down_face: :wink: :grin:

[quote=“DocSavage, post:705, topic:495”]
That hasn’t really been my experience, living in a consumer based economy.

he’s right you know?
I will only sell stuff that i don’t like.
I’ ll never sell stuff to get another stuff.

I developed an aversion to the Catalina cab, i already saw so many vids that i reached a point where i just pass if there’s a Catalina.
Give me the Ermak any day

My play list.


I would like to post a video of some builds but im not to sure what code i have to use to embed it in a post. Can someone tell me the easy way to do this. Thanks.

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if it’s you tube, then, click share and when that window pops up, grap the “copy” link. then, just drop it in one of these reply’s give it a second to load. and you’re good to go.


Every one looks like a real vehicle… yet another reason the lower PS matches are more fun. :grinning: Nice builds.

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Heres a short vid showing my main build and love in Crossout. Her name is ANNI and she gives me lots of pleasure.
Under her skin and between her bones lurk fully fused pieces of power. Much love has been spent on giving her what she needs as she in turn gives me what i need back.
Her weapons are 3 fused Annihilators that the blessed Call cab uses to boost its power when launched and provide damage resistace across the whole build. She runs on a powerful Cheetah engine and glides on magical Omnis.The tweaked under mounted Keen radar lets her see far and the radio helps inform her allies of the dangers ahead.

Below the cab sits a strong Averter module providing extra resistance to the cab and the special bootstrap in the rear. Grizzly sits in the cab aiding in the vehicles overall resistance and activating the special MK2 Chameleon under the hood when needed.

What i like to do is change the paint and some decor if needed for the different seasons and events of the year. In this vid we have the arctic coat on, mainly for blending in better in the snow and ice maps this winter. You can see the blood splatter from the road victims that got in my way. I have a nice Ravager version of this too.

Here is some recent gameplay i captured of “ANNI” in battle showing her durability and use.


It’s hard for me to conceive builds made from car parts that don’t look like cars…or it’s too hard to resist building Twisted hot-rods from those parts. IDK.

Tenshiijin’s makes cool builds that are very abstract, High ps, and functional, and I’ve tried to think outside the box like that, but it doesn’t come out as cool or functional when I do it. I don’t want to straight-up rip his ideas off, but coming up with my own ideas like that feels remote. I don’t know where to start…and I’m not going to pile stuff so I can play high PS, so it doesn’t happen.

I need inspiration to come up with ideas, so Monster Truck Monday is probably going to work for me.

I’ll be enjoying the theme.


Building challenge


  1. build a car that does not put any armor part where it should be. Basically if you look at a part and say “oh, this goes here on a car” then put it somewhere else.
  2. must use an odd number of wheels. Minimum of five wheels. Using an odd number of wheels will force some kind of design that is not based on the real World.
  3. No decor!
  4. must use all 80 parts
  5. design must include all 3 gun mounts and all four elbow pieces.

That should be a good start :slight_smile:

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I like your concept of rules, but I suspect you might be pushing Doc way out of his comfort zone.

My personal approach when building things that don’t look like conventional cars is to try to put myself in the frame of mind of someone building a huge monster war machine out of scrap from a junkyard. Then it starts seeming normal to weld chunks of cars into weird spots as armour. Or leaving space inside the armour to make room for the crew of people running the vehicle (oops, did some spaced armour!). Basically I’m imagining a building/fort that can move.

Even though I don’t talk about it a lot, I guess I take a bit of a role playing approach with this game. It’s like I need to be able to picture myself driving and building my vehicle, and the imaginary version of myself in this game is a junk collector.

Because of this, I need lots of crazy exhausts on my big builds, spitting out flames and smoke. If only the engines were louder!

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The odd number of wheels thing is hard for me to digest. Just using mismatched wheels makes me discontent. Using all 80 parts is something I almost never do, and “no decor” just seems mean, but I’ll probably try this anyway…Do I have to kill with it too? Probably, right? I’m not doing much of that today. Today sucks hard.

I built a mobile ghetto once that did way better than I expected, and when I went back in to play that’s sort of the direction I was going to go, like a mobile fort, for the sake of having an excuse for spaced armor…it didn’t happen though. Not yet.

Yes. Very that.