Show us your builds

Yep it is part of the map.

The perfect build doesn’ exi…

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I’ve been fine tuning my Miller build for a few days, and I’m liking how it feels now. Pretty basic: 2 millers, harpy, bootstrap, 2 seals, 1 shiver, oppressor, and a radar detector.
Switched to full buggy wheels, as mixing hermits and buggy wheels was screwing up my handling. Had an averter in there originally, but this build seems to work better with the guns inline rather than side by side, so switched it for the shiver.
Falcon codriver seems to be working best with this build, as the harpy buff really helps the explosive shells detonate generators when you know where to focus your fire. Could probably get away with a single seal, but I am enjoying being able to keep shooting.


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Finally had internet back to make these, hope people like, I have some with some further filter edits I can post too, I’m unsure about them though, I like them but I don’t know if others will


I’ve been trying not to play omnis lately. I’ve made so many different kaiju builds trying to replace my omni/kaiju build, but none of them ever really seemed as clean and solid.

Yesterday I made this though, and I think it’s a good substitute while I don’t play omnis. The hp for a power fused Nova that I focused on looks over durability turned out surprisingly high. 4k? Yes please!

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The build does “look” cool. But that is where it ends for me. You went from one bad movement part to another.

The harden track in the front of this build kills the whole thing for me.

The speed cap is just to low. You need to be able to move.

And with the gun slapped on top of the build like that your going to get striped in two seconds as soon as an MG or Shotgun gets in range.

I’m not a big fan of tracks, but if your going to use them then I would do all small tracks. It does not mater how high your HP is when your gun is gone.

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Tell that to the mg players I’m always stripping as they rush me.

Your pointless criticism is annoying as hell. Your comments are not needed. Since I stopped playing cw I don’t make armoured up spaced armour meta uggo crap. I win just fine with these builds and I get loads of MVPs. I have small track builds, I have omni builds I have legged builds I have wheeled builds. I play aaaaaaallll kinds of kaiju builds. This build I’ve found performs far better than small tracks. And it’s not as easy to strip as you make it sound. Sure if two shotties corner me alone I’m stripped pretty easy, but one shorty risks getting stripped in a 1v1 vs this. Did you forget kaiju brings you down to 45km? Shotties will catch you no matter what you do with a kaiju.


but he plays ClAn WaRs didnt you know?

Made this neat thing, trying to simulate a Mandrake build from ages ago that I had great success with now that I have the Heather. Said drake build seems to have been deleted from the exhibition at some point, rip. Pretty standard fare, Harpy, Averter, Cheetah, Flywheel, Doppler, Chameleon. Around 8500 ps, works ok

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Current Heather build does quite well, can’t decide on a colour scheme yet


I love when cars look like actual cars. And the weapon is realistically positioned, instead of covering the view in front of the windshield (I don’t like when people do that).
I really like this. And the color is cool. A real car with the weapon mounted in the back trunk.


Don’t think I could run anything different, it’s why I started playing the game

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Good old yellow


Made a smaller mid PS Miller build with a Favourite cabin. I changed up the paint since taking this photo (now it’s airplane covering).
Hot Red + recoil allows me to reverse at very high speeds while punishing the enemies trying to rush me. More effective than I would have guessed, and the explosive shells are much more dangerous to mid PS builds.



My old faithful raid build… Started with Vectors and a white cab, and medium wheels, then a Wyvern cab, with the Spectre-2s, then a Growl cab, and finally a Quantum and APC wheels (hopefully to be replaced by a Torero or Favourite one day). It was with me practically from my first week of playing XO, and the basic change shape never changed too much, but every part of it did, like the ship of Theseus. The current iteration is the 10th major overhaul of it, with countless minor ones inbetween. I also made Miller and Retcher variants. I absolutely adore it, and it works very well in all PvE modes, and thanks to the Doppler, sometimes even in PvP. Besides the Doppler, it also contains a fused RN Seal, both powered by a fused PU-1 Charge.


Big avalanche: Hadron/pork/averter 2.7k hp, 15.8kps

Little avalanche: base energy deadman, 9.7kps, 1.4k hp


Made a fun little guy, waiting to swap for the Kami cab, it’ll look much nicer

queue times are top notch here

I see why no one plays here too, just shotguns, melee and some porcs lol how sad


A bit of an old post response but Ive had good success with adding a trombone to boost double annihilator kill abilities.

What did you expect with 3 sinus on 5k PS? Does MVP means something? A good build and tactic is MVP almost every battle.
5k PS is ok… porcs are no bias, shotguns are nerfed into dirt, melee can be dealt with if you keep your eyes open, you got the speed. But most importantly, epic cab… 5k PS is still a realm of growl. You are overpaying 1000 PS just for bringing cockpit to 5k ps, and you are not useing any benefits of it(unless you have at least boosters there), so it can only be something more of a fun ride than meta…You need to bring more firepower. 3 MGs won’t do. I enjoy playing my though… very challenging to be so fragile, but it’s fun, and can pack a punch if you avoid hard hits. Link

I did just make an art build and put 3 of my not for sale guns on it because they’re the only guns small enough to look nice, the one isn’t even on a grille, I won 8/10 games which was fun, shotguns are all over that PS I don’t know what you mean, so many white/blue cab apollo builds and such with all shotguns, porcs and of course melee