Show us your builds

I like Bat. It looks cool, the shape is easy to build around, and it’s fast enough to work as long as you keep your PS low enough.
What CK are you using on the cabin? Looks nice!

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They call it the “Wunderbar,” It’s a part of an old pack of (5?)CKs they sold for regular cash back in the day. It makes the Bat look almost exactly like the HotRod, I think.

I took that build out again this morning and it was still holding it’s own in pvp. I was surprised. It’s a fun rig.

I haven’t done Sledgehammers, or shotguns at all, in months…are Parsers really “shotguns,” or are they actually glorified nail guns? I do have a rig with those on it and it’s in my rotation, but it’s not as fun as this more conventional shotgun build.

Since they devastated my Master cab with their nerf hammer, I don’t use either anymore. I liked the Master cab for Parsers because it was tall, and I could pop the bad guys right on the roof of their cabs with it and light’em up pretty good.

I liked that build, but they cancelled it. It’s way too slow for that gig now…but that pic reminds me that Halloween is right around the corner. I’m anxious to get my art goggles on and riff on it, and I’m looking forward to their seasonal event (I hope they have one). They’ve always had cool Halloween events.


The parser is overnerfend garbage and still OP at the same time. It still does what it shouldn’t (accurate hitscan burst damage at long range), while being too slow and boring at doing it. I so wish they had given it actual projectiles with a balistic curve like those from the Argument and Summator, it would have been cooler, harder to use, and they wouldn’t have needed to nerf it. It would have been even cooler if the projectiles had the ability to bounce from the ground and walls, if you squint hard enough, it kinda looks like someone made a vehicle mounted version of Unreal Tournament’s Flak Cannon.

Completely agreed, it’s why on xbox at least people use 3 on torero with reload module and it pings guns and movement left and right

That’s gangster clean

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Better Drone-Boat…

My other one was fast and fun, but this one kills better. I didn’t realize the Harpy would buff my Fuzes. I’m still not sure , but when they pop they are sending the farm-bots into the air. They weren’t doing that so much before, I don’t think.

Anyway, I’ve got a pretty diverse roster that’s fun to cycle through at this point, I like my Avalanche Tank, my shotgun Bat, my drifter Machine-gun build, this Drone-Boat…and well, I even like my Small-Track Borer META (needs better paint), but I still don’t have a good Joust-Rod. Once that is done, all my regulars will be assigned…except my sci-fi slot. I never know what to do with that. It’s not really my thing.

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Destructors dominate. Put it on a fast build at 6k with a cloak. Use it to save teammates from melee. It does that job with aplomb. Don’t try and be a front liner with it unless you can isolate targets, but even then it can fail you. If you can’t hit the shot consistently, it’s useless. If you can, it’s an absolute monster.


I just used my workpieces to craft some cheap Gravastars, so that’s my sci-fi weapon of choice at the moment. Still working out which cooler/rad combo works best, but they are a lot of fun!


How about the Triggers? They look like a budget version of the Destructors, suitable for pvp, that work basically the same, ya? They look like they are friendly to build around too, but I doubt they count as a plasma weapon for dailies. I’d like something that took care of that. Do they have a daily for “energy” weapons, or is just “plasma” weapons?

I’m flat-broke too, but I have some stuff I’m not using, so I suppose I could make some sacrifices and have a yard sale. I’m not using my Cockpit or Deadman cabs for anything, maybe they need to go.

To me, ML-200s are classic sci-fi. With the melee epidemic going on maybe legs would be…handy.

I’ve done ML-200s before (but not with a spider) and found them sort of relaxing compared to my usual teeth-clinching speed queens. I like the thumpty-thump of their foot-falls too. They are a very different play-style than what I’m used to…so…I think that settles it. I’m getting legs with a Spider this time for my sci-fi role. It’ll put more diversity into my roster, throw me out of my box and into something new. I suppose cannons are the way to go with those since there are no plasma or energy weapons the produce recoil.

They need a beefed up plasma cannon that does produce recoil and goes “ka-boom!” instead of “zappity zap-and pew-pew,” I think. Most of the sci-fi weapons or cabs have very mild user feedback (that’s mostly why I don’t care for it), but the Destructor isn’t bad, and neither is the trigger.

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So, I did it. I sold my Deadman (I kinda miss it), but I wasn’t doing anything with it. My Cockpit is up for sale too, since I wasn’t using it for anything either, and I got some legs and a spider. With the Golden Eagle it seems to be tolerably slow.

I think this build is wrong, but every match with it has been a winner so far. It’s weird though, like the matchmaker is throwing me soft pitches. I expected to get mauled, so I put on the Parsers so I could dial in for close range combat, but nobody has even approached thing. I just walk around, follow the group, and chew up whatever I can get close enough to. It’s been pretty laid back, sort of like what I remember.

That’s my first Spider build so far, and it’s working in pvp (for whatever reason), but I think I want to tinker some more.

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That thing screams Brotherhood of Steel to me, not sci-fi. But if you like it, that’s all that matters.

I like it better now, and I love Fallout. I definately see the Brotherhood of Steel in there, now that you mention it.
I trimmed down the power-score a little and edged up the health a touch…

I think the paint squeezes a little more sci-fi out of it too. I’m still considering different weapons, but this arrangement was fun. I could kidnap victims and drag them to a safe place to eat them with the Skinner. It was good for rescuing mates too, but mostly I like the mayhem it brings.

Because it’s so slow, I’m having a hard time parting with the Parsers. They’re so versatile. I can park it and snipe, and I can confront the rush. I was getting a lot of drones, and vultures too. The Parsers were being pretty convenient.

Build looks cool but ML200 legs are just bad.

Bigrams are the only good spider IMO.

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I had bigrams long before ML200s, and I actually prefer the latter. Sure, they are slower, but they feel much more stable to me, and I do better with them in close range.

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…make my eyes bleed. I couldn’t wait to get rid of mine. Maybe one day I’ll take on the challenge of making Bigrams beautiful, but I just can’t put it together in my head what that would look like yet…maybe a combo of Bigrams and ML-200s that gave it the profile of a grasshopper, or a praying mantis? IDK. I have to look at the screen to play this game, ya know? I can’t stare at that for very long before I have to go look at something else, but my opinions evolve. Maybe one day.

Besides, I thought the ML-200s were working fine. How much winning am I supposed to do?

Now, I have the image of a giant mechanical praying mantis in my head, and it’s going to have to come out.


I’m hooked. I think I like their leisurely pace. It’s so very different from everything else on my roster that it takes a moment to get adjusted to. All the other stuff in my rotation is built towards speed (except my Avalanche tank), and then I get to this one, and it’s got a completely different vibe. It’s sort of relaxing by comparison. Maybe it’s my heart trying to sync with the sound of it’s footfalls, like it does for music. IDK.

I’m keeping the legs, and I’m not missing the Deadman I sold to get’em. Not at all.

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I feel the same. After playing fast cars so much, it’s relaxing and a big change of pace to play vehicles that can’t move fast.
Make sure you get yourself enough legs to max out the mass limit of your heavy cabins, so that you can really tank some damage.

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It’s a Dusk with a couple Pyralids and Trombones.

Course Rockets are something I tried when I started, then decided I couldn’t aim them at all. I got rid of them and never looked back. I’m having more fun with them this time around.


Cool builds Doc! The Spider has an imposing dystopian cyber feel to it. The rocket build looks like one of the Knight Riders up-armored a dune buggy.

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Here’s a Wierd build. On my first armour draft I thought, “there’s no way I can make this set up look good.”. Well… It took me a bit but I found an armour design that looks at least ok.

Wang Bus:
8x small tracks/deadman/flywheel/cloak/golden eagle @ 9.2kps

Ps it wrecks faces pretty hard. A good substitute for my high ps Wang build while I have no aegis.

I’m sure I’ll tinker with its paint job again later. It looks mediocre to me still.

Ps, I’m surprised how much hp it has considering all the melee on it. I guess I’m just used to generators.

OK this paint job seems much better.

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