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and a guy complaining like a little baby hahaha, I wonder what would actually be putting them off?..

Getting there, wish we had some 2x1 bits that were just square or curved symmetrically, I could have used proper headlights but this modern thing looks nice with the neons on


This wants to make sweet one pump love to you at night. Every night.

I honestly just built the frame/wheels/anti-melee to show a good layout for people who have a hard time fighting melee in mid PS. But it turned out to be an overall monster. If you got the aim, this thing rules the battlefield.

The frame/wheels/anti-melee here is a perfectly modular setup for mid PS with anti melee, movement parts included for only 825 PS. That’s literally less than 2 hovers, and I painted it different colors for contrast. The nose of the craft is slightly elongated, to better hold a frontal weapon as seen. Simply remove the horizontal 2x6 and it’s perfectly symmetrical for those who prefer it. It can take any cabin in the game you feel like using. Replace the frames with 2x6 instead of 4x6 and you have instant gas tank/generator/module storage. It would be a great setup for a melee as well, giving you the edge in a melee 1v1 as you can take multiple blows from them, while you still likely only need to get their back or side one time as usual. The curved, rounded nature of all the bumpers/passive melee used give your vehicle a literal round shape, whereas 90% of everyone is square on the side. The difference between them digging in flush and a glancing blow as you spin. And with the wheels all safely behind the melee parts, and with 6 for redundancy (while only draining 60% power), I rarely get dewheeled at all and usually it’s a cannon bot with my number.


Looks nice. But testing… have you even tested it?
this things just instantly blown by ramming impulse. Even when not, they only last 1-2 seconds in contact with borrer. It’s a nice sweet layot for general use, if one finds it ok for his craft to have wide profile. But doesn’t seem to work much against melee. Running and dodging is the best option still.

If you select it in the blueprint menu, the lights are lit up. Nice easy way to get a photo of a car with neons lit up and guns facing forward.

I’ve battle tested it. Much better than what I’m sure you’re doing in the garage. It turns sure death moments into driving away with wheels still on either side much more often than not. But that’s a good observation about ram damagd. The 310 ram damage needed to destroy 1 hatchet is 310 damage that didn’t directly hit your wheel, carve out a hole and give the Borer a spot to bore into. And of course, not getting hit by melee is the best move. It’s why I have mine going 114 as well, but with only 60% drain, versus your 90% engine wheel drain.

Havnt saved it yet, running out of space as it is, might remove my old 3 cricket as I have a new one, its just so old I don’t want to

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237 hp per wheel for 75 PS. Almost 300 hp against explosions. Wheels are part of armor, and having them tough is crucial to preserve means to move.
Besides, I got steering wheels back and front, middle ones are not ST. And they all fused for power penalty, so mine build is 66% drain, and my growl fused for +20% power.

classic 99 parsers

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Tankity Tonk

Avalanche/king/hadron/cheetah @ 13.4kps

I’ve made so many different avalanche variations I’m going to have to start deciding what ones I’ll keep. This one and my 9.7k Deadman build I’ll keep for sure.


Deciding grey or orange


Both. No contest.

Grey with red neon looks great, but does the orange with the blue neon. Tough call.

I dig the orange one a lot more. Gotta make those fast cloak-less cricket passes more annoying by being really colourful hehehe


right? orange looks great, i love a bright ride if i can without being ugly… its painful because i could make proper headlights if we had a nicer 1x1x2

Oh yeah i made the front thiccer

Liking Signal Orange and Eroded Metal in place of just grey, gives it a bit of character


I can use a cloak in this one, I had a banger of a game just now with it

Pretty sure I went under a lance too

I also swapped the blue lamp for a yellow one

Thanks Arbiter lol

Using the black squares on the insides by the neons makes a big difference

Just made this stupid 5k thing to add to the pile of nonsense down there.

Gessan, Catch, fused Miller (10% resist), fused Growl (+10% resist), the front 6x4 light frame, and 2 2x4 scav panels, all rigged to Omamori under the hood. This thing is tanking stupid amounts for a 5k PS, 900 dura, Falcon codriver car. That Miller has something like 900 effective dura alone, the cab 2k :rofl:. 95% of the times I get crippled, it’s my rear getting obliterated.

The shape is unoptimized, but if you want to defeat 5k PS borers, just make a good bumper with Omamori behind it, done. :yawning_face:


People really are underestimating the Omamori right? it really does make guns tank a nice chunk more if you’re not constantly in a dps war


I’ve had that fused growl for so long I forgot to even consider it, tbh. But I fused up another one to get the power. I agree with the non-ST apc wheels though. I fused up a pair for power drain/resistance. So my total power drain is 53% and now I got the proper power fusion. I’d say you upped up my crafts maneuverability by 10%, at least. Thank you good sir.

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Power on all cabs, power reduction on wheels/mass, mass reduction on everything I can, it’s the way

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