Show us your builds

Done :saluting_face:


I could probably add more bling to make it honest, by raising the power-score…and maybe add more better funner?

Needs more bling.


MoRe bLiNg… :crazy_face:

…seems to have properly ended its winning streak, but wow…there is nothing but melee out there, just like this…but with a little less bling.


Yeah, it’s sad seeing how many Lacerators are still around despite the nerf coming literally tomorrow… they really do clutch to their crutches.

I used Lacerators for years when they were weak. It’s good that they’re finally actually good, but I do agree they could be nerfed a bit now.

But after a year of DPS strafing meta, it’s about time that melee cut into that strategy a bit.

Now they just need to buff cannons and missiles a bit.

Luckily my platsyle seems to counter most things, but melee requires more effort. I lost a game earlier to bad terrain and it really triggered me ngl… It wasn’t even to melee…

I got left 1v5 and I was on the drop down ledge on Rock City if you know where i mean… you have to fall off the top. My only way off is to hop down into the tunnel where 2 enemies wait for me to jump down knowing I have no other exit. These 2 enemies are a quad equaliser Omni build and a 2 NotHung MG hover (my literal hardest counters). -

I killed a melee who fell with me, was easy… then I wait, a dual cyclone omni jumps down and I strip them in 1 shot… idiot really.

I wait for my cloak and Aegis to charge and dive off the ledge, the Omni build had squashed up close to not get shot, I shot backwards and nailed them and took a gun, they’re on fire. I drive off around the corner towards the spawn… the hover chases me, I shoot backwards and slap them.

I cloak during their confusion and dive up the top (the part with bad terrain, i had no choice as the Omni was in the tunnel). On my way up I shoot back and nail the hover, they’re crippled and on fire (lol).

This whole time 1 guy is capping base, 2/3 done so I gotta get to it… on my way up the hill my car is bumping everywhere and when I reach the top my car rolls for no reason. I car jack and dive off towards the base. I shoot behind me and kill the Omni guy.

I fail to get to base to stop cap because of the time wasted by the terrain snagging and flipping.

I literally outplay 5 players when I have the worse possible odds yet terrain causes me to lose, these are the reasons why terrain and bots really annoy me when they ruin matches.

Having 2 upright and two mounted forwards just allows for more contact area.

I feel you on the terrain issues. One of the new builds I made this week will do a full barrel roll if I go up that one hill at the wrong angle.
I got so frustrated that I finally used the custom match function so that I could test all my new rides on that hill and try to figure out what was dragging.
Turns out it was a couple little mini spike pieces I had filling in some space at the front. Their physical model must be a lot bigger than the visual one. Removed them and now it feels super smooth. Also seemed to improve handling on normal terrain, but that might be my imagination.

Unfortunately one of my other builds is dragging a bit still, and not because of any particular part. It seems like the suspension is compressing more because I’m running more mass, but I don’t want to add more wheels or remove mass, so I’m just going to have to live with it. Thankfully it doesn’t get flipped, just doesn’t feel as stable/smooth as I like.

I don’t know how people drive with heavy plow/wedges dragging on the ground. I find any dragging really impacts my handling, and not just the random bumps.

Mine only has issues on the area that are bugged, my car drifts around at top speed everywhere else

The flipping/bouncing only happens where hard terrain is joined at bad angles. So only a few spots on a few maps.

But if anything is dragging at all, I can’t drift and corner the same way on any surface. It’s subtle, but I really feel it when I correct it.

Edit: I notice this most on tilted builds with any passive melee on the front. Which is one of the reasons I rarely make tilted builds.

Another edit: the other thing that causes some of my builds to flip is if I install neon strips pointing down. That will always do it, so I’ve had to accept that I can only mount them facing sideways. Doesn’t look as cool though.

Not Foxy enough.

I built this for the Clash of Engineers (build Foxy a rig)…before I read the build requirements. Oh well. I needed something to run some copper raids in anyway.

I’m going to give this contest a shot though, but I need to buy some Sabbath wheels, so I gotta sell some stuff. Fortunately, I’ve been hording some crap for re-sale and I can make the coin if I don’t have to play too many stupid market games.


lol pun intended?

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Thanks for catching that! I sometimes hide little puns like that in my posts as Easter eggs.

MK IV Gunship

Designed to get close to the enemy without being detected, and unleash a bullet hell once it does.



Got an MVP with a dual Barrier IX and dual Sidekick build. I wasn’t really expecting it to do that well, but there it is…

My team seemed to appreciate the shields, and it was nice to see all the thumbs ups for the support. I think Barrier IX’s help bring the random loners together into playing like a team well, which is something that is difficult to achieve in PVP sometimes.

Anyway, I thought getting MVP with a full-on support vehicle was cool, and I liked how the Barrier IX’s encourage team-work…so I pimped that ride with some fresh bling, and came here to show her off…

I’ll probably go back to something more grunge again, when I get back in-game.

I actually didn’t want the Barrier IX’s when I picked up a fused set from an event-bench a while back, but sometimes I gotta push myself outta the box, so that’s what I did.


Here is my latest Fast Stealth build that I hope to use for that Ravager Brawl event where you have to make it through the gauntlet and escape the virus laden vehicles. Hope it comes back.



Another version of my Puncher.

And it works too. Or can work too. Once i get over the hurdle of Multitasking or doing three different things at the same time with one brain.
1- deciding where and when to release the drones
2- keep track where my drones are in relation to my build ( to maintain the co-driver’s perk active)
3- operating that thing
Bait and switch. as in boxing
The drones as always are meant to be use offensively but this time, they are the “telegraph” concealing the real punch.
Due to the nature of this build ( close quarter combat) it makes it easier to launch all the rockets/missiles into a build. All i have to do is keeping a tiny bit more distance.

P.s.- Did the devs made any addiccional tweaks to the durability of parts?


I have not been playing lances though. Them seem a little under powered at high PS in comparison to harvestor for hunting hovers.

Got a machinist today. Immediately 100%'d its perk, with the ava and armored tracks… those both have damage resist too… oh dear (my kind of vehicle)