I use to have one built on the icebox that used goliath tracks with goblins. I normally didn’t have to be very fast people would just come attack it.
Yeah, I used to play goblins on a bastion with armoured tracks years ago, and this is pretty similar game play.
But I have to say the new handling on meat grinders works a lot better, as I can keep my guns pointed at enemies a lot better, and if they do manage to pin me from the side, the new enhanced damage for heavy grinder builds helps me punish the person pinning me.
Before I ended up on grinders with this build, I originally started with tank tracks. Had some good matches, but was too vulnerable against faster enemies:
Here was a particularly good/lucky match with it:
This one is pretty similar to mine, i even tried with 2 armoured tracks and 2 tank tracks combined but…they are not enough.
yeah there’s a difference
single goblin, single shot = 24 damage
single gremlin, single shot = 50damage, 44 damage, 38 damage it varied a lot
I remember some people saying the Stillwind has horrible spread issues during the de-upgrade event. The omni has 33% spread reduction and Falcon offers an additional 15% reduction while moving. If you don’t mind not having multiple weapons the BP version is fairly playable. This is even a little high PS wise for where you can get away with just one but it’s do able.
to anyone who hasn’t seen, I am ready for the flight brawl. Note this is an older version, if you search for the build you will find a newer version with flutes instead of thrusters.
Ive been playing around with dual aegis again since their change and the new camera controls. Suffice to say my currently build is much different then my old ones. My old ones were sideways omni builds and the wang was mounted normally. My new build is front faceing and the wang is side mounted to the deadman cab.
I call this build “Fat Chick”
And a black version
Ps heres a second build
Hermit Crab Henry: 3xporc/2x aegis/kapkan/cheetah/omnibox. Its not easy to make a decent tripple porc build that fits inside bothe aegis bubbles fully.
I keep trying to make something work with Yokozuna and gremlins, and so far this thing performs best. Surprised that I can get away with running this many omniwheels, but Yokozuna seems to have the power needed.
I had a single Incinerator from that crate we could get a few events back, so I tried pairing it with the BP jobukko and a Kapkan.
Tried a lot of different movement parts, but this omniwheel/meat grinder tilted build has worked best for me.
Top scorer in just about every match in off we go with this one.
2 adapters and 2 locust
The first thing I ever fused was a humpback cabin I think. To go with my first set of legendary parts..
I’m going to attempt to kill my unintentionally duplicate thread…
There’s a contest on Facebook for you to re-create a real-life helicopter.
Here’s my 1st attempt. I’m not sure if I’m submitting this one.
It’s the MIL MI-10, an absolutely crazy contraption that was the biggest copter ever.
I like including videos because it’s sometimes hard to tell much about a build just with pictures.