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I wonder if a tachi build with one each pointing in the four/ two directions with boosters mounted in a away to provide rotation…

I love the mass-creativity you bring, good stuff

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I’ve seen people with one or two wheels twitching in the battlefield.( me included ).
almost any part if put it right, it can serve as a ski in a pinch if the wheel fall off, conserving some directional capabilities even with two wheels.
I don’t have it all of my builds ( always struggling with mass limits ).

My pre BFs buff Puncher, i had the luxury to have a Maxwell in it, due to the compact nature of said build that radar was mounted upside down near a front wheel, behind it.
i could lose all the wheels on that side and i was still able to maintain some kind of steer and moving forward(ish).
Same goes with the rest, as long as you have some part connecting with the ground opposite to your remaining wheels you can still move in any direction and even uphill ( very sluggish and uphill you can go diagonal to the incline)
the wider your build is the shallower that part can be.

Bought another couple Tachi on the market, and made a higher PS triple side firing version of my previous experiment.
Buggy wheels are better than shivs with this weapon for how much they buff the perk. Yeti and Finwhale in there, Kensei for the cabin, and a Doppler.
The sideswipe action is really hard to pull off, but so satisfying when it works.

I’m thinking of doing another version with them pointing in different directions. Maybe one forward for ramming, and then one going left and one going right for clipping people as I plow past them?
Or maybe mount one going upwards to clip hovers?


Not as bossy as some of my other drone boats, and I doubt I’ll be squeezing any MVPs outta this one, but I wanted to build a stretched out Rolls like the other kids.

I invested in a Cucaracha horn for it, because I always wanted one, and now I can build some proper low-riders in the future. I’ll be juicing up the bling for that, you can be sure.

PS: I noticed that the horns still work even after their game-object is destroyed now :+1:


lol bet u were up close using the g55’s

Another step in the refinement of my tachi build.
This one on blight, and below 9kPS. Shoots upwards for hovers and spiders, and also out both sides for lower enemies.

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Its been finalized. The upgrade is complete (had to redesign the entire body to make room for two extra pins of engine). Speedy boi now has damage resist at 10kph under its maximum speed.


This one did pick up an MVP (PVP).

It’s the horn.


Nice work on the rear fenders!


My two latest builds. Just finished the… wooden bottle cap shaker thing. You can tell I’m really really bored with XO rn if I’d rather be doing things with that scary saw I’ve never used before right next to my fingers.
They might look jank, but they both sound surprisingly good.


I think I’m calling it “F’Frank,”

…which is short for “fucking frantic tank.” I know I give kids some grief over using reverse as a defense against melee, but it totally works with this application. That thing hauls ass backwards, not to mention tearing schit up with it’s grill when it goes forward.

I think if I’d cool it down a little, pick targets, and think a little, I’d be able to get an MVP with it, but every time I take it out, I clench my teeth, go full lizard-brain, and just mosh. It’s very kinetic, and very anti-melee for it’s power-score (right under 6K). Lots of mayhem there; just those guns and a bunch of coolers.

It’s not perfect and it could use some tinkering, but I think between the small tracks and the Kensei, there is a strong counter to all the melee out there.


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I keep forgetting that this kind of crazy thing is what you’ve been making with tracks. No wonder you complain about them being slow!

Cool build though! Definitely out of the ordinary!

thanks, I call it my signature but not sure if im aloud to have it as my logo for YT, twitch, instram, tiktok, its a build that i thought of that pretty much represents me nd to inspire many other crossout players nd ppl outside of crossout

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Jesus, butter him up once and he waxes poetic. No bro, its a bunch of useless tracks. If that represents you, id find new representation. To inspire others? If this inspires someone, you should receive charges.


hey DHawk where u at buddy, oh 8k well u have along way to go to be in 25k :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: its called unique nd different from everyone else

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Just ignore the braggart. He has nothing useful to say

I thought I’d run into them up at 13-15k because of their Punishers but I’ve not seen them yet, odd. Plus their profile is hidden so idk what PS they play at.
