Show us your builds

You could just drive it in reverse with the Ava on the back if you didn’t mind the radar being flipped about, I’m sure it would attach easier too.

It attached fine in its current configuration (and I don’t like flipping the vehicle 180…)

My Brawl rides…

I’m not real sure what the new brawl creation system is good for, but I sort of like it? It gave me an excuse to build new cars though, so I did. All these cars sit at exactly PS 2999, and I think are pretty fairly matched up

I like my brawl too. It’s a 3 minute 4 vs 4 capture-the-base brawl with a storm that starts at about 2 minutes to hurry things along. It’s fun, but pointless…and it’s on the same map over and over so…IDK. I’d like a map editor. Do we have one of those yet? I’m still exploring the feature, and this is my first attempt.


Here is another Kensai build


Sexy AF. That’s the way to dress the Kensei, for sure…I’m going to steal those design queues, of course…If I can…not asking, just not sure I can manage it (gonna try though). That’s pretty damn sharp.

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No worries mang! Please use whatever you please. It can be found in the exhibition under Ronin Racer.

Please download at your leisure. To be honest I looked on the internet in regard to drift cars and drift racing. They have some wonderful vehicles that can inspire you with unique colors and decals.

Thank you Doc for your kind feedback.


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Made a race car to use as a preset car for the player made brawl event. (Diesel punk fury)

Decided to see if I could still make a Deadman/Avalanche build with the new stats, and after a lot of trial and error made something functional. Really like the new feel of avalanche, but they’ve made it very hard to put on a light cabin now (probably for the best):

And here’s another Skadi experiment:

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Very cool! I see alot of builds with Melee weapons sitting vertical like that. Is it for hitting hovers?

Yes, but also helps prevent me from climbing some ground builds.

People used to call high mounted passive melee “hover catchers”, but seems like most people call them “dog ears” now. They are one of the reasons that we call some close range builds “dogs”.

I tried to do it in a different way from the usual method, because I don’t like the look of fully boxed in builds, and because I wanted to be able to take advantage of the Skadi’s 360 rotation ability (and the relatively long range).

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It has begun trial runs…


Had to play something ugly for a while.

Sorry, if you’re OCD. That might fire it off. IDK. It sort of does to me…but I like it. It’s just wrong.


Yet another experimental version of my Storm chaser. ( new armour profile it’s on final tests run)

I know, I know, even i lost count of how many versions it went through. Storm Chaser, Puncher and so on
I would like to do something new, fresh, but i also would like to keep my work horses, the builds i can go back to.
So instead of that, my time is wasted in update my beauties from updates, nerfs, changes, and even unnecessary BUFFs like BFs

I envy you all.

Instead of documenting the several evolutions / generations of a build that i make to keep track of my progression as a maker ( i won’t use the word engineer or architect. )

I’m caught up in this never ending loop of stupid nerfs and changes.

I am proud of my babies.

People! i may be down but i’m not out.


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I’m going to be frank with you.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and tastes should not be discussed.
You make very beautiful things, some of them you could make it better, with better parts, i mean.
But i get you, you go for the looks instead of functionality and i respect that and above all i enjoy it and i envy you.
I only produced a art build so far ( i had to fight myself doing it ) and it was a replica of something.
But i have a beef with you that left me with a chip on my shoulder…well, a beef, probably is too much, but something is annoying me since then.
A few posts back, probably one of your last before you went away for a while.
You did a truly ugly build, it wasn’t anything special, that reeked of cannon fodder you said great things about it and you said you tried to go for some kind of wood whatever, in that same post there it was, the most beautiful thing, compact, looked focused for combat and you called it Ulcer vomit, really?
I confess, since then i went to exhib to try to download that build (3 times now) and it isn’t there.
If it were i would download to my garage, change a few parts and i would make it mine.

I’m talking about this one.


As i see this topic and enjoy a plethora of builds, most of the times i divide them in 3 categories
1 - Nice but it isn’t for me
2 - Nice but i don’t have the parts to do it ( mainly guns)
3 - It’s screaming to go to my garage. a few parts and a bit of paint and it’s ready to go .


Flashy car that I use for Confrontation. I really like the Sky Glitch and Space glitch paints.

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Lol…The builds that make it to my Exhibition tend to be only the ones that I can consistently make kills with (mostly) over a period of weeks. I build a lot of stuff, and even many of the builds I have great success with I discard anyway. “Ulcer Vomit” (named due to it’s paint job) didn’t make the grade (or my exhibition) and was good for maybe a couple rounds in PVP, then seemed to be out of it’s league or not really sitting well within its power-score.

But, I’ll tell you what; I have an open spot in my exhibition (I think, or I’ll make one), I’ll go have a smoke and rebuild “Ulcer Vomit,” but I’ll ditch the sickening moniker and the off-color paint job, and post it to my exhibition in a few hours. Maybe you can get it to work better with a little tinkering?

It’ll give me something to do for this rainy but cozy morning. :mechanic:

It’s not precisely the same build as…that other one, but maybe it works better.

I haven’t gotten MVP with it yet, but it’s behaving like it could and is regularly pulling in two or three kills per match (PVP). I don’t recall the previous iteration doing as well, for whatever reason.

One major difference with this model is that it is sporting the hazardous Gas Generator I just picked up off the market for this particular project. Initially, that was being a liability, but I rearranged some things and it was getting pretty bossy out there without lighting up, even with all the melee.

I’ve also swapped the big jagged fenders out for ones with a tighter profile, as I think the flared ones may have been preventing me from making good offensive contact with the Shivs. I could probably still tinker with it more to try and improve it, but it’s working good for PVP as it is

Had the previous model performed as well as this one has, I might have kept it around longer.

It now sits at PS 5900 even, which seems to be a good range for it.

It’s there now. “DOC5,” I think.


Bro got the goofy ah (almost) default profile pic. I do have to say though, that storm chaser is VERY effective. I’m an ineffective “art” builder:

Apparently stuff like this isn’t art.

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Thank you.

Well, after you said it wasn’t so great in PVP i decided to try it in my garage, when i downloaded it seemed different from what i’ve seen, more refined
anyways i exit my garage like a fighting bull coming out of its pen, i destroyed my Storm Chaser eating damage from the explosion but it held on, then i dispatched 3 more guys in quick succession. a hover canon build, a wheeled canon build and something else.

And i could continued…

Seems pretty good so far. I don’t want to talk too early but, as is, it shows potential, and it’s well made regardless if it’s an art build or not, the fire angles are much better than what i thought with this type of configuration

With very few exception my exhib function like an archive, where i store 1St gens builds or very close to it, old racing cars that won multiple races ( at that time was what i had to store them, i need the parking spaces for my active builds).

Walking with a gasgen don’t bother me at all, i use it in almost all of my builds since before the slaughter event…

You and at least other guy ( Poony4u ) should consider keeping, at least, some builds and tweaking them instead of discard and build from scratch.


I use my exhibition for older builds that I can’t let go of just yet. I wish I had more space so I could keep more around.

Because I build a few cars each week, and have been for years, I’m pretty fast at putting something together. Especially when it’s in a form that I have worked with a lot: four wheel cars, six wheel cars, 2 and 4 auger builds, spiders of various sizes, track builds. You develop general principles and formulas, and spend more time on finding nice ways of connecting the armour to that template chassis.

But the first fast attempt at a build nearly always has problems, so they all go through refining. If I really like a build, I’ll keep tweaking it for weeks.

I do miss all my deleted builds though, which is probably why I post so many photos in the show your builds thread.


same here, regarding the exhib and missing old builds that i don’t have anymore ( just in screenshots) like my very first racing build ( 100% white build), dragster style and from where all the others racing builds came from…

The rest, not so much, building from scratch can take days, and after that, changes apart…well, a build is never done, completed.
And the proof of this is how many changes they survived maintaining their properties the best i can. The thorns of my perfectionism.

Stubby lil’ dork took me a couple of days to make and i was so focused in armour it up that i forgotten the weapons, type and placement, then i scramble something until i gave it Gremlins and it ended up being a proto meta SG build…
I applied what i’ve done to Prodigy ( medium SG build) gone with the co-driver rework and added more.
Puncher was my fastest build, only took me a couple of hours i knew the weapons i wanted and i knew i wanted to make it compact and i brought what i’ve done with Stubby lil’ Dork ( heavy build ) to a medium build without losing in tankiness… until now.

What better praise can one get? when two reds asked me for the blueprints and a third complement me for my build after a battle

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