Show us your builds

I don’t need speed at red light operation as much as i will need at radiance, so…

Party piece

Now, let’s kick some butts… or be kicked by team mates.

Tweaking warning…


Made an aegis version, might not work at this PS but I’ll give it a test


some more lil mosters :smiling_imp:
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MeinLilTank & WholeLottaEmlys…


O I like the skully look of that.

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that was the idea…lol…got it by chance…lol
added some more skully-fying colrz
Screenshot 2024-06-22 135346

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I’m going to steal some of your front end ideas. Looks great!

be my guest m8, HF & GL
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another monster in the making…
:japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: :scream: :japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre:


here’s a more finished version…some titans away from “full set :rofl:



Hovers are still overpowered.

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Must be OP if it can help you get some wins :wink:

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afew more … go go scully gang
:face_with_spiral_eyes: :scream: :rofl:

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new one…OmniHunter o7
luv the new ravager wheel covers…they’re SOoO …big

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just had to make a back one also :yum:

a slight upgrade…a narw on the tail…a 3rd set of titans…1 more set (2xST, 2xNON ST ), and it should be done. …though i’m eyeing that ravager eye decor on the market…pun intended

Y’all have already seen this build, but this is an oddly dramatic shot…



Hello, today I bring you more of my semi-functional Art Builds:

M1128 Stryker
I recreated it the best I could

CH 53 Super Stallion
This is the only case of a vehicle I make that is not functional for pvp.


My red light build evolution and then crash diet, and this time i might end up with a naked build.
the thing is, it’s hard to improve the handling, cause the traction in there it’s different from the one of the garage.
People are still using tracks and full armor in there.

P.s.- Don’t try to kill them in the betweens, the further you go, the more points you get.

And yes, you need speed and acceleration above all.

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One more. Ready, brand new for Radiance.

I’m faster than them, i accelerate more than them in operation Red Light, handling in the garage it’s excellent

But i can go further than this, let’s see…
In last resort, i can go sub 3 tons or even close to 2 tons, one thing i remember about radiance… ICE and the cannons were more dangerous than red light…and then there are team mates and gates…
As is I’m one shot, it’s all or nothing.
But i can backtrack.


Didn’t make as many new builds this week as I usually do, but here’s a couple:

I’ve been using this for Red Light and Radiance. A couple Falcons and one of the new spider drones. Goes fast, and the griffon perk helps me hide while my cloak is recharging.

I threw this together to clear some auto cannon BP challenges, and it works way better than I would have thought. Turns out the harpy perk goes well with starfalls! No cloak or fancy sci fi modules, just speed and firepower. Finwhale to make up for the lack of gun armour.


I stripped armor until I hit my max speed of 115km. If I take too much armor off, the thing gets squirrelly. Never seen tracks though.