Show us your builds

I think you killed me with that build yesterday!

I have been messing with mammoth+reaper and it is actually better then my 2x mammoths, partly because I am only lugging one moon core as opposed to 2 moon cores, but mostly because a reaper does not need anything else to support it apart from ammo, and having a rapid fire gun is actually a valuable utility these days. Still deciding which is the better one, on humpback or echo, but I ended up keeping both as a result

older heavy tracked tank with 2 moon cores

MAZ art build, also doubles as a mission runner due to the flat back and low energy use
oddly enough it works very well with the avalanche when I duct taped it to this.

simple cannon trucker build, with a fused trucker cab from a bygone time when it had 11 energy
decent pusher to push lighter stuff around

tossed together these 2 things becuase I paid for the mammoths and goliaths, so I am going to use them

I might get a pair of hardened tracks because goliaths+armoured is definatly overkill
if you haven’t figured out before, I have no shotguns and really don’t like playing them either. However the BP demands that you need to have a shotgun to progress, so after making do with duct taping a goblin to my MAZ for so long, I decided to invest in some shotguns, got confused and got arthorns instead.
still ended up with this fun little buggy though


Nice bricks! I vote for the Humpback Reaper Mammoth one ;). +1k cab dura, almost the same speed, and Humpback probably gives you more damage with the Reaper+Mammoth combo than Echo.

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I considered taking another break, my game was fading, but I gave it another shot and decided to hang out, because I’m stubborn…and they refreshed the Battle Pass Challenges, so there’s that…

At last, I have another shotgun build in my rotation.

I saw some other guy out there using a similar set up and making it work, so I decided to try the flywheel with the crap-blasters and Hadron too. I had no idea they even buffed those guns (does it? IDK). I wish there was some way to know that. I have no idea why they would buff this shot-gun. Do they buff all shotguns? I thought these perks (Hadron, Flywheel) only buffed cannons and missiles and that kind of stuff.

It’s got a couple radiators in it too, and It reloads and charges pretty quick, but I have no idea if the Hadron, and Flywheel help, or if it’s just the radiators. I just saw some other guy do it, so I thought it might work.

It’s not an easy killer, but if I try, I can get it to scrap alright. It was fun, and I’m satisfied with it’s aesthetic. I hope it still works tomorrow.


Hadron buffs any weapon with reload

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Chillin’ with some easy raids…

I like the new paint. They’ve come out with a lot of cool new paints lately. I like that, of course.


Doc, that paint looks nice. Your raid build looks cool.

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Hit the next gear and did some regular raids.

It got 1st place in copper raids in a real understated way. This is a quieter rig than I like, and I’m not sure I like the Millers, but they worked good for raids. It’s just so…boring. I like their audio, generally, but this…nah.
“Pdddt! Pdddt! Weeeezz-zz-z-zz-z…” Even the horn doesn’t fit this cab. It’s pretty unfortunate, I think, because it’s got a good perk and a sharp look. It’s kinda slow too, but for regular raids it works out about right.

I do like the build, though. I just wish the motor didn’t sound so wimpy…same with the guns.


This one’s got better percussion…

Still pretty slow, but it was more fun, better audio. JMO.


Stupid build. Has a lot of perks it doesn’t use. Out of the three perks it 's carrying, it uses the Oppressor’s rotation speed perk, which it hardly needs. Guns are mounted right out in the open. Less than a 1K health. It’s even got the wrong co-driver in it (Phobos)…and it got MVP the second time out. WTAF?

I try understand this game, but I don’t. I’m just glad it works when it does. I have no idea why it does, though. The moon is in Scorpio, maybe? IDFK.

It either does great (for the moment), or it gets chewed up immediately by all the melee (like everybody else).


Trying to make a nice Kami build that’s usable but it’s not great so far, the thing is so small


It’s been repurposed to try a new weapon, wang gang


I like that one. That gun was unusually popular this morning. I don’t usually see that many of them.

I like the looks of the new cab, and I’m looking forward to earning mine.

It’s so low that the yong works well, i just used it too, with all the modulesit reloads so damn fast, and i got projectile speed, with falcons’ projectile speed too, it’s real nice

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I present to you the bane of CW Scorpion builds. This gem is getting deployed in packs of 2. 345 damage per pull with Falcon, 407 damage with the Parsers on a 6 charge. You can’t decloak it. You can’t run from it. You can’t hit the guns when it’s retreating as they are forward in the two aegis, making the Scorpions unable to pierce through and touch them from the back 120°.

Two of them show up and your battle starts with 690 damage pasted on the side of your scorpion. If you’re lucky, it’s sparking. When the reload happens 2.4 seconds later, you’re down a gun. If you’re unlucky, the second dual shot from 2 people and you’re degunned to START your CW round.

It’s faster than blight builds(tested), undetectable to them as well with the griffon. Making it an excellent anti dog. With the 2 aegis covering 100% of the build, you all have 8 seconds of Kami perk to deny a flash from slowing you down.

The elephant in the room? The two claw wheels. Like, why right? They push you away from walls instead of spinning your build into them on contact. And collision with a wall that would normally be a death sentence, is now forgiven if it’s ~50° or shallower an angle of collision. You simply glide off while retaining all of your speed. Why have this feature at all? Because a double bubble wheel build doesn’t get to look where’s it’s going 50% of the time. A wall before with a dog chasing was a free lunch for him. Now there is accident forgiveness as you shoot backwards while firing forwards.

I don’t use ‘Master’ in my build titles unless it is worthy. This one is:

Master Parser

Credit for it’s refinement and Claw wheels as deflectors goes to the master builder, Homeroadie. The dude is a legend at building, with an eye for detail the average ‘good’ builder would never even fathom.

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It’s almost like an aoe hitscan single shot at 200+ meters is quite powerful hmmmm (all the reddit npc’s think parsers are garbage somehow)

I can see this pinging weapons left and right while shielded, nice one


So it’s a roadie build. Not Urs. I cant say the claw wheels make too much sense. Sabbath would be better Imo.

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I’m guessing it’s because claw takes less power and mass, with sabbaths ability being decreased with other movement it would be near worthless

Also how is it not his because he put 2 wheels on the front? lol

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Mission: Find a way to make the the Bat not suck.

I spent all day trying to make something work with that cab. I finally settled on that. It was working, it was finally fun, and it’s the Bat. I win.

I couldn’t get anything to work with the Bat at anywhere much higher than ps5K, which kinda makes sense for this cab, I guess. That one sits right under 5K and as long as I could stay out of the mouth of all the melee down there it was good.


Throw shade from the shadows some more you passive-aggressive trashcan. Keep posting on here about how omnis are diamond CW worthy some more(they are not), while never ever playing in these diamond clan wars you have opinions on.

What a clown.