Show us your builds


idk i think their on play station

Yeah and we have crossplay now. Years of talking about the game but we’ve had crossplay for a couple months and i’ve still not seen them around that’s all.

true but they could have a different name in game

I’ve seen them in game before. Or at least I’m pretty sure it was.
Similar name and builds.

Not as often as some other forum members, but that guy lives closer to me, so makes sense.

r u sure it wasnt HDhawk on xbox u seen

I mean I was pretty sure their name is Deathhawk216, right? I don’t remember exactly as that’s from memory.

idk bout DHawk cuz hes on play station so im not sure what ps he runs, the 8k was just messing around cuz many ppl run 8k

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I don’t think he had it completely spelled out like that, more like his forum name.
Maybe it’s someone else?

I remember seeing them before crossplay, so it’s not someone from Xbox.
One of the last times they were on my team they gave me some horn honks, so I assumed it was him. He killed me a few times when we were on opposing teams.
But who knows, maybe it’s just someone with a similar handle who plays similar builds in a similar way.

I feel like whenever I see forum people in-game I’m running one of my dumb experimental builds, and I get self conscious about performing badly. Although if I’m actually playing something competitive, I feel self conscious about whether I’m “playing on easy-mode”.
I should probably not think so much.

Ive been running 9k for the last few weeks, enjoying confrontation pretty good. I sold my third punisher atm for some market plays, havent played much high PS since then. Ive got destructors and parsers built for up there only currently. Im about to play confrontation right now if anyone wants to play.

Is your in-game name similar to your forum name?

They recently made their profile public which is nice.

ive only seen you in game once that was in a raid a while back

lol quality, I am from EU but I do play with NA friends sometimes

lol i play solo, hon solo

Ravens Frost

A rather unusual build has been “Seen” coming out of the kobold’s workshop. These heavily armored cargo copters have been seen flying up north normally with small cargo containers latched to a holding bay on their tail. (latch seen in second image.)

This copters like everything the Kobold has built as of later seem to be running on Ravager AI systems and using plasma weapons. Thankfully we have been able to shoot a few down as they do not seem to be combat focused.

Once shot down the wreckage revealed that instead of going to the Dawns or steppenwolves like His ospreys. These are going to somewhere else At first it was thought they where going to the Hyperborea do to markings but contact shows they are not the ones getting these supplies.

Even stranger is what was in the supply boxes, when opened they where filled with ravager parts most still active. What ever the purpose of these transport copters… The kobold is planing something.


Huh, maybe I’ve been playing with their imposter?
Also possible my memory is horrible, and my brain just switched their handle into the forum format.

I love little lore builds like this, keep up the good work!

The imposter is DeathHulk216. I made him snap one day and he shows up afterwards with his play on words of my name. He used to be BigRedFry or something like that.

The build on my profile is my 9k Kensei build. Best 9k ride out there, and its not even close. Its on the exhibition under ‘TheKenseiKiller’. Download it and try it for 5 games and tell me im wrong.

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So have we played matches together (or against each other)?

I could have sworn I’ve seen you in-game a bunch of times over the years, and I don’t think it was that other guy.