Show us your builds

very fun

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Just stick every weapon you have on it, make a 40 picture post with your same build and every weapon on it and be done with it.
Sorry. Just too much of this same car over and over again in this thread.


if I cared then I’d stop lol

In a thread about builds you come here and complain about seeing builds, go away you attention seeker, you contribute nothing here

You’ve literally posted twice as many comments here about me specifically than you have builds, which is 1…

he is right, all your builds look exactly the same .

its called show builds, not show the same one over and over


Doesn’t say they need to all be fully unique, I build with different weapons/modules, deal with it or stop me, oh wait you can’t lol

my Litch King scoffs in you general direction


he brings you fiowers, chocolates, and death


You’re not wrong. But why not make another sexy art car and then post a ton of pictures with it? You seem to have an eye for those kind of builds, so bring on the next sexy platform on which to put any and every weapon I says.

like a sexy MANDO N-1 atarfighter

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It takes a pretty wild amount of hours for me to actually make the best looking ones, so many redo’s and part changes to get the looks right, when I do make them I’ll show them, but if I have a variation of a build I want to post, I’ll post that too.

This battlepass alone I made a new hot rod, multiple drifting cars, a micro build and a damn tank, each extremely unique, I enjoy playing the builds too… so I play a lot too, I’m gonna post what I want to, I take more time in my building than most.

I like frech toast and i build crazy stuff all the time, dosent take more than 10 mins of building for any of my posted builds

I’ve only made 3 art builds in my time in XO(almost 5 years) I honestly probably only put an hour at most in each one, but I know getting one with all the curves just right takes way more than that. My one was for the Katyusha builders event (WWII rocket truck), one was a really sweet offroad Baja racing truck, and the other was a generic muscle car with a little post-apocalyptic touch. I think that’s the order I’d rank them by looks as well, rocket, Baja, muscle. I still have the rocket truck, I’ll post a picture so as to be a contributor to this thread xD

most time spent as doing the stickers on this rig. 30 mins tops

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notice the one thing in common is that they all look different

also my art builds also function properly

Ah катюша I guess I missed that event… sucks, my main build was named after katyusha for its crickets, even still we dont have the right stuff to make a nice katyusha launcher looking thing while being practical

Making a little muscle car, kind of cross between modern and old


If you are complaining about seeing too many of someone else’s build, that means you should post more of your own builds.
My thread, my rules!


I don’t know why, but that comment made conjure up the image of Dwight from The Office standing around the water cooler with a new girl and saying, “Yea, I run a pretty successful thread on a forum. It’s pretty impressive.”

But in all seriousness, this thread is nice to have, and it does serve its purpose.


Agreed it’s just super spam at this point.

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Looks like I’m abiding by Poony’s rules.

I tried out the Tempest AC. The rate of fire is low, but the accuracy is nice. I like how easy it is to armor the cannon. I wish more autocannons were this easy to build around.

XO Tempest
XO Tempest 2

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Look at is this way. Someone new walks in to the forum for a quick look. Opens the thread, and instead of variety and different builds sees one guy posting dozen pictures of each build with slight variety and goes naaaah…
You are reducing quality of the thread.

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