Show us your builds

I usually build a rough draft thats 95% ready in about 20 minutes, then play with it and see what needs reinforcing. 5% tweaks later and most of my best builds are done and ready in 30 minutes or so. Some like spiders or hovers can take me an hour or so. The wheel builds i have down pat tho

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Don’t be, i’m a bit frustrated with the latest armour changes, that’s all

Looks pretty good to me.

Storm Chaser and Puncher are not art builds, they were made for combat.
They can be good and they have to be good…

Let me explain why very quickly.

For the slaughter event but wasn’t good at it ( Grandfather ) Screenshot taken 16-09-2021

One of the fathers ( i had two variations of this build )

And finally a early Storm Chaser

So, you see? that’s a lot of tweaking ( from time to time ) and it still gets me MVP’s, even with all changes and nerfs and Buffs considered.

Let me show what i had in stored for builds like yours. ( i never got to post this because it was waiting for weapons) but now it will never see the light of day, it lost a lot of durability points all over with this last change. It’s an Upgrade of Stubby lil’ Dork which already faced top canons.

This would be DEAD END. but turns out it’s dead on arrival.

P.s.- I didn’t forget the APC thing

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Even that, things i had as a down path, i have to replace and reengineer, one of my main builds has to go through a total revision… again… before it’s back on rotation.

No offense, but your builds are all 6-8 wheels down the side, square armor on all sides and nothing else. I dont really get it. The refinements are mostly unnoticeable :\

Odin has let me create a few new setups. First 2 are more usable with their Aegis and the Helicon build with a radar, the other 2 being more for fun to have a cheetah/cloak with triple Fortunes and Crickets.

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Non taken :slight_smile:
More 6 wheels… :slight_smile:

refinement as i showed above, and this.

This one was caused by the BFs buff, a thing that wasn’t necessary but i had to change the build in depth. I become overweight as you can see.

This it’s Puncher, my other drone build


If you look closer you can see that i had to change a lot of things, frames, radar, placements, parts.

I will show you

Now i have to dismount the rear part of the build and put back together, the terrier bull bars now are doing nothing, i have to switch them for something similar to what terrier bull bars were, and put something else in the place of the small plows ( those four pieces are the inner armour).

I also have to change the frontal inner armour for something similar to what screener used to be.

If I’m successful you won’t notice.

But the build as a all lost hit points, container doors, APC rear, snow plows, train plows, large fenders.
Despite using drones, sidekicks aren’t fast, and they work best in an area not pursuing. the build has to be tanky to withstand hits and needs to be close to the drones for the perk ( co-driver). basically you are looking to a punching bag …but hey, if i can’t manage this major nerf in the end all that’s left will be the stupid BFs.

Is this enough tweak?

Storm Chaser isn’t as tanky, don’t have to be, it’s faster, the drones are different, i play it differently but Puncher needs to be a tank in order to work at all

Its a tweak, i guess its harder to notice from the outside. One thing i think you could work on is the back two small plows. Currently if a cannon shell hits one, its going to get double blast damage because they are the same depth out. If you were to replace that with 2 “sheets” of armor, you would negate that unnecessary extra blast damage from cannons, missles and autocannons as well. Also the small plows arent very good on dura/weight anymore imo. A puncher with a 4x4 piece in front of it might give you more effective durability. Also, you can use slight smaller parts such as a 3x6 like the fuselage bumper as well. If you place it with a 1 block gap at the bottom, nothing has a chance to sneak in, bullets or explosions.

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A lot of my tweaking is also to the interior of the build. Moving explosives around to avoid chain reactions, swapping between heavy and light frames to manage mass/durability, moving vital modules to safer spots.

I also find that I often need to fiddle with my bumpers/plows to get the handling I want. Since 2.0, mass balance really changes how you handle in fast cars, so moving your heavy high durability parts can make a huge difference. Too much in the rear and you fishtail all over, too much in the front and you can’t use handbrake to swing your rear around quickly.
If I can’t get it feeling right by moving bumpers around, then I might change my wheel configuration. I usually like non-STs in the rear, but if my front end is heavy I’ll put some STs back there.


Not sure I’m really into the Favorite, but I picked one up anyway.

Totally not Mad Max…because this game isn’t just like Mad Max at all. It is it’s own thing, and there are no resemblances to this game and Fury Road, Mad Max, or Road Warrior at all. None…so that’s totally not an interceptor from Mad Max, so don’t say it is, because it’s not. It’s just a sci-fi cop car. That’s all. Not Mad Max.

I got a couple MVPs (PVP) with this one.

I like the Cobra-Tempura combo it’s carrying, but I need to shake up my build style a little, me thinks. I’m prolly gonna do some more swamp-monsters, or something…something. I like the old muscle cars (obviously) but I need to do something else for a while…I’ve got Small Tracks and a Favorite now, so I could do an old-school shotgun META…nah…maybe. IDK.


Do you make many builds with tracks? I’ve been playing around with tank tracks the last couple days, and I love how they feel since the tracks update. They’re actually fun to drive now, and surprisingly nimble once you get the hang of the quick pivot.

I’ve wanted to do (and have done) the classic tank set up, but tracks have always been so disappointing in themselves that managing my incompetence with cannons on top of that has made it sort of a double whammy in the past.

I’ve got a set of Small tracks, and wow. They are much better than they used to be. If they’ve improved regular tracks likewise, I might give them another try (I’ve got that cool skin for them too). I know they seem more formidable on the field when I attack them.

Sounds like a good suggestion, Poony4u, and cannons are definitely out of my comfort zone, so that should shake things up a bit at my garage.


I’m also not confident with cannons, but keep trying anyway.

Unlocked the Whaler cabin, so I made this:

And bought the Kensei cabin and made this:

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That tank really nails this game’s target genre and lore (post-apocalyptic sci-fi), I think. It could be a poster child for this game, probably. It seems to be hinting at an alluring Crossout origin story, with its blend of conventional military weaponry, a possibly DARPA originating power plant, and it’s cobbled together, scavenged, and unorthodox assembly. I like it. I think it tells the Crossout story very well.

The Kensei is a fun cab, but, surprisingly, I don’t think it’s selling very well, judging by how the market price on that pack’s components, like the decor and paint (not just the cab), remains relatively unaffected. I expected the exhaust decor to drop in price quite a lot, since there are like 4 of them in there, but it hasn’t and the cab remains relatively expensive too.

That sort of helps me not have the buyer’s remorse I expected to have, though. I figured the price would tank and I’d then regret spending so many coins on it, but it hasn’t.


I don’t think I’ll care a lot if the price tanks a lot. I like the cabin enough to want to keep it, so if it gets cheap enough I’ll consider fusing it.

I sold a rupture and spent about a weeks worth of grinding to pick it up, which isn’t so bad.

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Damn it, now I want to build a machine that does this.

That’s what I’m thinking too. It’s a keeper.

I picked up some tank components; tracks (for my “Worm” CK), that tank cab (whatever it’s called) and a Fat Boy, an Extended Ammo-Pack…also three ML 200s (I’m ready to try those again). I ordered four. I hate it when that happens :neutral_face: I’ve never had much luck with that stuff, but I feel like I’m starting to find my game again…just in time for them to up-end all the basic game mechanics with their odd energy and power-score overhaul. Meh.

I earned an MVP (PVP) with that “totally not a Mad Max cop car” just a moment ago (am very pleased), so maybe I am getting into that Favorite a little…I definitely feel like I’m finding my game again, though…for now. Tomorrow I will be shaking my fist at the developers again, probably, but that was fun.

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thank you for the suggestions i will need it.

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fishtails and understeer one can’t solve 100% if one wants to keep some type of protection to the wheels
Back at 5k i thought of a build with the most slender profile as possible, low to the floor…but then i put a cheetah… and then those BFs.

But i would like to return to studded wheels
I notice with moving parts around, there are small variations of PS

For wheel protection, I try to make sure that some of my front bumper extends far enough out to stop my front wheels from getting clipped off in collisions. Will sometimes put small passive melee pieces on larger bumpers or plows for this purpose.
I also layer fenders and/or mount them in a way to hide more of my wheels from being shot off.
Not perfect, but I also usually use epic wheels, which all have good survivability currently.

Bought a tachi and made this with a couple tempuras and a blight. Weapons all firing towards my right, with shivs to maximize my sideswipes.