Show us your builds

Tweaking, tweaking, even the paint.

coated for extra durability. :slight_smile:


I like that scheme best, so far.


Well, one more time i change my Puncher…again

This time i didn’t go for the obvious part… but i can, and this time i’m a bit nervous about what i’ve done.

The part behind the bumper ( maxwell) has 327 durability, the catch is… it’s hanging there by a single strut, it’s a single pin, hard to hit under the combat conditions… but hey, if it fails i’ll go for the obvious one


Built this just to show off the paint…the matchmaker clearly hates this build, and buries it in PS for whatever reason, which always chaps my ass, and makes me call BS on the whole "we’re trying to balance this game by updating the energy-point feature. Bullshit, but whatever.

Burning Chitin is probably their best green paint to date, IMO. We needed a good green, and this is it. The art department wins again.


Screenshot 2024-05-06 004713

made this 1 today…my first grenade launcher build…i’m preety satisfied with this 1


…oooh. Nice. I like it. Looks violent, yet suave. :+1:


Hi, I did these things:

Bradley M2, I tried to make an M2A3 but I didn’t like the result so I made an M2, but with the side sight of the M2A3 turret.

here my two helicopters:

and finally, a failed attempt to recreate a T-35


Finally figured out how to make a perfect firing angle arbiter build. No matter where you aim, they never black out, while still able to rotate 360°. Used to be able to simply place 3 directly next to each other and theyd not black out while looking towards one another, but then they nerfed the hitbox. Took me a couple years, but ive finally recreated it the best it can be.

Take it for a test drive if youre on console: ‘ArbiMastercraft’ is the name


tyty, i do have my moments…lol

Just a little Jeep



Fight Club…


You need to put some headlights on those little pipe bits on some of the front ends.

I’m still tweaking my derby car. Too greedy to use multiple blueprint slots, so just making a single car.

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Here’s what I came up with. Got it to a point where it was fun just playing against bots, so I published it to the exhibition. Hopefully it gets enough votes that eventually I have a chance to actually play it against humans!

By the way: free for all gives points for parts destruction, and the absence of teams makes it feel like a real demolition derby. Wish there were more map options, but Oasis works ok. Want to try the same concept as a race, but you can’t test that with AI.


I went through them all this morning and added decor, tweaked the paint, and bought a few new fancy and over-priced horns without even trying to haggle the prices…I should update my post, probably…I probably won’t. I probably should have just waited. I knew I wouldn’t leave them alone.

I’m still not done yet. I need an Ice-Cream Truck (Twisted Metal). I can’t not have an Ice-Cream Truck. The maniacal laughing clown-horn is a must-have for this brawl. The ice-cream-cone decor is pretty pricey last time I checked, but I’ll find a way…just checked and it’s not available on the market. oh well. I’ll build the truck without it and just wait for it to come up, supposing I’m still into the project.

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Look at me, look at me…not me, the build.
I almost broke 50 k, the most i did so far with a version of this build.
The most i did until now has ± 33k

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I’m considering scrapping a bunch of builds so that I can have a variety of builds. I really want to make one with Jockey, and also with Bat and Harpy. It will be tricky making sure no one has a huge advantage, but at the same time, we’re all doing so much self damage to ourselves that it probably doesn’t matter much.

My design theory now is enough passive melee up front that big damage is possible, explosives under the cab that can be hit when being T-boned, and then another bunch of explosives in the rear trunk to make rear ending someone satisfying.
Mine have two fuel tanks next to each either underneath the cabin, and a rune and ampere stuck together in the rear.


Because of the impact (pun intended) speed and power has on passive melee, I just stuck with the Duster for all my builds, other wise, like you said, it’s pretty difficult to make all the builds evenly matched and fair, which is why you won’t likely see pickup trucks matched with cars in an actual derby. The trucks would just slaughter the cars, and they will do this same in this game, when the speed, durability, and power variables (mass and velocity) are skewed. I presume this is why the Boring Trucker is a thing, and a very successful thing, at that.

I’m not saying it can’t be done (creating a fair and balanced passive melee brawl featuring a variety of cabs), but I am saying, you have your work cut out for you, if you do. It’ll take a lot of tweaking, depending on your overall familiarity with this game’s physics, and unspoken dynamics of some of the melee and bumpers.

I think I’ve gotten more familiar with those parameters, since I started this project. I did learn a little. I ended up using a generic universal skeleton and then just added pulp and pomp. I might be ready to step out side that box a little, but I’m happy with their performance, presently, and I think I’ll just work on the pulp and pomp.

I’d like to use the Kensei as a base for my second go at this project if a still have the muse to go that far. I think it’s the perfect fit, and is the one I use the most out in the field (PVP) for basically the same play-style (but with drones added). It’s my best drone boat, because of the brutal passive melee it allows for, without having to depend on boosters.

Whatever you do, I’m sure it’ll be fun. It’s a fun project, and has put some needed vitality into my game over here. Glad to see somebody else can relate.




The Ravaging has begun

Here’s my submission.

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The Adventurer

Built for adventure mode (obviously).
Designed with Lock’s well-known love for the road and things that go brrt, and equipped for many months of travel between points of interest (and around Ravager nests), there is nothing in the Wasteland that this can’t go toe-to-toe with and, if not destroy it, deal serious damage.
(decided to try a narration a bit more first person)

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