Show us your builds

Can’t say I like that gif either. It’s… Spastic…

It is the one retcher on top and 2 porcs under but if you didn’t have porcs you can under sling the 2nd retcher as well while keeping the current one on top so it is a easy swap. That way you can get hit dogs as well. I tried the underslung retcher and it works. You can attach it to either the apollo or the ammo packs in under the build.

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I also flipped the bumper around and removed the 6x4 block syndicate piece from off the top of the humpback so instead of the retcher being in a fixed position it now got a little more freedom in aim movement so you can adjust shots a little now instead of the locked position like in the original.

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So your crippling your self with aim to make it fair?

No this build is too slow and over 17k ps so I just get eaten by hovers if no one is backing me up. I tried out a little 4k sealclub build with just 1 retcher and I absolutely dominated almost every match with that build. 17k ps is fair but the 4k seal club build was not I felt bad for doing that but just wanted to test out the retcher for the first time. I even got hate messages for using that 4k seal club retcher build.

No you crippled yourself because the game does not compensate for you undermounting a gun when you have you above. Your aim is going to be all wonkie… Put them both above or below…

This is a porc build as well. I only got 1 retcher

This is my toadfish version and I also did a version with vultures called the VultureOfDoom

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SideBite: 2x Waltze/8x Icarus7/griffon/cloak/flywheel/colosus/bootstrap w/ 2.7khp @ 13.6kps



I realized that I hadn’t tried plasma emitters since they introduced the power unit, so I decided to give them another try.
So far they’re a lot more fun than I remember, so I might even upgrade to Helios.

I also reworked my whirl/cohort/auger build into more of a long banana shape, and it’s working much better now. The rocking back and forth was messing up my firing angles too much on the previous version, and this is much more stable:


I did that upgrade and then sold them off to go back down to the epic ones. I really like the epic ones though.

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Why do you prefer the epic ones? Because they’re smaller? Or because Helios puts you in a PS range where they aren’t as effective?

Rate of and speed of fire, Weight. Damage counter counts. I use them for the most part only in raids so PS isn’t a huge issue on that size but it would matter if I went to PVP with them. Overall I found the epic ones nicer to use.

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This week I grinded out a couple of Executioners, and tried them on a hadron/king spider. I wish the penetration mechanic worked better, or that they had a bigger explosion radius, but they’re still pretty fun. Much easier to hit long distance shots than any of the epic turret cannons.

And tossed together a little heavy melee truck.
DPS isn’t as high as a pure flamethrower car, but Yokozuna is great with skinner. Enough mass and power and speed to flip over spiders (if you snare them in the right spot).

What builds sdjhskhdhhdgf./sjdhweruiiqwejhsdn/

Can never add too many spikes!


Mad Max’s Viper


Code loop Omni/avalance/master…

Master heals them all. I hate playing it though. It’s soooo slow to return fire.


D01 Hexawalker

Lore: Mechanized walkers are not anything new to the wastes, steppenwolves have been using them for years, and the founders have brought their own flare with the bigrams. Working together though an interesting thing was made.

The D01 is a hexawalker designed around long range autocanon and AA support. do to rumors of a new threat bringing helicopters into the fight it was decided quickly to make something to counter this threat. Even if the fliers are allies who knows what will happen once ravagers get to the air.

The D01 was built by the kobold under contract as a result, armed with two stillwinds, six bigrams, a cloaking module, and the most comfortable seat in the valley this craft can quickly move into position and set up. to knock anything out of the air. on top of that a master cab makes sure its guns will not be silent until the ride is nothing but slag.

So far combat testing has started in the valley in the arena, with a few contracted wastelanders running these builds to get feed back.



Picked up some more gremlins and tried a few concepts with a skinner before ending up with this thing:

Not very fast, so very dependent on cloak to get close enough to grab with the Skinner. Yokozuna perk gives me enough power to drag and push a lot of builds.
I think I might pick up a few more omniwheels and see if I can get them to work with this concept.