Show us your builds

Found a little sci-fi down in the bayou…

This one’s more challenging, but still fun anyway.


I’ll do my buyers remorse later…





That thing is a beauty :o. I’m really happy it’s working for you. I’d try tofuse the whole set for dura indeed, they’re big and really frail.

I’ll make a nice van or something in the same spirit for you :kissing_heart:


Alas I want the cab, yet prices are too high for my liking right now

I have a question: Do you, by any chance, know xo_guy?


Guess who’s benefitting from the fin whale…

My built for speed model is about to get an upgrade, when the Fin whale makes it into my storage…

Right now, the cheetah doesn’t do much for it (just the speed bonus), but the fin whale will give it some extra damage resist at max speed (120, unboosted).


Use buggy wheels

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Had some, didn’t like the way they looked. Besides, I could buy a legendary with how much the steering wheels were going for when I sold them (that’s how I obtained a Cohort)

I suspect that price will tank, then my buyer’s remorse will kick me hard, when it’s priced like the Manitou is now. I’m not sure it’ll go that low, though.

There are 33 of them up for sale now, at around 1.8K, which is pretty high for PC. For reference: the Torero sells for about 1.6K here on the PC. My guess is they’ll drop to about 800c eventually…but IDK. I’m not very good at making those kinds of speculations.

I sold a lot of my useless crap, so I had the coin…bought a Blight too, and that’s what I’m tinkering with today.

Torero is at 1000 buying and 1500 selling right now on Xbox, which is actually higher than usual. The Kensei is at 2100 and 3100 in comparison. I’ll spend 1k on it but no more unless I really have to. I’m sure that it’ll be in the workbench of the next mini pass though… or during an event with a fixed fusion like they did with Catalina.

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…didn’t work…

…totally did work…

Spilled a little MudnBeer on this one…

I had the blue-print for MudnBeer’s shotgun wedge a few months back, but I didn’t have the parts to assemble it, so I’ve been collecting the parts for a while. I Don’t think I have the blue-print any more, but I have most of the parts now, so I threw together my own interpretation…I borrow a lot of ideas from other players. So, thanks.

“Originality is the art of concealing your sources.” -Benjamin Franklin


Well I bought the Kensei, then sold it for profit as I couldn’t build anything which I thought looked good… like the Torero the angles are too rough to make anything simply

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Speaking of Torrero, I finally picked one up. I won a bunch of coin in that meat can lottery, so I acquired the three toadfish I was grinding out a lot quicker than I expected.
I tried a bunch of Gerrida, hover, and even an Atom build, but this stripped down wheeled build was the first one to actually feel good:

Hot Rod for the accuracy perk, and lower level modules to get it under 9kPS.

Since that worked well, I figured I should try Hot Rods big brother, Torerro. Also under 9kPS:

And then I made a high PS version, with Thor, Yeti, Finwhale, Doppler. Love seeing Finwhale vibrating in the open front hood:

And also threw together a quick Equalizer/Aurora/Janabbi/Finwhale car:


Put the side crossbows sideways and it looks way nice, not as good firing angles but way nicer imo

I tried that, but I miss the firing angles. With this layout I almost never have any shots blocked, and I can shoot backwards at people chasing me.
Yes, it makes me wider than I would like, but that also helps stop me from flipping at high speeds.
The vertical cabin mounting works really well with strafing parts though, and is my preferred method on those builds.

Can we just get the topic pinned? @Quaero_et_tego

Dick Mode.

Some play-styles are much harder than they look…this ain’t one of them.


You need too more upright for that… lol… I actually went higher in PS to try to avoid some of the melee. Perhaps that’s a new driver angle for the PS chain. lol…