Show us your builds

Copper Chopper.


Damn Ravagers are everywhere this season…

Just a random art build based off of various vehicles I have saved. You can see “Built for Speed” in there, along with “Rocket Nam” and a little bit of “Leviathan MK XII”, and finally some miscellaneous parts, then Ravager-ified.


Weve played a handful of times. I 100% target forum users first in-game. You, claysdad, zarrurer one time. Id like to find some of the Boxmen to try on for size

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Hurray, I’m not totally crazy!

I see @Claysdad sometimes, and @tenshiijin more often (not lately though).
I don’t think he posts anymore, but @Kungfugrip is still playing. I probably run into him the most.

I forgot about that old curmudgeon tenshiijin. He is probably the easiest kill of all the players i played. Mostly because his builds are janky and he headhunts me. Easy enough to drive to the 50 yard line, kite back and watch him overextend. I shoot with the best of them, but im not above playing tactically to get over on the opposition.

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I’ve seen him dominate a lot of matches in his weird builds too. But I can see him coming for you and getting pulled into your trap.

I think I managed to kill you once, but you definitely outplayed me most matches.

Ive a long memory, and those are all factual statements. Claysdad is the only forum member ive played CWs against. Probably 4-5 matches, but not really fair. Ive been in top 10 clans most of my CW career, while his clan was probably top 30-60. A solid player in his own right tho.

So many seem to cry about being targeted. I never minded it. Often times it means they view you as the biggest threat. Other times, they are salty, which means they normally died to you many times before. Other times, it was because you went Leroy Jenkins and forced a focus.

I would likely focus DHawk in pvp for the first reason…unless I was on reapers. Then I would hide from him as long as possible. But i rarely see him or most of the top 10 in pvp. And as he said, I am rarely in a top 10 clan, so I rarely see him in CW either.

I see Poon and a few others from the forum occasionally but by their own admission, they arent overly competitive, so I dont necessarily focus them. I dont recall seeing any of the xbox forum guys in game. Kinda surprised.

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I definitely don’t mind being targeted by forum members in-game.
I mostly just take it as a sign of recognition: “hey, I know you! Eat lead!”

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Just to drop by to say this.
By an obsolete classification, his tank is clearly a male why don’t you build a female tank?
I’m referring to the old WWI type of tanks.
Male, were armed with cannons, female were armed with MGs.

the tracks are already in game, you could do something cool, steam punky, perhaps?

Yes, I am aware of the “male” and “female” tank classification. I’m a cannons/artillery main, so “female” tanks aren’t really my cup of tea, I’m afraid. However, I do have some tacklers lying around…

Would be a nice thing, if possible with aspects? ( i always thought aspects very look alike with WWI MGs)

uhhhh I have this


Noice, very nice.

Fuzes…I had a couple good games with this, but wow. It’s hard. No MVP for that crusty bucket.

But this one…this one ended up taking out six in that last match (PVP). It got a few MVPs.

I guess they were tired. It was (is) late. I don’t make that happen very often.

Sometimes I got mauled by melee, stuck in close quarters, but on the right map it does pretty good. No stealth, or even a fancy engine, just a Hardcore and four Tempura…and that bad-ass cab.


Update to the frost raven. Felt some parts of it where not right.

Frost Raven M2

After the shoot down of the Mk1 Frost raven the kobold seems to have modified them, armoring their Rear spine and body area. These minor changes have made shooting them down much harder, even stranger is the reinforcement of the cargo hook with the addition of a modified car jack who’s sole purpose seems to be to fry the data in the cargo container on shoot downs.

What ever the bold is doing they don’t want us to know.

Just some minor fixes and internal armoring, this thing was built for 12k patrols. noticed a problem of rear lower hits dealing to much damage to the over all structure so changed the armor. Also fixed some look issues, and added landing gear to make take off a bit less janky on uneven ground.

More surprised at how viable twin helio’s is in PvE all the way upto 15k, though at that point you really need 3 of them.

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This makes me want full crossplay. I do meet some PC forum users ingame (rarely because I barely play anymore), and I’d gladly go into pokemon trainer duel mode, but I suspect it’s not exactly what they are looking for. I try to check on Doc Savage when we’re in the same game tho because he always has some sexy boot - sexy car.

tenshi is exactly the kind of person who’d sneakily disappear two days before full crossplay and the possibility to own up to his words vs box lmao.


Guess I was missing the 80’s…never thought I would, but…

I threw it together to do some copper raids.


We need all of Doc’s builds in the auto-generator


Some more changes to Project XII